Source code for

from collections import OrderedDict

from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.Qt.QtCore import Qt
from schrodinger.ui.qt import delegates as qt_delegates
from schrodinger.ui.qt import pop_up_widgets

from ... import basis_selector
from ...input_tab_widgets import Basis
from . import base_widgets

[docs]class BasisSetColumns(object): HEADERS = ["Atom", "ID", "Entry Title", "Basis Set"] NUM_COLS = len(HEADERS) ATOM, ID, TITLE, BASIS = list(range(NUM_COLS))
[docs]class PerAtomBasisRow(base_widgets.SubTabRow): """ Data about a per-atom basis set setting """
[docs] def __init__(self, entry_id, title, atom_name, atom_num, basis=None): super(PerAtomBasisRow, self).__init__(entry_id, title) self.atom_name = atom_name self.atom_num = atom_num if isinstance(basis, str): basis = Basis.fromText(basis) self.basis = basis
[docs] def copy(self): """ Create a new row object that is a copy of this row :rtype: `PerAtomBasisRow` :return: The row item that is a copy of this row """ eid = self.entry_id title = self.title name = self.atom_name num = self.atom_num basis = self.basis return PerAtomBasisRow(eid, title, name, num, basis=basis)
[docs] def hasValidBasis(self): """ Does this row have a valid basis set? :return: True if the specified row has a valid basis. False if the basis is invalid or blank. :rtype: bool """ if not self.basis: return False struc = self.getStructure() basis = str(self.basis) num_funcs, is_ps = basis_selector.num_basis_functions( basis, struc, atom_num=self.atom_num) return bool(num_funcs)
[docs]class BasisSetTableView(base_widgets.SubTabTableView): COLUMN = BasisSetColumns
[docs] def __init__(self, parent=None): super(BasisSetTableView, self).__init__(parent) basis_delegate = AtomBasisSetDelegate(self) self.setItemDelegateForColumn(self.COLUMN.BASIS, basis_delegate, True)
# TODO: label atoms with their basis set
[docs]class BasisSetModel(base_widgets.SubTabModel): COLUMN = BasisSetColumns UNEDITABLE = (COLUMN.ATOM, COLUMN.ID, COLUMN.TITLE) ROW_CLASS = PerAtomBasisRow MARKER_SETTINGS = {"color": "orange", "alt_color": "yellow"} basisChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def _displayAndSortData(self, col, basis_row, role): # See parent class for documentation on the arguments and return value if col == self.COLUMN.BASIS: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if basis_row.basis: return str(basis_row.basis) else: return "" elif role == base_widgets.SORT_ROLE: return basis_row.basis else: return super(BasisSetModel, self)._displayAndSortData(col, basis_row, role) def _backgroundData(self, col, row_data): """ Mark any invalid basis sets as errors. Don't color cells where the user hasn't yet entered a basis, since there's already a "Double-click to edit" message in those cells. See parent class for documentation on the arguments and return value """ if col == self.COLUMN.BASIS: if row_data.basis and not row_data.hasValidBasis(): return self.ERROR_BACKGROUND_BRUSH return super(BasisSetModel, self)._backgroundData(col, row_data) def _setData(self, col, row_data, value, role, row_num): # See parent class for documentation if col == self.COLUMN.BASIS: row_data.basis = Basis.fromText(value) self.basisChanged.emit(row_data.entry_id) return True else: return False
[docs] def removeRows(self, row, count, parent=None): # See Qt documentation. Note that removeRow (no "s") calls this # function rows_to_delete = self._rows[row:row + count] eids = {row.entry_id for row in rows_to_delete} super(BasisSetModel, self).removeRows(row, count, parent) list(map(self.basisChanged.emit, eids)) return True
[docs] def perAtomBasisForEid(self, eid, name=False): """ Return the per-atom basis sets for the specified entry ID :param eid: The entry id :type eid: str :param name: If True, the return dictionary keys will be atom names. If False, the keys will be atom numbers. :type name: bool :return: A dictionary of {atom number: basis set} or {atom name: basis set} :rtype: dict """ rows = self.rowsForEid(eid) if name: return {row.atom_name: str(row.basis) for row in rows if row.basis} else: return {row.atom_num: str(row.basis) for row in rows if row.basis}
[docs]class BasisSetProxyModel(base_widgets.SubTabProxyModel):
[docs] def checkBasisSets(self): """ Check to see if all rows have valid basis sets :return: An OrderedDict of {entry title: list of atom names with invalid basis sets}. The OrderedDict and atom lists are in the same order as the table itself. If all rows have valid basis sets, then an empty OrderedDict is returned. :rtype: `OrderedDict` """ # use an OrderedDict so the errors appear in the same order as the table bad_data = OrderedDict() for row_num in range(self.rowCount()): row_data = self._getRowData(row_num) if not row_data.hasValidBasis(): cur_struc = bad_data.setdefault(row_data.title, []) cur_struc.append(row_data.atom_name) return bad_data
def _getRowData(self, row_num): """ Get the row data for the specified row :param row_num: The row number (using proxy model row numbering, not source model) :type row_num: int :return: The requested row data :rtype: `PerAtomBasisRow` """ proxy_index = self.index(row_num, 1) model_index = self.mapToSource(proxy_index) model_row_num = model_index.row() row_data = self.sourceModel()._rows[model_row_num] return row_data
[docs]class AtomBasisSetDelegate(pop_up_widgets.PopUpDelegate, qt_delegates.DefaultMessageDelegate): """ A delegate for selecting per-atom basis sets """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent): super(AtomBasisSetDelegate, self).__init__(parent, None, True)
def _createEditor(self, parent, option, index): # See parent class and Qt documentation struc = atom_nums = atom_num = atom_nums[0] editor = basis_selector.FilterBasisSelectorReadOnlyLineEdit(parent) editor.setStructure(struc) editor.setAtomNum(atom_num) return editor