Source code for

Module containing classes for selection of theory in Jaguar GUIs.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import csv

from import THEORY_HF
from import THEORY_LMP2
from import THEORY_RIMP2
from import LEVELS_OF_THEORY
from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets
from schrodinger.Qt.QtCore import Qt
from schrodinger.ui.qt import filter_list
from schrodinger.ui.qt import pop_up_widgets
from schrodinger.utils import csv_unicode

DOCS_FIELDS = ['description', 'references']

[docs]class TheoryListWidgetItem(QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem): """ Custom list widget items for theory selection. """
[docs] def __init__(self, text, method=None, is_recommended=False, is_dispersion_corrected_dft=False, is_long_range_corrected_dft=False, is_hybrid_dft=False, is_meta_gga_dft=False, is_gga_dft=False, is_lda_dft=False, is_non_dft=False): """ :param text: Display text for this list item :type text: str :param method: Actual method name for this list item. :type method: str :param is_recommended: Whether this list item is recommended :type is_recommended: bool :param is_dispersion_corrected_dft: Whether this list item is dispersion-corrected DFT :type is_dispersion_corrected_dft: bool :param is_long_range_corrected_dft: Whether this list item is long-range corrected DFT :type is_long_range_corrected_dft: bool :param is_hybrid_dft: Whether this list item is hybrid DFT :type is_hybrid_dft: bool :param is_meta_gga_dft: Whether this list item is meta-GGA DFT :type is_meta_gga_dft: bool :param is_gga_dft: Whether this list item is GGA DFT :type is_gga_dft: bool :param is_lda_dft: Whether this list item is LDA DFT :type is_lda_dft: bool :param is_non_dft: Whether this list item is non-DFT :type is_non_dft: bool """ super().__init__(text) self.method = method self.is_recommended = is_recommended self.is_dispersion_corrected_dft = is_dispersion_corrected_dft self.is_long_range_corrected_dft = is_long_range_corrected_dft self.is_hybrid_dft = is_hybrid_dft self.is_meta_gga_dft = is_meta_gga_dft self.is_gga_dft = is_gga_dft self.is_lda_dft = is_lda_dft self.is_non_dft = is_non_dft
[docs]class TheorySelectorFilterListPopUp(filter_list.FilterListPopUp): """ Class allowing for dynamic filtering and selection of methods. :cvar DFT_ONLY: Whether only DFT functionals should be included :type DFT_ONLY: bool """ DFT_ONLY = False
[docs] def __init__(self, parent): list_items = self._getListItems() cbs = self._getFilterCheckBoxes() super().__init__(parent, list_items, cbs, 'Limit list to matching methods')
def _getListItems(self): """ :return: A tuple of the list items for the list widget. :rtype: tuple(TheoryListWidgetItem) """ list_items = [] with csv_unicode.reader_open(LEVELS_OF_THEORY) as fh: reader = csv.DictReader(fh) for row in reader: for col in DOCS_FIELDS: del row[col] for col, val in row.items(): if col != 'method': if val not in ("0", "1"): raise RuntimeError( f"Unexpected {col} value for {row['method']}: {val}" ) row[col] = val == '1' is_non_dft = row['is_non_dft'] method = row['method'] if is_non_dft and self.DFT_ONLY: continue disp_name = method if is_non_dft: disp_name = disp_name + NON_DFT_POSTFIX list_items.append(TheoryListWidgetItem(disp_name, **row)) return tuple(list_items) def _getFilterCheckBoxes(self): """ :return: a tuple of the filter checkboxes for this list :rtype: tuple(filter_list.FilterCheckBox) """ recommended_func = lambda li: li.is_recommended recommended_cb = filter_list.FilterCheckBox("Recommended", recommended_func) disp_corrected_func = lambda li: li.is_dispersion_corrected_dft disp_corrected_cb = filter_list.FilterCheckBox( 'Dispersion corrected DFT', disp_corrected_func) long_range_func = lambda li: li.is_long_range_corrected_dft long_range_cb = filter_list.FilterCheckBox('Long range corrected DFT', long_range_func) hybrid_func = lambda li: li.is_hybrid_dft hybrid_cb = filter_list.FilterCheckBox("Hybrid DFT", hybrid_func) meta_gga_func = lambda li: li.is_meta_gga_dft meta_gga_cb = filter_list.FilterCheckBox('Meta GGA DFT', meta_gga_func) gga_func = lambda li: li.is_gga_dft gga_cb = filter_list.FilterCheckBox('GGA DFT', gga_func) lda_func = lambda li: li.is_lda_dft lda_cb = filter_list.FilterCheckBox("LDA DFT", lda_func) non_dft_func = lambda li: li.is_non_dft non_dft_cb = filter_list.FilterCheckBox("Non-DFT", non_dft_func) cbs = [ recommended_cb, disp_corrected_cb, long_range_cb, hybrid_cb, meta_gga_cb, gga_cb, lda_cb ] if not self.DFT_ONLY: cbs += [non_dft_cb] return tuple(cbs) def _getListItemTextForTheory(self, theory): """ :return: The list item text that is shown for a specified theory method. :rtype: str """ if theory in [THEORY_HF, THEORY_LMP2, THEORY_RIMP2]: theory_text = theory + NON_DFT_POSTFIX else: theory_text = theory return theory_text
[docs] def setMethod(self, theory=None): """ Set the theory to the specified value. :param theory: Theory value to set :type theory: str or None :return: True if theory was set, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if theory is None: self._list_widget.setCurrentItem(None) return theory = self._getListItemTextForTheory(theory) items = self._list_widget.findItems(theory, Qt.MatchFlag.MatchFixedString) if len(items) != 1: return False item = items[0] if item.isHidden(): return False self._list_widget.setCurrentItem(item) return True
[docs] def getMethod(self): """ :return: The currently selected theory value. :rtype: str or None """ current_item = self._list_widget.currentItem() if not current_item: return None return current_item.method
[docs] def addMethod(self, method, category, display_name=None): """ Add the specified method to the popup's available methods. :param method: Method to be added :type method: str :param category: Category for this method :type category: str :param display_name: Display name for this method. If not specified, the method value will be used. :type display_name: str or None """ if display_name is None: display_name = method list_item = TheoryListWidgetItem(display_name, method, category) self._list_widget.addItem(list_item)
[docs] def isItemHidden(self, theory): # See parent class for argument specification theory = self._getListItemTextForTheory(theory) return super().isItemHidden(theory)
[docs]class DftTheorySelectorFilterListPopUp(TheorySelectorFilterListPopUp): """ Class allowing for dynamic filtering and selection of DFT functionals """ DFT_ONLY = True
[docs]class TheorySelectorFilterListToolButton( filter_list.ToolButtonWithFilterListPopUp): """ Custom tool button with a theory selector filter list pop up. """ POP_UP_CLASS = TheorySelectorFilterListPopUp
[docs] def getMethod(self): """ :return: the currently selected theory :rtype: str or None """ return self._pop_up.getMethod()
[docs] def setMethod(self, theory=None): """ Set the current theory value. :param theory: Theory value to be set :type theory: str or None :return: True if the theory level was set, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ return self._pop_up.setMethod(theory)
[docs] def addMethod(self, method, category, display_name=None): """ Add the specified method to the popup's available methods. :param method: Method to be added :type method: str :param category: Category for this method :type category: str :param display_name: Display name for this method. If not specified, the method value will be used. :type display_name: str or None """ self._pop_up.addMethod(method, category, display_name)
[docs] def applySettings(self, settings): """ Apply the specified filter settings to the pop up :param settings: Settings to be applied :type settings: dict """ self._pop_up.applySettings(settings)
[docs]class DftTheorySelectorFilterListToolButton(TheorySelectorFilterListToolButton): """ Custom tool button with a theory selector filter list pop up for DFT functionals. """ POP_UP_CLASS = DftTheorySelectorFilterListPopUp
[docs]class FilterTheorySelectorReadOnlyLineEdit(pop_up_widgets.LineEditWithPopUp): """ A read-only line edit used as an editor for table models with a TheorySelectorFilterPopUp. :ivar filtersChanged: Signal emitted when filters are toggled. emits a dict of current filter settings. :type filtersChanged: QtCore.pyQtSignal(dict) """ filtersChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict)
[docs] def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent, TheorySelectorFilterListPopUp) self.setReadOnly(True) self._pop_up.filtersChanged.connect(self.filtersChanged) # FIXME - The below is intended to assist in # closing the popup when embedded in a table, but # doesn't seem to be working as expected... self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus)
[docs] def setMethod(self, theory=None): """ Set the current theory value. :param theory: The current theory value to be set. :type theory: str or None """ self._pop_up.setMethod(theory)
[docs] def popUpUpdated(self): """ Update the line edit text based on the current pop up selection. """ theory = self._pop_up.getMethod() if theory is not None: self.setText(theory)
[docs] def applySettings(self, settings): """ Apply the specified filter settings to the pop up. :param settings: Filter settings to apply :type settings: dict """ self._pop_up.applySettings(settings)