Source code for

Functions and classes for defining the input to a Workflow workflow.
# Contributors: Mark A. Watson, Leif D. Jacobson, Daniel S. Levine

import abc
import copy
import os
import time
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
import yaml

import as wv
from import utils as jag_utils
from import Coordinate
from import JaguarUserFacingException
from import JaguarInput
from import \


[docs]class WorkflowInput(abc.ABC): """ A Base class for specifying parameters in workflow calculations. The following functions must be defined in the inheriting class: - validate(self) - generate_keywords(self) """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate_keywords(self): """ Initialize the list of possible keywords :return type: dictionary (keys are lowercase string, values are WorkflowKeyword) :return param: key, WorkflowKeyword pairs specific to this job's input file """ return {}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def validate(self): """ Perform a self-consistency check of all currently set keywords. write for inheriting class :return param: Whether or no input passes workflow-specific validation checks :return type: bool """ msg = "This function must be specified in a derived Workflow class" raise NotImplementedError(msg)
input_file_keys = [] workflow_name = 'Workflow'
[docs] def __init__(self, inputfile=None, keywords=None, jaguar_keywords=None, jobname=None): """ Create a WorkflowInput instance. If a keyword is specified in both 'inputfile' and 'keywords', then the values in 'keywords' will be set preferrentially. This also applies to 'jaguar_keywords'. :type inputfile: str :param inputfile: Path to a Workflow input file :type keywords: dict :param keywords: Workflow keyword/value pairs :type jaguar_keywords: dict :param jaguar_keywords: Jaguar &gen section keyword/value pairs :type jobname: string :param jobname: Name of job, if it is not None it will be set to the basename of the input file name. """ self._inputfile = None self._keywords = self.generate_keywords() self._constraints = defaultdict(list) self._frozen_atoms = defaultdict(list) # Initialize JaguarInput instance self._jaguarinput = JaguarInput() # Set user-defined keyword values. self._jaguar_user_keys = dict() if inputfile is not None: self._inputfile = inputfile if keywords is not None: self.setValues(keywords) if jaguar_keywords is not None: self.setJaguarValues(jaguar_keywords) self._jaguar_user_keys.update(jaguar_keywords) self.setJobname(jobname)
def __iter__(self): """ Provide convenient way to iterate over the keywords. """ return iter(self._keywords) @property def keywords(self): return self._keywords @property def values(self): """ Support access to WorkflowKeyword values via attribute syntax. e.g.:: wi = WorkflowInput() print wi.values.optimize # print 'optimize' keyword value """ class KeywordValuesNamespace(object): def __init__(self, inp): super(KeywordValuesNamespace, self).__setattr__('inp', inp) def __getattr__(self, name): return self.inp.getValue(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): return self.inp.setValue(name, value) return KeywordValuesNamespace(self)
[docs] def getValue(self, keyword): """ Return the value for Workflow keyword. The return type depends on the keyword. :type keyword: string :param keyword: name of keyword :raise WorkflowKeywordError if no keyword found """ key = keyword.lower() if key in self._keywords: return self._keywords[key].value else: raise wv.WorkflowKeywordError(key, list(self._keywords))
[docs] def setValue(self, keyword, value): """ Set the Workflow keyword 'keyword' to value 'value'. Note that there may be type-checking and conversion by the WorkflowKeyword class. If 'value' is None, the keyword will be reset. :type keyword: string :param keyword: name of keyword :type value: anytype :param value: value of keyword :raise WorkflowKeywordError if no keyword found """ key = keyword.lower() if key not in self._keywords: raise wv.WorkflowKeywordError(key, list(self._keywords)) if value is not None: self._keywords[key].value = value else: self.resetKey(key)
__getitem__ = getValue __setitem__ = setValue
[docs] def setValues(self, keywords): """ Set multiple Workflow keywords. :type keywords: dict of string/anytype pairs :param keywords: keyword/value pairs """ for k, v in keywords.items(): self.setValue(k, v)
[docs] def getJaguarValue(self, key): """ Return the value for Jaguar keyword 'key'. The return type depends on the keyword. :type key: string :param key: name of keyword """ return self._jaguarinput.getValue(key)
[docs] def setJaguarValue(self, key, value): """ Set the Jaguar &gen section keyword 'key' to value 'value'. :type key: string :param key: name of keyword :type value: anytype :param value: value of keyword :raise JaguarKeywordException if keyword is invalid """ keyword_value_pair_is_valid(key, str(value)) self._jaguarinput.setValue(key, value)
[docs] def setJaguarValues(self, keywords): """ Set multiple Jaguar &gen section keywords. :type keywords: dict of string/anytype pairs :param keywords: Jaguar &gen section keyword/value pairs """ # store the jaguar keywords that have been set by the user (as a set) for k, v in keywords.items(): self.setJaguarValue(k, v)
[docs] def getJaguarNonDefault(self): """ Return a dictionary of all non-default Jaguar keys except 'multip' and 'molchg', which must be retrieved explicitly. """ jinp_keys = self._jaguarinput.getNonDefault() for k, v in self._jaguar_user_keys.items(): if k not in jinp_keys: jinp_keys[k] = v elif jinp_keys[k] != v: raise JaguarUserFacingException( "Inconsistency in Jaguar keywords of workflow") return jinp_keys
[docs] def resetKey(self, keyword): """ Reset keyword to default state. :type keyword: string :param keyword: name of keyword """ key = keyword.lower() if key in self._keywords: self._keywords[key].reset() else: raise wv.WorkflowKeywordError(key, list(self._keywords))
[docs] def resetAll(self): """ Reset all keywords to their default states. """ for key in self._keywords: self.resetKey(key) #FIXME this could be done in a different way self._jaguarinput = JaguarInput()
[docs] def getDefault(self, keyword): """ Return the default value for Workflow keyword 'keyword'. The return type depends on the keyword. :type keyword: string :param keyword: name of keyword :raise WorkflowKeywordError if no keyword found """ key = keyword.lower() if key in self._keywords: return self._keywords[key].default else: raise wv.WorkflowKeywordError(key, list(self._keywords))
[docs] def getNonDefaultKeys(self): """ Return a dictionary of all non-default-value WorkflowKeyword instances indexed by name. """ nondefault_keywords = {} for key, kwd in self._keywords.items(): if kwd.isNonDefault(): nondefault_keywords[] = kwd return nondefault_keywords
[docs] def isNonDefault(self, keyword): """ Has the specified keyword been set to a non-default value? :type keyword: str :param keyword: The key to check :return: True if the specified keyword is set to a non-default value. False otherwise. """ key = keyword.lower() if key in self._keywords: return self._keywords[key].isNonDefault() else: raise wv.WorkflowKeywordError(key, list(self._keywords))
[docs] def setConstraints(self, constraints): """ Set the constraints. :type constraints: dict of str: Coordinate instance :param constraints: dictionary relating structure title to a list of Coordinate instances which define the constraints """ for title in constraints: assert all( len(c.indices) > 1 and len(c.indices) <= 4 for c in constraints[title]) self._constraints = copy.deepcopy(constraints)
[docs] def getConstraints(self): """ Return the constraints defined in the input file :return: a dict relating structure titles to constraints the constraints are given as a list of Coordinate instances and the titles refer to the titles of the input molecules. """ return dict(self._constraints)
[docs] def setFrozenAtoms(self, frozen_atoms): """ Set the constraints. :type frozen_atoms: dict of str: Coordinate instance :param frozen_atoms: dictionary relating structure title to a list of Coordinate instances which define the frozen atoms """ for title in frozen_atoms: assert all(len(c.indices) == 1 for c in frozen_atoms[title]) self._frozen_atoms = copy.deepcopy(frozen_atoms)
[docs] def getFrozenAtoms(self): """ Return the frozen atoms defined in the input file :return: a dict relating structure titles to constraints the constraints are given as a list of Coordinate instances and the titles refer to the titles of the input molecules. """ return dict(self._frozen_atoms)
[docs] def validate_jaguar_keywords(self, sts): """ Perform a check to ensure that Jaguar keywords are not set in a way that cannot be handled. :param sts: Structures whose basis needs validating :type sts: list of Structure objects """ basis = self.getJaguarValue('basis') wv.basis_set_is_valid(sts, basis)
[docs] def save(self, name): """ Create a Workflow input file called 'name' in the current working directory based on this class instance. Only write the non-default keyword values. :type name: str :param name: Path to a Workflow input file """ with open(name, 'w') as fh: # Write non-default Workflow keywords rkeys = self.getNonDefaultKeys() if rkeys: for k, kwd in rkeys.items(): line = + ' = ' + str(kwd.value) fh.write(line + '\n') # Write non-default Jaguar &gen section keywords jkeys = self.getJaguarNonDefault() if jkeys: fh.write('&JaguarKeywords\n') for k, v in jkeys.items(): line = k + ' = ' + str(v) fh.write(line + '\n') fh.write('&\n') # Write constraints if self.have_constraints() or self.have_frozen_atoms(): fh.write('&Constraints\n') for k, constraints in { **self._constraints, **self._frozen_atoms }.items(): for constraint in constraints: constraint_string = [k] constraint_string.extend(map(str, constraint.indices)) if len(constraint.indices) > 1: constraint_string.append("%12.4f" % constraint.value) fh.write(" ".join(constraint_string) + "\n") fh.write('&\n')
[docs] def setJobname(self, jobname): """ Set the attribute jobname. :type jobname: string :param jobname: input name of job. If jobname is None we try to use self._inputfile. If that is also None we assign a unique name. """ if jobname is not None: self.jobname = jobname elif self._inputfile is not None: name, ext = os.path.splitext(self._inputfile) self.jobname = os.path.basename(name) else: # assign randomly based on the workflow name and a time stamp stamp = str(time.time()) self.jobname = jag_utils.get_jobname(self.workflow_name, stamp)
[docs] def read(self, inputfile): """ Read an existing Workflow input file. Any keywords specified in the input file will override existing values in this WorkflowInput instance. Jaguar &gen section keywords are defined like:: &JaguarKeywords key=val key=val ... & Constraints can be defined with:: &Constraints st_title atom_index1 atom_index2... value & :type inputfile: str :param inputfile: Path to a Workflow input file """ if not os.path.exists(inputfile): raise IOError("No such file: '%s'" % inputfile) with open(inputfile, 'r') as fh: for line in fh: if line.strip().startswith('&JaguarKeywords'): # Parse Jaguar keywords &gen section line = next(fh) while line.partition('#')[0].strip() != '&': key, value = self._parse_keyword_line(line) if key is not None: self.setJaguarValue(key, value) self._jaguar_user_keys[key] = value line = next(fh) elif line.strip().startswith('&Constraints'): # parse constraints line = next(fh) while line.partition('#')[0].strip() != '&': title, constraint = self._parse_constraint_line(line) if title is not None and constraint is not None: if len(constraint.indices) == 1: self._frozen_atoms[title].append(constraint) else: self._constraints[title].append(constraint) line = next(fh) else: # Parse Workflow keywords key, value = self._parse_keyword_line(line) if key is not None: self.setValue(key, value)
[docs] def remove_input_file_paths(self): """ Remove full paths from file specifications. A new input file is no longer written, if that is desired the user must call the save method. """ # Update internal state of this class for key in self.input_file_keys: filepath = self.getValue(key) if isinstance(filepath, list): basename = [os.path.basename(x) for x in filepath] else: basename = os.path.basename(filepath) self.setValue(key, basename)
[docs] def update_input_file_paths(self): """ Update full paths for file specifications to reflect the CWD. This is useful if running this job in a subdirectory or on a remote host. """ def _prepend_cwd(cwd, filename): if os.path.exists(filename): return os.path.join(cwd, filename) else: raise IOError("File does not exist: %s" % filename) # remove old paths self.remove_input_file_paths() cwd = os.getcwd() # Update internal state of this class for key in self.input_file_keys: filepath = self.getValue(key) if filepath: #only act on non-empty lists/strings if isinstance(filepath, list): basename = [_prepend_cwd(cwd, x) for x in filepath] else: basename = _prepend_cwd(cwd, filepath) self.setValue(key, basename)
[docs] def have_constraints(self): """ Do we have internal coordinate constraints """ return len(self._constraints) > 0
[docs] def have_frozen_atoms(self): """ Do we have frozen atom constraints """ return len(self._frozen_atoms) > 0
[docs] def get_input_files(self): """ Return set of expected input files. """ infiles = set([]) # Main input file if self._inputfile is not None: infiles.add(self._inputfile) # Auxiliary files for key in self.input_file_keys: filepath = self.getValue(key) if isinstance(filepath, list): infiles.update(filepath) elif filepath: infiles.add(filepath) return infiles
def _parse_keyword_line(self, line): """ Parse line of text for keyword=value and store it. Ignore comment lines starting with # :type line: str :param line: line from input file :raise WorkflowKeywordFormatError if line can't be parsed. :return (key, value) or (None, None) if empty line. """ key = None value = None # Ignore blank lines and comment lines starting with # # and transform keywords to lower case if line.partition('#')[0].strip(): try: key, value = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=', 1)] key = key.lower() except ValueError: raise wv.WorkflowKeywordFormatError(line) # Convert to YAML form and parse. This conveniently # ignores all text starting with # and coerces # strings into corresponding python types. # e.g. '1' becomes an int, '2.0' becomes a float, # '[1, 2]' becomes a list of int's, # '[a, b]' becomes a list of str's, etc. line = key + ': ' + value parsed_line = yaml.load(line, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) value = parsed_line.get(key) # If keyword expects a list but input file has only # one element, convert it to a list keyword = self.keywords.get(key) if keyword and isinstance(keyword.valid_type, list): if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] return key, value def _parse_constraint_line(self, line): """ Parse a line specifying a constraint. The format is structure title, list of indexes and value for constraint. The indexes are assumed to be referring to an input reactant or product molecule as defined by the structure title. :type line: str :param line: a line from a &Constraint section :return: the structure title and a Coordinate instance describing constraint. """ title, constraint = (None, None) # Ignore blank lines and comment lines starting with # if line.partition('#')[0].strip(): items = line.split() # atoms use a dummy value (frozen) if len(items) == 2: value = np.zeros(3) indexes = [int(items[1])] # internal coords elif len(items) >= 4 and len(items) <= 6: value = float(items[-1]) indexes = map(int, items[1:-1]) else: raise wv.ConstraintFormatError(line) title = items[0] constraint = Coordinate(value, *indexes) return title, constraint