Source code for schrodinger.application.livedesign.export_map_manager

import json
import os

from schrodinger.models import mappers
from schrodinger.models import parameters
from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.ui.qt import basewidgets
from schrodinger.utils import fileutils

from . import constants
from . import data_classes
from . import panel_components

from . import save_mapping_dialog_ui

# LiveDesign export JSON properties
ASSAY = 'assay'
DATA_NAME = 'data_name'
FAMILY_NAME = 'family_name'
USER_NAME = 'user_name'
ROWS = 'rows'
DECIMAL = 'decimal'
OPTION = 'option'
ASSAY_FOLDER_PATH = 'assay_folder_path'
HOST = 'host'
LD_PROJECT = 'ld_project'

[docs]class ExportMapTypeError(TypeError): """ Exception to raise when the panel attempts to load a map that has host and project values that do not match those of the panel. """
[docs]class ExportMap: """ A wrapper for holding fields required for repopulating the export table. :cvar EXPORT_ROW_CLASS: class to use for the export table row objects :vartype EXPORT_ROW_CLASS: panel_components.ExportRow """ EXPORT_ROW_CLASS = panel_components.ExportRow
[docs] def __init__(self, map_name, map_file_path, host=None, proj_id=None, export_rows=None): """ :param map_name: name of map :type map_name: str :param map_file_path: file path to map :type map_file_path: str :param host: LD server - used to confirm the same conditions exist for a successful application of the map. :type host: str or None :param proj_id: project ID used to confirm the same conditions exist for a successful application of the map. :type proj_id: str or None :param export_rows: rows of the export table :type export_rows: [panel_components.ExportRow] or None """ self.map_name = map_name self.map_file_path = map_file_path = host self.proj_id = proj_id self.export_rows = export_rows
[docs] def writeMapToFile(self): """ Write the mapping as json to file with name 'self.map_name'. """ row_maps = self._getRowMaps() data = {HOST:, LD_PROJECT: self.proj_id, ROWS: row_maps} with open(self.map_file_path, 'w') as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)
def _getRowMaps(self): """ :return: a list of dictionaries containing data for each export row in the table :rtype: List[Dict] """ row_maps = [] for exp_row in self.export_rows: row_map = { DATA_NAME: exp_row.ld_data.data_name, FAMILY_NAME: exp_row.ld_data.family_name, USER_NAME: exp_row.ld_data.user_name or '', ASSAY: exp_row.assay, constants.LD_PROP_ENDPOINT: exp_row.endpoint, constants.LD_PROP_UNITS: exp_row.units, DECIMAL: exp_row.decimal, OPTION: exp_row.option, ASSAY_FOLDER_PATH: exp_row.assay_folder_path } row_maps.append(row_map) return row_maps
[docs] def readMapFile(self): """ Read mappings file and set up """ with open(self.map_file_path, "r") as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) = data[HOST] self.proj_id = data[LD_PROJECT] self.export_rows = self._getExportRows(data[ROWS])
def _is3DRow(self, row_map): ''' :param row_map: Dict of data row read from map file :type row_map: `dict` :return: True if row is 3D row else False :rtype: `bool` ''' return row_map[FAMILY_NAME] == constants.FAMNAME_3D_DATA def _getExportRows(self, row_maps): """ Given a list of row data dictionaries, return a list of properly- formatted row objects. :param row_maps: the mapping file data dictionary :type row_maps: List[Dict] :return: a list of export rows in the table :rtype: List[panel_components.ExportRow] """ export_rows = [] for row_map in row_maps: data_name = row_map[DATA_NAME] user_name = row_map[USER_NAME] family_name = row_map[FAMILY_NAME] ld_data = data_classes.LDData(data_name=data_name, family_name=family_name, user_name=user_name, requires_3d=self._is3DRow(row_map)) exp_row = self.EXPORT_ROW_CLASS( ld_data=ld_data, assay=row_map[ASSAY], endpoint=row_map[constants.LD_PROP_ENDPOINT], units=row_map[constants.LD_PROP_UNITS], decimal=row_map[DECIMAL], # PANEL-16830 row_map will not have OPTION, if mappings saved # before 2020-2 option=row_map.get(OPTION), assay_folder_path=row_map[ASSAY_FOLDER_PATH]) export_rows.append(exp_row) return export_rows
[docs]class ExportMapManager: """ Interface to manage Export Map files. :cvar EXPORT_MAP_CLASS: the class to use for mapping export rows :vartype EXPORT_MAP_CLASS: ExportMap """ EXPORT_MAP_CLASS = ExportMap MAESTRO_EXPORT_MAP_DIR_PATH = os.path.join( fileutils.get_directory_path(fileutils.USERDATA), 'maestro_export_mappings')
[docs] def __init__(self, host, proj_id): """ Creates the custom dir to store mappings, if it doesn't already exist. :param host: LD server being used to export to. :type host: str :param proj_id: LD project to export to. :type proj_id: str """ fileutils.mkdir_p(self.MAESTRO_EXPORT_MAP_DIR_PATH) = host self.proj_id = proj_id self.recently_used_maps = sorted(self.getAvailableMappings())
[docs] def saveNewMapping(self, map_name, export_rows): """ Save the given mapping to disk under given map_name. :param map_name: name to save the new map under :type map_name: str :param export_rows: of the export table used to generate the map :type export_rows: [panel_components.ExportRow] """ map_fp = self.getMapFilePath(map_name) new_map = self.EXPORT_MAP_CLASS(map_name, map_fp,, self.proj_id, export_rows) new_map.writeMapToFile() self.recently_used_maps.insert(0, map_name)
[docs] def openMapping(self, map_file): """ Open and read the mapping from the map_file :param map_file: Path to a map file :type map_file: str :return: mapping of rows of the export table :rtype: [panel_components.ExportRow] """ map_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(map_file))[0] op_map = self.EXPORT_MAP_CLASS(map_name, map_file) op_map.readMapFile() # PANEL-16830 # map_file may contain an integer value for the project id if saved by # verions before 2020-2 build-049. So explicitly comparing as string if != or str(op_map.proj_id) != self.proj_id: raise ExportMapTypeError( 'Export Mapping Error: The following mapping, {0}, is ' 'configured for the host: {1}, and project: {2}.'.format( map_name,, op_map.proj_id)) if map_name in self.recently_used_maps: self.recently_used_maps.remove(map_name) self.recently_used_maps.insert(0, map_name) return op_map.export_rows
[docs] def deleteMapping(self, map_name): """ Delete the mapping under giving map_name from disk. :param map_name: name of map to delete :type map_name: str """ del_map_file_path = self.getMapFilePath(map_name) fileutils.force_remove(del_map_file_path) if map_name in self.recently_used_maps: self.recently_used_maps.remove(map_name)
[docs] def getAvailableMappings(self): """ Return a list of mappings available for use. :return: list of available mappings :rtype: list of str """ files = os.listdir(self.MAESTRO_EXPORT_MAP_DIR_PATH) mapping_names = [] for fn in files: mapping_names.append(os.path.splitext(fn)[0]) return mapping_names
[docs] def getMostRecentMappings(self, cutoff=10): """ Returns the most recent map files opened/created :param cutoff: How many mappings to return :type cutoff: int :return: list of available mappings :rtype: list of str """ available_mappings = self.getAvailableMappings() for map_name in reversed(self.recently_used_maps): if map_name in available_mappings: map_idx = available_mappings.index(map_name) available_mappings.pop(map_idx) available_mappings.insert(0, map_name) return available_mappings[:cutoff]
[docs] def getMapFilePath(self, map_name): """ Given the map name, generate the file path. :param map_name: name of map to generate file path for :type map_name: str :return: file path to map on disk :rtype: str """ return os.path.join(self.MAESTRO_EXPORT_MAP_DIR_PATH, map_name + '.json')
[docs]class SaveMappingDialogModel(parameters.CompoundParam): mapping_name: str = ''
[docs]class SaveMappingDialog(mappers.MapperMixin, basewidgets.BaseDialog): """ Dialog for saving a mapping name """ ui_module = save_mapping_dialog_ui model_class = SaveMappingDialogModel saveMappingRequested = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
[docs] def initSetOptions(self): super().initSetOptions() self.std_btn_specs = { self.StdBtn.Ok: (self.saveMapping, 'Save'), self.StdBtn.Cancel: self.clearMappingName, }
[docs] def initSetUp(self): super().initSetUp() self.setWindowTitle('Save New Mapping')
[docs] def defineMappings(self): M = self.model_class ui = self.ui return [ (ui.mapping_name_le, M.mapping_name), ]
[docs] def saveMapping(self): self.saveMappingRequested.emit(self.model.mapping_name) self.clearMappingName()
[docs] def clearMappingName(self): self.model.reset()