Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.maestrocmds

Common Maestro commands.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import contextlib
import random

import seaborn as sns

import schrodinger

maestro = schrodinger.get_maestro()

XKCD = 'xkcd'
CRAYON = 'crayon'
    XKCD: (sns.xkcd_palette, sns.xkcd_rgb),
    CRAYON: (sns.crayon_palette, sns.crayons)

[docs]def get_colors(palette=None, seed=None, n_colors=10, normalized=False): """ Return RGB color tuples. :type palette: str :param palette: if not a palette in PALETTES then this is the palette kwarg passed to seaborn.color_palette :type seed: None or int :param seed: if given randomize the RGB color tuples using the given seed :type n_colors: int :param n_colors: the number of colors to return :type normalized: bool :param normalized: whether to normalize the RGB tuples :rtype: list :return: contains RGB color tuples """ pair = PALETTES.get(palette) if pair: rgb_getter, color_dict = pair rgbs = rgb_getter(color_dict.keys()) else: rgbs = sns.color_palette(palette=palette, n_colors=n_colors) if seed: myrandom = random.Random(seed) myrandom.shuffle(rgbs) rgbs = rgbs[:n_colors] if not normalized: rgbs = [tuple(int(255 * item) for item in rgb) for rgb in rgbs] return rgbs
def _get_color_set_1(seed=123, n_colors=20): """ Return RGB color tuples for set 1. :type seed: None or int :param seed: if given randomize the RGB color tuples using the given seed :type n_colors: int :param n_colors: the number of colors to return :rtype: list :return: contains RGB color tuples """ # the following gives 10 unique colors (this is the maximum number # of unique colors avilable with the given options before it starts # reusing colors) rgbs = get_colors(palette=None, seed=None, n_colors=10) n_colors = n_colors - 10 if n_colors > 0: rgbs += get_colors(palette=CRAYON, seed=seed, n_colors=n_colors) return rgbs
[docs]def normalize_rgb_color(rgb): """ Normalize the given color. :type rgb: tuple :param rgb: an RGB triple of integers in [0, 255] :rtype: tuple :return: normalized RGB triple of floats in [0, 1] """ return tuple(x / 255 for x in rgb)
[docs]def get_atoms_asl(idxs): """ Return the atoms ASL. :type idxs: list(int) :param idxs: atom indices :rtype: str :return: the atoms ASL """ idxs_str = ','.join(map(str, idxs)) return f'atom.n {idxs_str}'
[docs]def execute_cmd(cmd): """ Execute the Maestro command. :type cmd: str :param cmd: the Maestro command """ if maestro: maestro.command(cmd)
[docs]def color_atoms(rgb, idxs): """ Color atoms in the Maestro WS. :type rgb: tuple :param rgb: an RGB triple of integers in [0, 255] :type idxs: list(int) :param idxs: atom indices """ cmd = 'coloratomrgb red=%s green=%s blue=%s' % rgb asl = get_atoms_asl(idxs) execute_cmd(f'{cmd} {asl}')
[docs]def color_atom_groups(all_idxs, rgbs=None): """ Color groups of atoms in the Maestro WS. :type all_idxs: list(list(int)) :param all_idxs: groups of atom indices :type rgbs: list(tuple) or None :param rgbs: RGB triples of integers in [0, 255] for coloring the different groups of atoms, if None then some defaults colors are used """ if not rgbs: # seed of 4 gives decent colors rgbs = _get_color_set_1(seed=4, n_colors=len(all_idxs)) assert len(all_idxs) <= len(rgbs) for idxs, rgb in zip(all_idxs, rgbs): color_atoms(rgb, idxs)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def select_all_atoms(): """ Context manager to temporarily select all atoms in the Maestro WS. """ execute_cmd('workspaceselectionclear') execute_cmd('workspaceselectionreplacenoundo all') yield execute_cmd('workspaceselectionclearnoundo') execute_cmd('workspaceselectionclear')
[docs]def select_atoms(index): """ Select specified atoms in Maestro WS :type index: list :param index: list of atom indexes """ execute_cmd('workspaceselectionreplace atom.n ' + ','.join(map(str, index)))
[docs]def color_by_element(): """ Color all atoms in the Maestro WS by element. """ with select_all_atoms(): execute_cmd('colorscheme scheme="Element" at.selected')
[docs]def set_ballnstick_repr(idxs): """ Set the representation of atoms in the Maestro WS to ball-and-stick. :type idxs: list(int) :param idxs: atom indices """ maestro.command('repatombonds all') cmd = 'repatom rep=ballnstick' asl = get_atoms_asl(idxs) execute_cmd(f'{cmd} {asl}')
[docs]def set_included(entry_id): """ Set the included entry to that of the given entry ID. :type entry_id: str :param entry_id: the entry ID """ execute_cmd(f'entrywsincludeonly entry {entry_id}')