Source code for schrodinger.application.matsci.rxn_path

Classes and functions for generating reaction paths.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved."""

# Contributor: Thomas F. Hughes

import argparse
import logging
import math
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from operator import itemgetter
from past.utils import old_div

import numpy
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

import as jaginp
import schrodinger.structure as structure
from schrodinger.application.matsci import parserutils
from schrodinger.application.matsci import rxn_channel
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.infra.mmcheck import MmException
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.structutils import build
from schrodinger.structutils import measure
from schrodinger.structutils import rmsd
from schrodinger.structutils import transform
from schrodinger.utils import fileutils

from .msutils import add_or_update_bond_type

_version = '$Revision 0.0 $'

[docs] def __init__(self, scriptname, description): """ Create a ParserWrapper object and process it. :type scriptname: str :param scriptname: name of this script :type description: str :param description: description of this script """ name = '$SCHRODINGER/run ' + scriptname self.parserobj = parserutils.DriverParser( prog=name, description=description, add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
[docs] def loadIt(self): """ Load ParserWrapper with options. """ job_name_help = """ Specify the job name of this calculation.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-job_name', type=str, default=self.JOB_NAME, help=job_name_help) reorderhelp = """ Attempts to automatically determine the appropriate mapping of reactant atoms to product atoms.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-reorder', action='store_true', help=reorderhelp) norxncomplexhelp = """ Disable the preprocessing of reactants and products into reaction complexes for certain bimolecular reactions.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-norxncomplex', action='store_true', help=norxncomplexhelp) vdwscalehelp = """ Scales the inter-molecular VDW distance used to separate reactants or products when forming reaction complexes. This option will not used if the user chooses the option '-norxncomplex'.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-vdwscale', type=float, default=self.VDWSCALE, help=vdwscalehelp) reverse_interpolation_help = """ Specify that the reaction path should be interpolated in reverse, i.e. the reactant and product definitions do not change however the interpolation is done from products to reactants rather than from reactants to products.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-reverse_interpolation', action='store_true', help=reverse_interpolation_help) samplehelp = """ Specify the type of sampling used in generating the reaction path. For uniform sampling between the reactant and product pass N >= 1, where N is the number of points to sample. For non-uniform sampling pass a whitespace delimited list of numbers N, where %.1f (reactant) < N < %.1f (product), for example %.1f might resemble the transition state.""" self.parserobj.add_argument( '-sample', nargs='+', type=float, default=self.SAMPLE_DEFAULT, metavar='list of floats', help=samplehelp % (self.FVAL_DICT[self.REACTANT], self.FVAL_DICT[self.PRODUCT], self.FVAL_DICT[self.MIDWAY])) presumed_ts_help = """ Location of presumed transition state along the reaction path. Choices are %s (%.2f), %s (%.2f), and %s (%.2f). Used only in the '-densearound' and '-connectivity' options.""" fvals = [] for key, value in self.FVAL_DICT.items(): if key != self.REACTANT and key != self.PRODUCT: fvals.extend([key, value]) self.parserobj.add_argument('-presumed_ts', choices=self.PRESUMED_TS_CHOICES, type=str, default=self.PRESUMED_TS, help=presumed_ts_help % tuple(fvals)) densearoundhelp = """ Increase the density of sampling points in the presumed transition state region by adding %s sampling points, with a step size of %.2f, centered on the transition state location. These points will override any pre-existing sampling points in these regions, for example those obtained from the '-sample' option.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-densearound', action='store_true', help=densearoundhelp % (self.NUMDENSEPOINTS, self.STEPDENSEPOINTS)) interpolationhelp = """ Specify the coordinate system in which to interpolate reaction path points. Options include %s, %s, and %s. Option %s is the fastest and works for certain reactions, usually simple reactions involving a small number of reactive atoms. Option %s is more computationally demanding but may have some advanages over %s, for example it will not over-estimate bond lengths. Option %s is also computationally demanding but works for the greatest number of reactions, for example it can be used to avoid certain types of atomic collisions along the reaction path.""" self.parserobj.add_argument( '-interpolation', choices=self.INTERPOLATIONCHOICES, type=str, default=self.CARTESIAN, help=interpolationhelp % (self.CARTESIAN, self.DISTANCE, self.INTERNAL, self.CARTESIAN, self.DISTANCE, self.CARTESIAN, self.INTERNAL)) bondweighthelp = """ Specify the weight, w >= 0, of the bond terms used in fitting the reaction path. Increase this value to increase the rigidity of interpolated bonds or decrease it if one experiences difficulty with convergence. Typically this value will not need to be decreased.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-bondweight', type=float, default=self.BONDWEIGHT, help=bondweighthelp) angleweighthelp = """ Specify the weight, w >= 0, of the angle terms used in fitting the reaction path. Increase this value to increase the rigidity of interpolated angles or decrease it if one experiences difficulty with convergence. Typically this value will not need to be decreased.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-angleweight', type=float, default=self.ANGLEWEIGHT, help=angleweighthelp) dihedralweighthelp = """ Specify the weight, w >= 0, of the dihedral terms used in fitting the reaction path. Increase this value to increase the rigidity of interpolated dihedrals or decrease it if one experiences difficulty with convergence. Typically this value will not need to be decreased.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-dihedralweight', type=float, default=self.DIHEDRALWEIGHT, help=dihedralweighthelp) cartesianweighthelp = """ Specify the weight, w >= 0, of the Cartesian terms used in fitting the reaction path. Increase this value if one is confident that the interpolated Cartesian coordinates well approximate the desired coordinates of the reaction path point. Note that in such a situation the user might prefer to use the option -interpolation cartesian. Decrease this value if the interpolated Cartesian coordinates are a poor guess or if one experiences difficulty with convergence. Increasing or decreasing this value can typically remedy troublesome reaction paths more effectively than by changing the other weighting terms.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-cartesianweight', type=float, default=self.CARTESIANWEIGHT, help=cartesianweighthelp) penaltyweighthelp = """ Specify the weight, w >= 0, of the bond penalty terms used in fitting the reaction path. Such weights prevent bond lengths from becoming too small. Increase this value if the reaction path features atom-atom collisions or decrease it if the user wants unconstrained bond lengths. Typically this value will not need to be decreased.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-penaltyweight', type=float, default=self.PENALTYWEIGHT, help=penaltyweighthelp) mixprevioushelp = """ Specify the extent to which the optimized Cartesian coordinates from the previous reaction path point are mixed with the interpolated Cartesian coordinates for the current reaction path point. Typically, the interpolated Cartesian coordinates are used as a guess solution to the optimizer. Mixing can help convergence for certain types of reactions where these guesses can involve overlapping atoms. Mixing additionally helps to create continuous reaction paths. Accepted values are in [%s, %s].""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-mixprevious', type=float, default=self.MIXPREVIOUS, help=mixprevioushelp % (self.MIXPREVIOUSMIN, self.MIXPREVIOUSMAX)) guesshelp = """ Specify the type of guess solution to use from the optimized Cartesian coordinates of the previous reaction path point. Note that if the '-mixprevious' option is zero then the '-guess' option is irrelevant. Accepted values are %s and %s. Option %s uses the optimized coordinates returned from the optimizer while option %s will first superpose the optimized structure on to the reactant.""" self.parserobj.add_argument( '-guess', choices=self.GUESSCHOICES, type=str, default=self.BEFORESUPERPOSITION, help=guesshelp % (self.BEFORESUPERPOSITION, self.AFTERSUPERPOSITION, self.BEFORESUPERPOSITION, self.AFTERSUPERPOSITION)) connectivityhelp = """ Specify the type of connectivity, i.e. bond assignment, protocol to use in defining the structures along the reaction path. Options include %s, %s, or %s. Options %s and %s will use those bonds defined in the reactant or product as the bonds in the structures along the reaction path. Option %s specifies that the bonding of the structures along the reaction path will change from that of reactants, to something resembling both reactants and products in the specified transition state region, and then finally to products.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-connectivity', choices=self.CONNECTIVITYCHOICES, type=str, default=self.TS, help=connectivityhelp % (self.REACTANT, self.TS, self.PRODUCT, self.REACTANT, self.PRODUCT, self.TS)) inputfileshelp = """ White space delimited list of input Maestro files where each file may contain multiple reactant/product pairs of structures ordered like (1) reactants for reaction 1, (2) products for reaction 1, (3) reactants for reaction 2, (4) products for reaction 2, etc.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('input_files', nargs='+', type=str, help=inputfileshelp) self.parserobj.add_argument('-verbose', action='store_true', help='Turn on verbose printing.') self.parserobj.add_argument( '-version', '-v', action='version', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, version=_version, help="Show the script's version number and exit.") driverhosthelp = """ Job Control option - if used with -HOST specifies the host on which to run the script itself.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-DRIVERHOST', type=str, default='localhost', help=driverhosthelp) hosthelp = """ Job Control option - specifies the host on which to run the script or if used with -DRIVERHOST specifies the host to use for any subjobs.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-HOST', type=str, default='localhost', help=hosthelp) savehelp = """ Job Control option - copy the archived contents of the job directory back to the submission directory after the job finishes.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-SAVE', action='store_true', default=False, help=savehelp) tmpdirhelp = """ Job Control option - specify the scratch directory for the job.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-TMPDIR', type=str, default='/scr', help=tmpdirhelp) localhelp = """ Job Control option - write temporary files in the submission directory instead of the scratch directory.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-LOCAL', default=False, action='store_true', help=localhelp) waithelp = """ Job Control option - wait for the job to finish before executing another command.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-WAIT', default=False, action='store_true', help=waithelp) debughelp = """ Job Control option - show the details of operation of the top-level script.""" self.parserobj.add_argument('-DEBUG', default=False, action='store_true', help=debughelp)
[docs] def parseArgs(self, args): """ Parse the command line arguments. :type args: tuple :param args: command line arguments """ # move input files, which will be the only positional arguments, # to be first in the list of args args = list(args) copyofargs = list(args) infilesfromargs = [] for arg in copyofargs: if fileutils.splitext(arg)[1] in self.SUPPORTEDINEXTS: args.remove(arg) infilesfromargs.append(arg) args = infilesfromargs + args self.options = self.parserobj.parse_args(args)
[docs]class CheckInput(object): """ Check user input. """ PAIRS = [('[]', ''), ('][', '-'), ('[', ''), (']', ''), (';', ''), (' ', '_')] COMBIGLD_REPLACEMENTS = OrderedDict(PAIRS) TITLEKEY = 's_m_title' ENTRYNAMEKEY = 's_m_entry_name'
[docs] def checkJobName(self, job_name, logger=None): """ Check job_name option. :type job_name: str :param job_name: name of job :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: str :return: job_name, name of job """ # run job_name through COMBIGLD_REPLACEMENTS job_name_msg = """ The job name that you have specified contains characters that are not supported. Replacing those characters and proceeding.""" for fromsymbol, tosymbol in self.COMBIGLD_REPLACEMENTS.items(): if job_name.count(fromsymbol) and logger: logger.warning(job_name_msg) if fromsymbol == ' ': job_name = job_name.strip() job_name = job_name.replace(fromsymbol, tosymbol) return job_name
[docs] def checkInputFiles(self, inputfiles, logger): """ Check input files. :type inputfiles: list of str :param inputfiles: all provided input files :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger """ # check that input files exist nonexistantfiles = [] for maefile in inputfiles: if not os.path.exists(maefile): nonexistantfiles.append(maefile) nonexistantmsg = """ The following list of files that you have provided can not be found and thus will not be considered in this calculation: %s.""" if nonexistantfiles: logger.warning(nonexistantmsg % ', '.join(nonexistantfiles)) for nonexistantfile in nonexistantfiles: inputfiles.remove(nonexistantfile) # check that each input file has an even number of structures, i.e. # that the structures are paired as reactant/product pairs. badmaefiles = [] for maefile in inputfiles: if structure.count_structures(maefile) % 2: badmaefiles.append(maefile) numstructmsg = """ For every reactant specified there must be a corresponding product and thus the total number of structures must be even. The following list of Maestro files contain odd numbers of structures and thus will not be considered in this calculation: %s.""" if badmaefiles: logger.warning(numstructmsg % ', '.join(badmaefiles)) for badfile in badmaefiles: inputfiles.remove(badfile) # exit if there are no input files left noinputmsg = """ You have no input and so this script will now exit.""" if not inputfiles: logger.error(noinputmsg)
[docs] def checkStructures(self, logger=None, *allstructures): """ Check structures. :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :type allstructures: tuple of schrodinger.structure.Structure :param allstructures: all provided structures :rtype: list of schrodinger.structure.Structure :return: structures, updated list of structures """ structures = list(allstructures) # generate clean titles and entry names of structures alltitles = [] allentries = [] for astructure in structures: titlename = entryname = if titlename and not entryname: entryname = titlename if not titlename and entryname: titlename = entryname if not titlename and not entryname: titlename = analyze.generate_molecular_formula(astructure) entryname = titlename for fromsymbol, tosymbol in self.COMBIGLD_REPLACEMENTS.items(): if fromsymbol == ' ': titlename = titlename.strip() entryname = entryname.strip() titlename = titlename.replace(fromsymbol, tosymbol) entryname = entryname.replace(fromsymbol, tosymbol) numtitles = alltitles.count(titlename) numentries = allentries.count(entryname) alltitles.append(titlename) allentries.append(entryname) if numtitles and not numentries: titlename += '.' + str(numtitles + 1) entryname += '.' + str(numtitles + 1) if not numtitles and numentries: titlename += '.' + str(numentries + 1) entryname += '.' + str(numentries + 1) if numtitles and numentries: titlename += '.' + str(numtitles + 1) entryname += '.' + str(numentries + 1)[self.TITLEKEY] = titlename[self.ENTRYNAMEKEY] = entryname return structures
[docs] def checkStructurePairs(self, reorder, logger=None, *allstructures): """ Check reactant and product pairs of structures. :type reorder: boolean :param reorder: normalize the atomic ordering :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :type allstructures: tuple of schrodinger.structure.Structure :param allstructures: all provided structure :rtype: list of schrodinger.structure.Structure :return: structures, updated list of structures """ structures = list(allstructures) # skip reactant and product pairs with either: # (1) structures are not polyatomic, # (2) structures have different stoichiometries, # (3) structures have different atomic ordering, if the user has # choosen the option 'reorder' then first try to reorder. badstructures = [] badnumatoms = [] badformulas = [] badorders = [] goodreordering = [] badreordering = [] for index in range(0, len(structures), 2): reactantst, productst = structures[index:index + 2] rtitle =[self.TITLEKEY] ptitle =[self.TITLEKEY] rformula = analyze.generate_molecular_formula(reactantst) pformula = analyze.generate_molecular_formula(productst) if reactantst.atom_total < 3 or productst.atom_total < 3: badnumatoms.append([rtitle, ptitle]) badstructures.append([reactantst, productst]) if rformula != pformula: badformulas.append([rtitle, ptitle]) badstructures.append([reactantst, productst]) newreactant = None if rformula == pformula: if reorder: newreactant, newproduct = \ ReactionCoords().getNormalOrdering(reactantst, productst, logger) if newreactant: structures[index] = newreactant structures[index + 1] = newproduct goodreordering.append([rtitle, ptitle]) else: badreordering.append([rtitle, ptitle]) if not reorder or not newreactant: for ratom, patom in zip(reactantst.atom, productst.atom): if ratom.atomic_number != patom.atomic_number: badorders.append([rtitle, ptitle]) badstructures.append([reactantst, productst]) break numatomsmsg = """ The following [reactant, product] pair structures are not polyatomic molecules and so they will not be considered in this calculation: %s.""" if badnumatoms and logger: logger.warning(numatomsmsg % ', '.join([str(pair) for pair in badnumatoms])) formulamsg = """ The following [reactant, product] pairs do not have the same molecular formula and so they will not be considered in this calculation: %s.""" if badformulas and logger: logger.warning(formulamsg % ', '.join([str(pair) for pair in badformulas])) orderingmsg = """ The following [reactant, product] pairs do not have the same atomic numbering. Please reorder the atoms in each pair so that they are identical. These pairs will not be considered in this calculation: %s.""" if badorders and logger: logger.warning(orderingmsg % ', '.join([str(pair) for pair in badorders])) goodreorderingmsg = """ A possible normal ordering of atoms in reactants and products has been found for the following list of [reactant, product] pairs. The calculation will proceed however it is possible that the user might want to reconsider normal ordering the atoms by hand depending on the calculated reaction path: %s.""" if goodreordering and logger: % ', '.join([str(pair) for pair in goodreordering]))'') badreorderingmsg = """ Normal ordering of atoms in reactants and products was not successful for the following list of [reactant, product] pairs. Proceeding with original ordering: %s.""" if badreordering and logger: logger.warning(badreorderingmsg % ', '.join([str(pair) for pair in badreordering])) for badreactant, badproduct in badstructures: structures.remove(badreactant) structures.remove(badproduct) # if there are no remaining structures that are suitable for # calculation then exit. nostructuresmsg = """ None of the [reactant, product] pair structures that you have provided are suited for calculation and so this script will now exit.""" if not structures: if logger: logger.error(nostructuresmsg) sys.exit(1) return structures
[docs] def checkSample(self, sample, logger=None): """ Check sample option. :type sample: list of float :param sample: sample points :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: list of floats :return: sample, sample points """ # in case the user passes a single int or float for the variable # sample make the variable sample a list of floats if type(sample) == int or type(sample) == float: sample = [float(sample)] # get reactant and product fvals rfval = ParserWrapper.FVAL_DICT[ParserWrapper.REACTANT] pfval = ParserWrapper.FVAL_DICT[ParserWrapper.PRODUCT] # check for len(sample) > 1, i.e. non-uniform sampling nonuniformmsg = """ You have used the -sample option as if you want to perform non-uniform sampling however you provided at least one sampling point, N, that is outside the range of acceptable values, i.e. %s (reactant) < N < %s (product). Proceeding with uniform sampling using the default value of %.0f.""" if len(sample) > 1: for point in sample: if point <= rfval or point >= pfval: if logger: logger.warning( nonuniformmsg % (rfval, pfval, ParserWrapper.SAMPLE_DEFAULT[0])) sample = ParserWrapper.SAMPLE_DEFAULT break # check for len(sample) == 1, i.e. uniform sampling uniformmsg = """ You have used the -sample option as if you want to perform uniform sampling however you did not provide a positive integer number of sampling points. Proceeding with the default value of %.0f.""" firstval = sample[0] if len(sample) == 1: if firstval <= 0 or firstval > 1 and not firstval.is_integer(): if logger: logger.warning(uniformmsg % ParserWrapper.SAMPLE_DEFAULT[0]) sample = ParserWrapper.SAMPLE_DEFAULT return sample
[docs] def checkPresumedTs(self, presumed_ts, logger=None): """ Check the location of the presumed ts. :type presumed_ts: str :param presumed_ts: gives the location of the presumed ts :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: str :return: presumed_ts, the location of the presumed ts """ # check that presumed_ts is one of the supported choices presumed_ts_msg = """ You have used the -presumed_ts option however the option you have provided is not recognized. Supported options include %s, %s, or %s. Proceeding with the default value of %s.""" if presumed_ts not in ParserWrapper.PRESUMED_TS_CHOICES: if logger: logger.warning( presumed_ts_msg % (ParserWrapper.REACTANT_LIKE, ParserWrapper.MIDWAY, ParserWrapper.PRODUCT_LIKE, ParserWrapper.MIDWAY)) presumed_ts = ParserWrapper.MIDWAY return presumed_ts
[docs] def checkInterpolation(self, interpolation, logger=None): """ Check interpolation option. :type interpolation: str :param interpolation: coordinate system used for interpolating :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: str :return: interpolation, coordinate system used for interpolating """ # if interpolation is not in ParserWrapper.INTERPOLATIONCHOICES # then set it to the default value interpolationmsg = """ You have specified a value for interpolation which is not one of the acceptable options of %s, %s, or %s. Proceeding with the default value of %s.""" if interpolation not in ParserWrapper.INTERPOLATIONCHOICES: if logger: logger.warning(interpolationmsg % (ParserWrapper.CARTESIAN, ParserWrapper.DISTANCE, ParserWrapper.INTERNAL, ParserWrapper.INTERNAL)) interpolation = ParserWrapper.INTERNAL return interpolation
[docs] def checkMixPrevious(self, mixprevious, logger=None): """ Check mixprevious option. :type mixprevious: float :param mixprevious: mixing weight of solution from previous path point :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: float :return: mixprevious, mixing weight of solution from previous path point """ # if mixprevious is not in [0.0, 1.0] then set it to # the default value mixpreviousmsg = """ You have specified a value for mixprevious which is outside of the acceptable range of [%s, %s]. Proceeding with the default value of %s.""" if mixprevious < ParserWrapper.MIXPREVIOUSMIN or \ mixprevious > ParserWrapper.MIXPREVIOUSMAX: if logger: logger.warning( mixpreviousmsg % (ParserWrapper.MIXPREVIOUSMIN, ParserWrapper.MIXPREVIOUSMAX, ParserWrapper.MIXPREVIOUS)) mixprevious = ParserWrapper.MIXPREVIOUS return mixprevious
[docs] def checkGuess(self, guess, logger=None): """ Check guess option. :type guess: str :param guess: type of guess solution :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: str :return: guess, type of guess solution """ # if guess is not in ParserWrapper.GUESSCHOICES then set # it to the default value guessmsg = """ You have specified an option for guess which is not one of the acceptable options of %s or %s. Proceeding with the default option of %s.""" if guess not in ParserWrapper.GUESSCHOICES: if logger: logger.warning(guessmsg % (ParserWrapper.BEFORESUPERPOSITION, ParserWrapper.AFTERSUPERPOSITION, ParserWrapper.BEFORESUPERPOSITION)) guess = ParserWrapper.BEFORESUPERPOSITION return guess
[docs] def checkConnectivity(self, connectivity, logger=None): """ Check connectivity option. :type connectivity: str :param connectivity: type of connectivity :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: str :return: connectivity, type of connectivity """ # if connectivity is not in ParserWrapper.CONNECTIVITYCHOICES then set # it to the default value connectivitymsg = """ You have specified an option for connectivity which is not one of the acceptable options of %s, %s, or %s. Proceeding with the default option of %s.""" if connectivity not in ParserWrapper.CONNECTIVITYCHOICES: if logger: logger.warning(connectivitymsg % (ParserWrapper.REACTANT, ParserWrapper.TS, ParserWrapper.PRODUCT, ParserWrapper.TS)) connectivity = ParserWrapper.TS return connectivity
[docs] def checkNoRxnComplex(self, norxncomplex, vdwscale, logger=None): """ Check norxncomplex and vdwscale options. :type norxncomplex: boolean :param norxncomplex: disable preprocessing into a reaction complex :type vdwscale: float :param vdwscale: scales the intermolecular distance :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: boolean, float :return: norxncomplex, vdwscale, disable preprocessing into a reaction complex and scales the intermolecular distance """ # if norxncomplex is not boolean then set it to the default value and # if vdwscale <= 0 then set it to the default value norxncomplexmsg = """ You have specified a value for the option norxncomplex that is not a boolean. Proceeding with the default value of %s.""" if type(norxncomplex) is not bool: if logger: logger.warning(norxncomplexmsg % ParserWrapper.NORXNCOMPLEX) norxncomplex = ParserWrapper.NORXNCOMPLEX vdwscalemsg = """ You have specified a negative or zero value for the option vdwscale which is outside of the range of acceptable values. Proceeding with the default value of %s.""" if vdwscale <= 0: if logger: logger.warning(vdwscalemsg % ParserWrapper.VDWSCALE) vdwscale = ParserWrapper.VDWSCALE return norxncomplex, vdwscale
[docs] def checkReorder(self, reorder, logger=None): """ Check reorder option. :type reorder: boolean :param reorder: normalize the atomic ordering :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: boolean :return: reorder, normalize the atomic ordering """ # if reorder is not a boolean then set it to the default value reordermsg = """ You have specified a value for the option reorder that is not a boolean. Proceeding with the default value of %s.""" if type(reorder) is not bool: if logger: logger.warning(reordermsg % ParserWrapper.REORDER) reorder = ParserWrapper.REORDER return reorder
[docs] def checkReverseInterpolation(self, reverse_interpolation, logger=None): """ Check reverse interpolation option. :type reverse_interpolation: boolean :param reverse_interpolation: interpolate the reaction path in reverse :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: boolean :return: reverse_interpolation, interpolate the reaction path in reverse """ # if reverse_interpolation is not a boolean then set it to the # default value reverse_interpolation_msg = """ You have specified a value for the option reverse_interpolation that is not a boolean. Proceeding with the default value of %s.""" if type(reverse_interpolation) is not bool: if logger: logger.warning(reverse_interpolation_msg % ParserWrapper.REVERSE_INTERPOLATION) reverse_interpolation = ParserWrapper.REVERSE_INTERPOLATION return reverse_interpolation
[docs] def checkWeights(self, bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, penaltyweight, logger=None): """ Check weights, i.e. bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, and penaltyweight. :type bondweight: float :param bondweight: weight of the bond term :type angleweight: float :param angleweight: weight of the angle term :type dihedralweight: float :param dihedralweight: weight of the dihedral term :type cartesianweight: float :param cartesianweight: weight of the Cartesian term :type penaltyweight: float :param penaltyweight: weight of the bond penalty term :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: float, float, float, float, float :return: bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, penaltyweight, weights of the bond, angle, dihedral, Cartesian, and penalty terms """ # if a weight is not, w >= 0, then set it to its default value weightmsg = """ You have specified negative values for the following weights. Only zero or positive weights are allowed. For those cases with negative weights this script will proceed with their default values of: %s.""" violations = [] if bondweight < 0: violations.append(['bondweight', ParserWrapper.BONDWEIGHT]) bondweight = ParserWrapper.BONDWEIGHT if angleweight < 0: violations.append(['angleweight', ParserWrapper.ANGLEWEIGHT]) angleweight = ParserWrapper.ANGLEWEIGHT if dihedralweight < 0: violations.append(['dihedralweight', ParserWrapper.DIHEDRALWEIGHT]) dihedralweight = ParserWrapper.DIHEDRALWEIGHT if cartesianweight < 0: violations.append( ['cartesianweight', ParserWrapper.CARTESIANWEIGHT]) cartesianweight = ParserWrapper.CARTESIANWEIGHT if penaltyweight < 0: violations.append(['penaltyweight', ParserWrapper.PENALTYWEIGHT]) penaltyweight = ParserWrapper.PENALTYWEIGHT if violations and logger: weightstr = '' for sublist in violations: weighttype, weightdefault = sublist weightstr += weighttype + ' ' + str(weightdefault) + ', ' weightstr = weightstr[:-2] logger.warning(weightmsg % weightstr) return bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, \ penaltyweight
[docs]class Coord(object): """ Manage the properties of an internal coordinate. """ BOND = 'bond' ANGLE = 'angle' DIHEDRAL = 'dihedral'
[docs] def __init__(self, indicies, names, value): """ Create a Coord instance. :type indicies: list of int :param indiciees: atomic indicies :type names: list of str :param names: atomic names :type value: list of float :param value: value(s) of the internal coordinate in units of Angstrom or degree """ self.indicies = indicies self.names = names self.value = value if len(self.indicies) == 2: description = self.BOND elif len(self.indicies) == 3: description = self.ANGLE elif len(self.indicies) == 4: description = self.DIHEDRAL self.description = description
[docs]class InternalCoords(object): """ Manage the internal coordinates of a structure. """ ZMATNUMBER = 1
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Create an InternalCoords instance. """ self.bonds = [] self.angles = [] self.dihedrals = []
[docs] def getZmatrix(self, astructure): """ Get the Z-matrix for the structure. :raise ValueError: if there is a problem with the input :type astructure: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param astructure: the structure """ # from a Jaguar input object get a mmjag handle, convert it to # the Z-matrix representation, and abstract all of the internal # coordinate information for each atom jaginpobj = jaginp.JaguarInput(structure=astructure) mmjaghandle = jaginpobj.handle try: mm.mmjag_zmat_makeint(mmjaghandle, self.ZMATNUMBER - 1) except MmException as err: raise ValueError( str(err) + ' This typically means that 3 or more' ' input atoms are in a line.') numzmatatoms = mm.mmjag_zmat_atom_count(mmjaghandle, self.ZMATNUMBER - 1) for zmatatom in range(numzmatatoms): atom1 = zmatatom + 1 (zmattype, atom2, bond, atom3, angle, atom4, dihedral) = \ mm.mmjag_zmat_atom_get(mmjaghandle, self.ZMATNUMBER - 1, atom1) # form arrays of indicies and names bondindicies = [atom1, atom2] angleindicies = [atom1, atom2, atom3] dihedralindicies = [atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4] atom1name = mm.mmjag_zmat_atom_get_name(mmjaghandle, atom1) atom2name = mm.mmjag_zmat_atom_get_name(mmjaghandle, atom2) atom3name = mm.mmjag_zmat_atom_get_name(mmjaghandle, atom3) atom4name = mm.mmjag_zmat_atom_get_name(mmjaghandle, atom4) bondnames = [atom1name, atom2name] anglenames = [atom1name, atom2name, atom3name] dihedralnames = [atom1name, atom2name, atom3name, atom4name] # collect Coord instances for each type of internal coordinate if atom2: bondobj = Coord(bondindicies, bondnames, [bond]) self.bonds.append(bondobj) if atom3: angleobj = Coord(angleindicies, anglenames, [angle]) self.angles.append(angleobj) if atom4: dihedralobj = Coord(dihedralindicies, dihedralnames, [dihedral]) self.dihedrals.append(dihedralobj)
[docs] def getDmatrix(self, astructure): """ Get the distance matrix for the structure. :type astructure: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param astructure: the structure """ for atom1 in astructure.atom: for atom2 in astructure.atom: if atom2.index > atom1.index: bondindicies = [atom2.index, atom1.index] # If somehow no Atom object 'name' properties are defined, # either by not being defined in the input Maestro file # for some reason, defined in the input Maestro file as # "" for some atoms, or for whatever reason not defined upon # structure object creation, then even though Maestro atom # names are not simply the concatenation of the elemental # symbol with the atom index we will use that nomenclature # to reference them if and bondnames = [,] else: atom2_name = atom2.element + str(atom2.index) atom1_name = atom1.element + str(atom1.index) bondnames = [atom2_name, atom1_name] distance = measure.measure_distance(atom2, atom1) bondobj = Coord(bondindicies, bondnames, [distance]) self.bonds.append(bondobj)
[docs] def printInternals(self, headermsg, maxindexwidth, logger): """ Formatted print of header followed by the internal coordinates. :type headermsg: str :param headermsg: header :type maxindexwidth: int :param maxindexwidth: number of characters in the largest atom index :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger """ # find length of largest descriptor, # find max length of entire index string, # atom element names are no larger than two characters, # find max length of entire name string, # max length of formatted internal coord maxdescwidth = len(Coord.DIHEDRAL) dihedraldim = 4 maxindstrwidth = dihedraldim * (maxindexwidth + 1) - 1 maxelementwidth = 2 maxnamewidth = maxindexwidth + maxelementwidth maxnamestrwidth = dihedraldim * (maxnamewidth + 1) - 1 maxvalue = len('-123.456') # print header and number of internal coordinates or # just return if there are no coordinates if self.bonds or self.angles or self.dihedrals:'') else: return if self.bonds:'Number of bonds = %d', len(self.bonds)) if self.angles:'Number of angles = %d', len(self.angles)) if self.dihedrals:'Number of dihedrals = %d', len(self.dihedrals))'') # print formatted internal coordinates allintcoords = [self.bonds, self.angles, self.dihedrals] for intcoordtype in allintcoords: for intcoord in intcoordtype: description = intcoord.description.ljust(maxdescwidth) # cat indicies indexlabel = '' for index in intcoord.indicies: indexlabel += str(index).rjust(maxindexwidth) + '-' indexlabel = indexlabel[:-1] indexlabel = indexlabel.rjust(maxindstrwidth) # cat names namelabel = '' for name in intcoord.names: namelabel += name.rjust(maxnamewidth) + '-' namelabel = namelabel[:-1] namelabel = namelabel.rjust(maxnamestrwidth) msg = '%s %s %s' % (description, indexlabel, namelabel) # cat values for value in intcoord.value: valueform = '%.3f' % value valueform = valueform.rjust(maxvalue) msg += ' ' + valueform'')
[docs]def max_pair_vdw_distance(astructure): """ Find the largest atom-atom VDW distance in a structure. :type astructure: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param astructure: the structure :rtype: int, int, float :return: atom1, atom2, maxdistance, atom1 and atom2 are the first and second atom indicies and maxdistance is the largest distance. If input structure is a single atom then just return that atom index twice followed by twice its VDW radius, i.e. the atomic diameter. """ if astructure.atom_total == 1: atom = astructure.atom[1] index = atom.index diameter = 2 * atom.radius return index, index, diameter maxdistance = 0 for atoma in astructure.atom: for atomb in astructure.atom: if atomb.index > atoma.index: distance = measure.measure_distance(atoma, atomb) distance = distance + atoma.radius + atomb.radius if distance > maxdistance: atom1 = atoma.index atom2 = atomb.index maxdistance = distance return atom1, atom2, maxdistance
[docs]def add_temp_hydrogen(astructure, index): """ To the given structure add a temporary hydrogen to the atom with the given index. This function is more robust than :type astructure: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param astructure: the structure containing the atom to which a hydrogen will be added :type index: int :param index: the index of the atom to which to add the hydrogen :rtype: int :return: the index of the added temporary hydrogen """ # the following class takes a schrodinger.structure._Molecule # so just make one up and then hijack the class molobj = rxn_channel.ReactantMolecule(astructure.molecule[1]) molobj.mol_struct = astructure molobj.reactive_inds_new.append(index) molobj.addTempHydrogens() return molobj.tmp_hydrogen_index
[docs]class ReactionCoords(object): """ Manage reaction coordinates. """ REACTIONBONDTHRESH = 0.05 REACTIONANGLETHRESH = 1.00 REACTIONDIHEDRALTHRESH = 1.00 REVOLUTION = 360 HALFREVOLUTION = 180 REVOLUTIONTHRESH = 10 REACTANTPREFIX = 'pre-' PRODUCTPREFIX = 'post-'
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Create a ReactionCoords instance. """ self.rcpypoint = None self.rpoint = None self.pcpypoint = None self.ppoint = None self.reactioninternals = None self.tosuperpose = None self.armsd = None
[docs] def getNormalOrdering(self, reactant, product, logger=None): """ Attempt to normalize the atomic ordering between reactants and products. :type reactant: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param reactant: the reactant :type product: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param product: the product :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: schrodinger.structure.Structure, schrodinger.structure.Structure :return: newreactant, newproduct, if defined specifies the reordered reactant and product structures """ origreactant = reactant.copy() origproduct = product.copy() newreactant = None newproduct = None rprops = pprops = rpobj = rmsd.ConformerRmsd(origreactant, origproduct, asl_expr='all', in_place=True) try: armsd = rpobj.calculate() newreactant = rpobj._working_ref_st.copy() = rprops newproduct = rpobj._working_test_st.copy() = pprops pordering = [] for sublist in rpobj.atom_index_map: rorigindex, porigindex = sublist for pnewatom in newproduct.atom: poldindex =[rpobj.orig_index_prop] if poldindex == porigindex: pordering.append(pnewatom.index) break newpordering = [] for pindex in range(1, len(pordering) + 1): pmapindex = pordering.index(pindex) newpordering.append(pmapindex + 1) newproduct = build.reorder_atoms(newproduct, newpordering) except RuntimeError: pass return newreactant, newproduct
[docs] def makeRxnComplex(self, reactant, product, vdwscale, logger=None): """ For certain bimolecular reactions preprocess reactants and products into reaction complexes. :type reactant: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param reactant: reactant :type product: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param product: product :type vdwscale: float :param vdwscale: scales the intermolecular distance :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: schrodinger.structure.Structure, schrodinger.structure.Structure :return: newreactant, newproduct, if defined specifies the reactant and product structures in the created reaction complex """ def more_general_superposition(refst, refatoms, tarst, taratoms, logger=None): """ Superposes a list of atoms of a target structure on to a list of atoms of a reference structure. It is more general than the conventional superposition because it can handle the case of superposing using two atoms subject to an ambiguous rotation about an axis which turns out to be irrelevant for this application. It can also handle the case of a single atom by a simple translation. :type refst: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param refst: reference :type refatoms: list of ints :param refatoms: reference atom indicies :type tarst: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param tarst: target :type taratoms: list of ints :param taratoms: target atom indicies :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger """ if len(refatoms) == 1: refatomobj = refst.atom[refatoms[0]] taratomobj = tarst.atom[taratoms[0]] refatomvec = numpy.array( [refatomobj.x, refatomobj.y, refatomobj.z]) taratomvec = numpy.array( [taratomobj.x, taratomobj.y, taratomobj.z]) atomatomvec = refatomvec - taratomvec transform.translate_structure(tarst, atomatomvec[0], atomatomvec[1], atomatomvec[2]) elif len(refatoms) == 2: # first rotate the target bond vector so that it is parallel with # the reference bond vector refatom1obj = refst.atom[refatoms[0]] refatom2obj = refst.atom[refatoms[1]] taratom1obj = tarst.atom[taratoms[0]] taratom2obj = tarst.atom[taratoms[1]] refatom1vec = numpy.array( [refatom1obj.x, refatom1obj.y, refatom1obj.z]) refatom2vec = numpy.array( [refatom2obj.x, refatom2obj.y, refatom2obj.z]) taratom1vec = numpy.array( [taratom1obj.x, taratom1obj.y, taratom1obj.z]) taratom2vec = numpy.array( [taratom2obj.x, taratom2obj.y, taratom2obj.z]) refbond = refatom2vec - refatom1vec tarbond = taratom2vec - taratom1vec rotmatrix = transform.get_alignment_matrix(tarbond, refbond) transform.transform_structure(tarst, rotmatrix) # second translate the target so that the centroid of its bond vector # coincides with that of the reference refsuperposecentroid = transform.get_centroid(refst, refatoms) tarsuperposecentroid = transform.get_centroid(tarst, taratoms) intermolecularvec = refsuperposecentroid - tarsuperposecentroid intermolecularvec = numpy.delete(intermolecularvec, 3) intermolecularx =, transform.X_AXIS) intermoleculary =, transform.Y_AXIS) intermolecularz =, transform.Z_AXIS) transform.translate_structure(tarst, intermolecularx, intermoleculary, intermolecularz) else: # perform conventional superposition armsd = rmsd.superimpose(refst, refatoms, tarst, taratoms, use_symmetry=False, move_which=rmsd.CT) def set_intermolecular_distance(refst, tarst, vdwscale): """ Set the intermolecular distance for the two input structures by translating the target structure relative to the reference structure along the centroid-to-centroid vector. :type refst: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param refst: reference :type tarst: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param tarst: target :type vdwscale: float :param vdwscale: scales the intermolecular distance """ # get vdw radius of each structure and sum them to get an intermolecular # vdw distance, which when multiplied by vdwscale, will be the final # intermolecular distance of the two structures refatom1, refatom2, refmaxdist = max_pair_vdw_distance(refst) refmaxrad = old_div(refmaxdist, 2) taratom1, taratom2, tarmaxdist = max_pair_vdw_distance(tarst) tarmaxrad = old_div(tarmaxdist, 2) vdwdistance = refmaxrad + tarmaxrad # get centroid-to-centroid vector along which we will translate the # target structure refcentroid = transform.get_centroid(refst) tarcentroid = transform.get_centroid(tarst) centroidvec = tarcentroid - refcentroid centroiddistance = numpy.linalg.norm(centroidvec) centroidunitvec = old_div(centroidvec, centroiddistance) # determine the final length of the intermolecular vector, project it, and # translate the target structure intermolecularvec = centroidunitvec * (vdwdistance - centroiddistance) * vdwscale intermolecularvec = numpy.delete(intermolecularvec, 3) intermolecularx =, transform.X_AXIS) intermoleculary =, transform.Y_AXIS) intermolecularz =, transform.Z_AXIS) transform.translate_structure(tarst, intermolecularx, intermoleculary, intermolecularz) # given that there are many substructure manipulations here make sure # that we do not change the original reactant and product passed in. # not all reactions that reach this point can be handled and so initialize # the reactant and product structures as None. origreactant = reactant.copy() origproduct = product.copy() newreactant = None newproduct = None # catch any bimolecular reaction where one or more atoms, X, are transferred # from a single reactant or product, A, to the other reactant or product, B. # X can make up an entire molecule or be part of a molecule while A and B # can have any number of atoms in addition to those from X (including the # possibility of one of them having zero atoms), note that the total number # of reactant and product atoms must still be greater than two, i.e. only # polyatomic molecules are allowed. All conformations are free to # change. Where N, N', etc. are the number of atoms): # # (A-X)(N+N') --> (A)(N) + (X)(N') (and reverse) (X must be at least a single # atom and A must have at least two atoms so that we have a polyatomic # molecule) # (A-X)(N+N') + (B)(N'') --> (A)(N) + (B-X)(N'+N'') (and reverse) (X must be at # least a single atoms and A and B can be one or more atoms) # # Figure out which atoms are transferred and for bimolecular reactions # involving two reactants and two products obtain the mapping of # molecule numbers. numrmolecules = len(origreactant.molecule) numpmolecules = len(origproduct.molecule) if numrmolecules == 2 and numpmolecules <= 2 or \ numrmolecules <= 2 and numpmolecules == 2: rreactmol, preactmol = 1, 1 if numrmolecules == 2 and numpmolecules == 2: rmoloneatoms = origreactant.molecule[rreactmol].getAtomIndices() pmoltwoatoms = origproduct.molecule[preactmol + 1].getAtomIndices() if set(pmoltwoatoms).issubset(set(rmoloneatoms)) or \ set(rmoloneatoms).issubset(set(pmoltwoatoms)): preactmol += 1 samereactant = origreactant.molecule[rreactmol].getAtomIndices() sameproduct = origproduct.molecule[preactmol].getAtomIndices() transferred = [] if set(sameproduct).issubset(set(samereactant)) or \ set(samereactant).issubset(set(sameproduct)): transferred = set(samereactant).symmetric_difference( set(sameproduct)) transferred = list(transferred) # in the following note that there are three types of behaviors involving # single atom entities: # (1) the case where more than a single atom is transferred but where a # reactant or product molecule may be an atom, for example SN2, i.e. # Cl + H3C-F --> Cl-CH3 + F # (2) the case where a single atoms is transferred but where neither reactant # or product contains atomic species # (3) the case where a single atoms is transferred and where the reactant # and or product may contain an atomic species # find out which reactant and product molecules are oxidized and reduced, # i.e. those which have lost and gained the transferred set of atoms rredmolnum = 0 predmolnum = 0 if transferred: if logger: 'Building reaction complex for this bimolecular ' 'reaction which features the transfer of atoms: %s' % transferred)'') # handle the case of a single atom being transferred by getting # a direction via a bond to a temporary hydrogen, the index of # that hydrogen is the same for reactants and products temp_index = None if len(transferred) == 1: temp_index = add_temp_hydrogen(origreactant, transferred[0]) temp_index = add_temp_hydrogen(origproduct, transferred[0]) transferred.append(temp_index) for rmolecule in origreactant.molecule: if set(rmolecule.getAtomIndices()).intersection( set(transferred)): roxmolnum = rmolecule.number roxnumatoms = len(rmolecule.getAtomIndices()) roxmap = OrderedDict( list( zip(list(range(1, roxnumatoms + 1)), rmolecule.getAtomIndices()))) else: rredmolnum = rmolecule.number rrednumatoms = len(rmolecule.getAtomIndices()) rredmap = OrderedDict( list( zip(list(range(1, rrednumatoms + 1)), rmolecule.getAtomIndices()))) for pmolecule in origproduct.molecule: if set(pmolecule.getAtomIndices()).intersection( set(transferred)): poxmolnum = pmolecule.number poxnumatoms = len(pmolecule.getAtomIndices()) poxmap = OrderedDict( list( zip(list(range(1, poxnumatoms + 1)), pmolecule.getAtomIndices()))) else: predmolnum = pmolecule.number prednumatoms = len(pmolecule.getAtomIndices()) predmap = OrderedDict( list( zip(list(range(1, prednumatoms + 1)), pmolecule.getAtomIndices()))) # superpose reactant and product on the transferred atoms, handle the # case of transferring one atom differently temp_trans = list(transferred) if temp_index: temp_trans.reverse() more_general_superposition(origreactant, transferred, origproduct, temp_trans, logger) # if the reactant has a molecule that is being reduced then superpose # that reactant molecule alone on the product molecule that would be # considered oxidized if the reaction were reversed. This way the two # reactant molecules have a relative geometry with respect to each other # that is favorable for reactivity, hence the calling of this arrangement # of reactant molecules a reaction complex. Handle the case where the # reduced reactant molecule contains one or two atoms. roxmol = origreactant.molecule[roxmolnum].extractStructure(True) rordering = list(roxmap.values()) if rredmolnum: rredmol = origreactant.molecule[ rredmolnum].extractStructure(True) more_general_superposition(origproduct, list(rredmap.values()), rredmol, list(rredmap), logger) # set the intermolecular distance between the two reactants using # VDW radii, then finally merge the structure objects and mappings set_intermolecular_distance(roxmol, rredmol, vdwscale) roxmol.extend(rredmol) rordering += list(rredmap.values()) # if the product has a molecule that is being reduced then superpose # that product molecule alone on the reactant molecule that would be # considered oxidized if the reaction were reversed. This way the two # product molecules have a relative geometry with respect to each other # that is favorable for reactivity, hence the calling of this arrangement # of product molecules a reaction complex. Handle the case where the # reduced product molecule contains one or two atoms. poxmol = origproduct.molecule[poxmolnum].extractStructure(True) pordering = list(poxmap.values()) if predmolnum: predmol = origproduct.molecule[predmolnum].extractStructure( True) more_general_superposition(origreactant, list(predmap.values()), predmol, list(predmap), logger) # set the intermolecular distance between the two products using # VDW radii, then finally merge the structure objects and mappings set_intermolecular_distance(poxmol, predmol, vdwscale) poxmol.extend(predmol) pordering += list(predmap.values()) # restore original atom numbering to the new merged sets of reactant structures # and product structures, which are now favorably oriented with respect to each # other as they would be in a reaction complex. newrordering = [] for rindex in range(1, len(rordering) + 1): rmapindex = rordering.index(rindex) newrordering.append(rmapindex + 1) newreactant = build.reorder_atoms(roxmol, newrordering) newpordering = [] for pindex in range(1, len(pordering) + 1): pmapindex = pordering.index(pindex) newpordering.append(pmapindex + 1) newproduct = build.reorder_atoms(poxmol, newpordering) # if a single atom was being transferred then delete the temporary # hydrogens now if temp_index: newreactant.deleteAtoms([temp_index]) newproduct.deleteAtoms([temp_index]) return newreactant, newproduct
[docs] def collectInternals(self, reactant, product, rinternals, pinternals, logger=None): """ Find the redundant internal coordinates by merging the coordinates defined in the reactant and product. :type reactant: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param reactant: reactant :type product: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param product: product :type rinternals: InternalCoords :param rinternals: reactant internal coordinates :type pinternals: InternalCoords :param pinternals: product internal coordinates :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger """ def add_in_redundants(reactant, product, rcoords, pcoords, logger=None): """ Locate dissimilar internal coordinates between reactant and product, define missing internal coordinates, and update list of Coords. :type reactant: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param reactant: reactant :type product: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param product: product :type rcoords: list of Coords :param rcoords: list for reactant :type pcoords: list of Coords :param pcoords: list for product :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger """ # initialize list of Coords to be added, get insertion index and # dissimilar reactant and product internals coordstoadd = [] rpcoords = list(zip(rcoords, pcoords)) for index, rpcoord in enumerate(rpcoords): rcoord, pcoord = rpcoord if rcoord.indicies != pcoord.indicies: # get reactant and product atoms for dissimilar internals and # measure internals ratoms = [ reactant.atom[atomindex] for atomindex in pcoord.indicies ] patoms = [ product.atom[atomindex] for atomindex in rcoord.indicies ] if len(ratoms) == 2: rvalue = measure.measure_distance(*ratoms) pvalue = measure.measure_distance(*patoms) if len(ratoms) == 3: rvalue = measure.measure_bond_angle(*ratoms) pvalue = measure.measure_bond_angle(*patoms) if len(ratoms) == 4: rvalue = measure.measure_dihedral_angle(*ratoms) pvalue = measure.measure_dihedral_angle(*patoms) # define the reactant Coord in the product and the product Coord # in the reactant and append to list of Coords to be added rnewcoord = Coord(pcoord.indicies, pcoord.names, [rvalue]) pnewcoord = Coord(rcoord.indicies, rcoord.names, [pvalue]) coordstoadd.append([index, rnewcoord, pnewcoord]) # add redundant Coords at the correct locations for offset, sublist in enumerate(coordstoadd): index, rcoord, pcoord = sublist index += offset rcoords.insert(index + 1, rcoord) pcoords.insert(index, pcoord) # do it for bonds, angles, and dihedrals add_in_redundants(reactant, product, rinternals.bonds, pinternals.bonds) add_in_redundants(reactant, product, rinternals.angles, pinternals.angles) add_in_redundants(reactant, product, rinternals.dihedrals, pinternals.dihedrals)
[docs] def getReactionInternals(self, rinternals, pinternals, reactioninternals): """ Determine the reactive redundant internal coordinates. :type rinternals: InternalCoords :param rinternals: reactant internal coordinates :type pinternals: InternalCoords :param pinternals: product internal coordinates :type reactioninternals: InternalCoords :param reactioninternals: reaction internal coordinates """ def collect_reactive(rcoords, pcoords, reactioncoords, threshold): """ Collect the reactive coordinates of a given type. :type rcoords: list of Coords :param rcoords: Coords for reactant :type pcoords: list of Coords :param pcoords: Coords for product :type reactioncoords: list of Coords :param reactioncoords: Coords for reactions :type threshold: float :param threshold: cutoff for reactive internals """ # collect internals that change more than a threshold and store # the initial and final values in a Coord object for rcoord, pcoord in zip(rcoords, pcoords): rvalue = rcoord.value[0] pvalue = pcoord.value[0] pphase = 0 if rvalue < 0 and pvalue > 0 or rvalue > 0 and pvalue < 0: pphase = self.REVOLUTION if rvalue < 0: pphase = -1 * self.REVOLUTION if abs(pvalue + pphase - rvalue) >= threshold: value = [rvalue, pvalue] coord = Coord(rcoord.indicies, rcoord.names, value) reactioncoords.append(coord) # collect reactive bonds, angles, and dihedrals. Ensure proper handling # of cases where the dihedral angles differ in sign. Changes in dihedral # angles are measured using the smaller of the clockwise and counter-clockwise # rotations. collect_reactive(rinternals.bonds, pinternals.bonds, reactioninternals.bonds, self.REACTIONBONDTHRESH) collect_reactive(rinternals.angles, pinternals.angles, reactioninternals.angles, self.REACTIONANGLETHRESH) collect_reactive(rinternals.dihedrals, pinternals.dihedrals, reactioninternals.dihedrals, self.REACTIONDIHEDRALTHRESH)
[docs] def runSuperposition(self, reactant, product, reactioninternals, logger=None): """ Superpose the product structure on to the reactant structure using the non-reactive atoms, i.e. those that do not define any reactive redundant internal coordinate. :type reactant: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param reactant: reactant :type product: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param product: product :type reactioninternals: InternalCoords :param reactioninternals: reaction internal coordinates :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: list of ints, float :return: tosuperpose, armsd, atom indicies used to superpose and the final RMSD """ # get set of atom indicies for atoms that belong to # internal coordinates that define the reaction coordinate reactionatoms = set() allreactioninternals = [ reactioninternals.bonds, reactioninternals.angles, reactioninternals.dihedrals ] for coords in allreactioninternals: for internal in coords: for index in internal.indicies: reactionatoms.add(index) # get list of atoms to superpose tosuperpose = set() for atom in reactant.atom: if atom.index not in reactionatoms: tosuperpose.add(atom.index) # if there are not enough atoms left to do the superposition # then add some of the atoms that define the least reactive # internal coordinates rnatoms = reactant.atom_total minnatoms = min(4, rnatoms) if len(tosuperpose) < minnatoms: allchanges = [] for coords in allreactioninternals: for internal in coords: rvalue = internal.value[0] pvalue = internal.value[1] pphase = 0 if rvalue < 0 and pvalue > 0 or rvalue > 0 and \ pvalue < 0: pphase = self.REVOLUTION if rvalue < 0: pphase = -1 * self.REVOLUTION change = abs(pvalue + pphase - rvalue) allchanges.append([internal.indicies, change]) allchanges.sort(key=itemgetter(1)) for change in allchanges: for index in change[0]: if index not in tosuperpose: tosuperpose.add(index) if len(tosuperpose) >= minnatoms: break # superpose the product on to the reactant tosuperpose = list(tosuperpose) tosuperpose.sort() armsd = rmsd.superimpose(reactant, tosuperpose, product, tosuperpose, use_symmetry=False, move_which=rmsd.CT) return tosuperpose, armsd
[docs] def getCartesianCoords(self, astructure): """ Get the Cartesian coordinates of a structure as a 3N dimensional list of floats. :type astructure: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param astructure: structure :rtype: list of float :return: cartesians, the 3N Cartesian coordinates ordered like [x1, y1, z1, x2, ..., zN] """ cartesians = [] for atom in astructure.atom: cartesians.append(atom.x) cartesians.append(atom.y) cartesians.append(atom.z) return cartesians
[docs] def prepare(self, reactant, product, interpolation, norxncomplex, vdwscale, samplepoints, logger=None): """ Prepare reaction coordinates. :type reactant: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param reactant: reactant :type product: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param product: product :type interpolation: str :param interpolation: coordinate system used for interpolating :type norxncomplex: boolean :param norxncomplex: disable preprocessing into a reaction complex :type vdwscale: float :param vdwscale: scales the intermolecular distance :type samplepoints: list of float :param samplepoints: reaction path sample points :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger """ # get the length of the largest atom index maxindexwidth = len(str(reactant.atom_total)) # get level name of logger if logger: loglevel = logging.getLevelName(logger.getEffectiveLevel()) # for bimolecular reactions preprocess reactant and product into # a reaction complex reactantcpy = None productcpy = None if not norxncomplex: newreactant, newproduct = \ self.makeRxnComplex(reactant, product, vdwscale, logger) if newreactant: reactantcpy = reactant.copy() productcpy = product.copy() reactant = newreactant.copy() product = newproduct.copy() # get Z-matrix coordinates for reactant and product rinternals = InternalCoords() pinternals = InternalCoords() if interpolation == ParserWrapper.DISTANCE: rinternals.getDmatrix(reactant) pinternals.getDmatrix(product) else: rinternals.getZmatrix(reactant) pinternals.getZmatrix(product) if logger: if loglevel == 'DEBUG': rinternals.printInternals('These are the ' \ 'Z-matrix coordinates for the reactant:', maxindexwidth, logger) pinternals.printInternals('These are the ' \ 'Z-matrix coordinates for the product:', maxindexwidth, logger) # merge coordinates defined in Z-matricies self.collectInternals(reactant, product, rinternals, pinternals, logger) if logger: if loglevel == 'DEBUG': rinternals.printInternals('These are the ' \ 'redundant internal coordinates for the reactant:', maxindexwidth, logger) pinternals.printInternals('These are the ' \ 'redundant internal coordinates for the product:', maxindexwidth, logger) # determine reaction coordinates reactioninternals = InternalCoords() self.getReactionInternals(rinternals, pinternals, reactioninternals) if logger: reactioninternals.printInternals('These are the reaction ' \ 'coordinates:', maxindexwidth, logger) self.reactioninternals = reactioninternals # superpose the product on to the reactant self.tosuperpose, self.armsd = self.runSuperposition( reactant, product, reactioninternals, logger) if logger: logger.debug('The following atoms of the reactant/product pair have ' \ 'been used to perform this superposition: %s' % self.tosuperpose) logger.debug('') # get the Cartesian coordinates of the reactant and product rcartesians = self.getCartesianCoords(reactant) pcartesians = self.getCartesianCoords(product) # collect Point objects for reactant rfval = ParserWrapper.FVAL_DICT[ParserWrapper.REACTANT] rindex = 1 rtitle =[CheckInput.TITLEKEY] rentry =[CheckInput.ENTRYNAMEKEY] if reactantcpy: prertitle = self.REACTANTPREFIX + rtitle prerentry = self.REACTANTPREFIX + rentry[CheckInput.TITLEKEY] = prertitle[CheckInput.ENTRYNAMEKEY] = prerentry[ReactionPath.RXNINDEX] = rindex[ReactionPath.RXNCOORD] = rfval self.rcpypoint = Point(rindex, rfval, prertitle, reactantcpy, None, None) rindex += 1[ReactionPath.RXNINDEX] = rindex[ReactionPath.RXNCOORD] = rfval self.rpoint = Point(rindex, rfval, rtitle, reactant, rinternals, rcartesians) # collect Point objects for product pfval = ParserWrapper.FVAL_DICT[ParserWrapper.PRODUCT] pindex = len(samplepoints) + rindex + 1 ptitle =[CheckInput.TITLEKEY] pentry =[CheckInput.ENTRYNAMEKEY][ReactionPath.RXNINDEX] = pindex[ReactionPath.RXNCOORD] = pfval self.ppoint = Point(pindex, pfval, ptitle, product, pinternals, pcartesians) if reactantcpy: pindex += 1 preptitle = self.PRODUCTPREFIX + ptitle prepentry = self.PRODUCTPREFIX + pentry[CheckInput.TITLEKEY] = preptitle[CheckInput.ENTRYNAMEKEY] = prepentry[ReactionPath.RXNINDEX] = pindex[ReactionPath.RXNCOORD] = pfval self.pcpypoint = Point(pindex, pfval, preptitle, productcpy, None, None)
[docs]class Point(object): """ Collect properties of reaction path points. """
[docs] def __init__(self, index, fval, name, astructure, internals, cartesians): """ Create a Point instance. :type index: int :param index: path point index :type fval: float :param fval: path point value :type name: str :param name: path point name :type astructure: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param astructure: structure :type internals: InternalCoords :param internals: path point internal coordinates :type cartesians: list of float :param cartesians: the 3N Cartesian coordinates ordered like [x1, y1, z1, x2, ..., zN] """ self.index = index self.fval = fval = name self.astructure = astructure self.internals = internals self.cartesians = cartesians
[docs]class ReactionPath(object): """ Generate reaction path. """ FVALINCREMENT = 0.001 NORMTHRESH = 0.000000000001 BONDPENALTYTHRESH = 1000000000.0 DIFFLOWTHRESH = 10.0 DIFFHIGHVAL = 1000000000.0 RXNINDEX = 'i_matsci_RXN_Index' RXNCOORD = 'r_matsci_RXN_Coord' REACTIVEATOM = 'b_matsci_Reactive_Atom'
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Create a ReactionPath instance. """ self.samplepoints = [] self.reactioninternals = None self.tosuperpose = None self.armsd = None self.reactiveatoms = [] self.points = [] self.bondweight = None self.angleweight = None self.dihedralweight = None self.cartesianweight = None self.penaltyweight = None
[docs] def getSamplePoints(self, sample, densearound, presumed_ts): """ Determine the final set of sampling points. :type sample: list of float :param sample: points to be interpolated :type densearound: bool :param densearound: include additional sampling points at specific regions :type presumed_ts: str :param presumed_ts: location of presumed ts :rtype: list of floats :return: samplepoints, the list of points to be sampled. """ # if the user supplied more than a single value then just use # those values provided. if len(sample) > 1: self.samplepoints.extend(sample) # get reactant and product fvals rfval = ParserWrapper.FVAL_DICT[ParserWrapper.REACTANT] pfval = ParserWrapper.FVAL_DICT[ParserWrapper.PRODUCT] # if the user supplied a single value less than 1 then just use # that value otherwise take that single greater-than-1 value # and find that number of uniformly distributed sampling points if len(sample) == 1: if sample[0] < 1: fval = sample[0] self.samplepoints.append(fval) else: npoints = sample[0] numerator = pfval - rfval stepsize = old_div(numerator, (npoints + 1)) for point in range(int(npoints)): fval = stepsize * (point + 1) self.samplepoints.append(fval) densepoints = [] if densearound: center = ParserWrapper.FVAL_DICT[presumed_ts] densepoints.append(center) # half of the dense set of points go to the left of # the center point and the other half to the right numdensepoints = ParserWrapper.NUMDENSEPOINTS stepsize = ParserWrapper.STEPDENSEPOINTS for point in range(old_div(numdensepoints, 2)): fval = stepsize * (point + 1) densepoints.append(center - fval) densepoints.append(center + fval) densepoints.sort() # override with the dense set any preexisting sample # points in the range that is covered by the dense set mindensefval = min(densepoints) maxdensefval = max(densepoints) self.samplepoints = [fval for fval in self.samplepoints \ if fval < mindensefval or fval > maxdensefval] self.samplepoints.extend(densepoints) self.samplepoints.sort() return self.samplepoints
[docs] def getReactiveAtoms(self, reactant, product): """ Determine the reactive atoms, i.e. those which have changed Cartesian positions in the superposed reactant/product pair. :type reactant: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param reactant: reactant :type product: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param product: product :rtype: list of int :return: reactiveatoms, reactive atoms """ for ratom, patom in zip(reactant.atom, product.atom): distance = measure.measure_distance(ratom, patom) if distance >= ReactionCoords.REACTIONBONDTHRESH: self.reactiveatoms.append(ratom.index) return self.reactiveatoms
[docs] def interpolateReactionCoords(self, pointindex, fval, connectivity, rpoint, ppoint, reactiveatoms, logger=None): """ Interpolate reaction coordinates between the reactant and product for this sample point. :type pointindex: int :param pointindex: sample point index :type fval: float :param fval: interpolated reaction path point :type connectivity: str :param connectivity: specifies the type of connectivity :type rpoint: Point :param rpoint: reactant information :type ppoint: Point :param ppoint: product information :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: reactive atoms :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: Point :return: ipoint, interpolated point information """ def interpolate_internals(rcoords, pcoords, icoords, reactiveatoms, fval, logger=None): """ Collect interpolated internals. :type rcoords: list of Coords :param rcoords: Coords for reactant :type pcoords: list of Coords :param pcoords: Coords for product :type icoords: list of Coords :param icoords: Coords for interpolated point :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: indicies of reactive atoms :type fval: float :param fval: interpolated reaction path point :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger """ for rcoord, pcoord in zip(rcoords, pcoords): if set(rcoord.indicies).intersection(set(reactiveatoms)): rvalue = rcoord.value[0] pvalue = pcoord.value[0] pphase = 0 if rvalue < 0 and pvalue > 0 or rvalue > 0 and pvalue < 0: pphase = ReactionCoords.REVOLUTION if rvalue < 0: pphase = -1 * ReactionCoords.REVOLUTION coord = (1 - fval) * rvalue + fval * (pvalue + pphase) if pphase: if logger: logger.debug('Treating the phase of dihedral %s' % rcoord.indicies) logger.debug('reactant dihedral = %.3f' % rvalue) logger.debug('product dihedral w/o phase = %.3f' % pvalue) logger.debug('product dihedral w phase = %.3f' % (pvalue + pphase)) logger.debug('interpolated dihedral = %.3f' % coord) if coord < -1 * ReactionCoords.HALFREVOLUTION: coord += ReactionCoords.REVOLUTION if coord > ReactionCoords.HALFREVOLUTION: coord += -1 * ReactionCoords.REVOLUTION if logger: logger.debug('final interpolated dihedral = %.3f' % coord) logger.debug('') icoord = Coord(rcoord.indicies, rcoord.names, [coord]) icoords.append(icoord) # collect interpolated bonds, angles, and dihedrals. Ensure proper handling # of dihedral angles that differ in sign. Changes in dihedral angles are measured # using the smaller of the clockwise and counter-clockwise rotations. internals = InternalCoords() interpolate_internals(rpoint.internals.bonds, ppoint.internals.bonds, internals.bonds, reactiveatoms, fval, logger) interpolate_internals(rpoint.internals.angles, ppoint.internals.angles, internals.angles, reactiveatoms, fval, logger) interpolate_internals(rpoint.internals.dihedrals, ppoint.internals.dihedrals, internals.dihedrals, reactiveatoms, fval, logger) # interpolate all of the Cartesian coordinates. The # fixed Cartesians will keep their fixed values and # will be used along with the optimizable Cartesians # of the reactive atoms to compute the internal # coordinates which are to reproduce in a non-linear # least squares sense the interpolated internals. # The increment here prevents atoms from having the # same interpolated Cartesian coordinates, for example # as I saw with HCN -> CNH. This is a numerical # precision issue, meaning that it is only coordinates # which are identical according to the machine # are a problem. Coordinates that are just close # to one another are alright. The shift applied # is fairly arbitrary because the interpolated # Cartesians are simply an initial guess # to the optimizer. tmpcartesians = [] rpcartesians = list(zip(rpoint.cartesians, ppoint.cartesians)) for index in range(0, len(rpcartesians), 3): rx, px = rpcartesians[index:index + 3][0] ry, py = rpcartesians[index:index + 3][1] rz, pz = rpcartesians[index:index + 3][2] ix = (1 - fval) * rx + fval * px iy = (1 - fval) * ry + fval * py iz = (1 - fval) * rz + fval * pz ixyz = [ix, iy, iz] if ixyz not in tmpcartesians: tmpcartesians.append(ixyz) else: shiftedfval = fval + self.FVALINCREMENT ix = (1 - shiftedfval) * rx + shiftedfval * px iy = (1 - shiftedfval) * ry + shiftedfval * py iz = (1 - shiftedfval) * rz + shiftedfval * pz ixyz = [ix, iy, iz] tmpcartesians.append(ixyz) cartesians = [] for xyz in tmpcartesians: cartesians.extend(xyz) # for convenience create a Point object for this interpolated # point now even though the structure, internals, and # cartesians will need to be updated later if connectivity != ParserWrapper.PRODUCT: refstructure = rpoint.astructure else: refstructure = ppoint.astructure astructure = refstructure.copy() pointname = str(pointindex) ipoint = Point(pointindex, fval, pointname, astructure, internals, cartesians) return ipoint
[docs] def getInitialGuess(self, cartesians, reactiveatoms): """ Obtain the initial guess Cartesians for the non-linear least squares solver. The guess is the interpolated Cartesian coordinates for the reactive atoms. :type cartesians: list of floats :param cartesians: all interpolated Cartesian coordinates :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: atom indicies of reactive atoms :rtype: list of floats :return: guessparams, interpolated Cartesian coordinates of the reactive atoms """ guessparams = [] for atomindex in reactiveatoms: xyzstart = 3 * (atomindex - 1) guessparams.extend(cartesians[xyzstart:xyzstart + 3]) return guessparams
[docs] def doNonLinearFit(self, ipoint, guessparams, reactiveatoms, mixprevious, logger=None): r""" Using the interpolated redundant internal coordinates and interpolated Cartesian coordinates obtain the final set of Cartesian coordinates for this reaction path point by minimizing a sum-of-squares error function using non-linear least sqaures, i.e.:: error = \sum_{bonds} bondweight*(r(a,b) - r^{i}(a,b))**2 + \sum_{angles} angleweight*(theta(a,b,c) - theta^{i}(a,b,c))**2 + \sum_{dihedrals} dihedralweight*(tau(a,b,c,d) - tau^{i}(a,b,c,d))**2 + \sum_{atoms} cartweight*[(x(a) - x^{i}(a))**2 + (y(a) - y^{i}(a))**2 + (z(a) - z^{i}(a))**2] where those variables marked with "^{i}" are the interpolated quantities and where:: r(a,b) = r(x(a), y(a), z(a), x(b), y(b), z(b)) = norm(vec(a,b)) theta(a,b,c) = arccos[(vec(a,b) \dot vec(c,b))/(norm(vec(a,b))*norm(vec(c,b)))] tau(a,b,c,d) = arccos[((vec(c,b) \cross vec(a,b)) \dot (vec(d,c) \cross vec(b,c))) / (norm((vec(c,b) \cross vec(a,b)))*norm((vec(d,c) \cross vec(b,c))))] The 3N Cartesian coordinates, x(a), y(a), z(a), x(b), ..., z(N), are choosen so as to minimize the error. :type ipoint: Point :param ipoint: interpolated point information :type guessparams: list of floats :param guessparams: initial parameters, i.e. Cartesian coordinates of the reactive atoms :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: atomic indicies of reactive atoms :type mixprevious: float :param mixprevious: specifies to what extent the optimized Cartesian coordinates from the previous reaction path point are mixed with the coordinates determined by interpolation at the current point. :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: list :return: optcartesians, non-linear-optimized Cartesian coordinates for this sample point. """ def get_vectors(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger=None): """ Return a list of vectors pointing to each of the atoms in indicies. :type params: numpy.array :param params: optimizable Cartesians :type indicies: list of ints :param indicies: indicies defining the internal coordinate :type cartesians: list :param cartesians: Cartesians :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: reactive atom indicies :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: list of numpy.array :return: vecs, vectors pointing to atoms in indicies """ # for non-reactive and reactive atoms use the original and # optimized Cartesians, respectively vecs = [] for atomindex in indicies: if atomindex in reactiveatoms: tmpindex = reactiveatoms.index(atomindex) tmpindex = 3 * tmpindex values = list(params) else: tmpindex = 3 * (atomindex - 1) values = list(cartesians) vecs.append(numpy.array(values[tmpindex:tmpindex + 3])) return vecs def get_bond_distance(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger=None): """ Return the bond distance. :type params: numpy.array :param params: parameters being optimized :type indicies: list of ints :param indicies: bond indicies :type cartesians: list :param cartesians: all Cartesian coordinates :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: atom indicies of reactive atoms. :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: float :return: distance, bond distance in Ang. """ # form vectors and find distance vecs = get_vectors(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger) veca = vecs[0] vecb = vecs[1] bondvec = vecb - veca distance = numpy.linalg.norm(bondvec) return distance def get_bond_weight(interpolatedval): """ Return the weight of the bonding term. :type interpolatedval: float :param interpolatedval: interpolated bond distance :rtype: float :return: weight, the weight of this bond term. """ return self.bondweight def get_bond_angle(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger=None): """ Return the bond angle. :type params: numpy.array :param params: parameters being optimized :type indicies: list of ints :param indicies: angle indicies :type cartesians: list :param cartesians: all Cartesian coordinates :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: atom indicies of reactive atoms :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: float :return: angle, bond angle in degree """ # form vectors and find angle, note that math.acos # is multivalued, the domain is [-1.0, 1.0] while # by convention the range is [0.0, 180.0] (degrees). # Here the argument to math.acos may suffer from # numerical precision errors and so must be bounded # in [-1.0, 1.0] in order to avoid a domain error. # Bond angles are always defined in [0.0, 180.0] so # we do not need to check the sign of the angle # returned. vecs = get_vectors(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger) veca = vecs[0] vecb = vecs[1] vecc = vecs[2] bondvecab = veca - vecb bondveccb = vecc - vecb normab = numpy.linalg.norm(bondvecab) normcb = numpy.linalg.norm(bondveccb) if normab < self.NORMTHRESH or normcb < self.NORMTHRESH \ and logger: logger.warning('Vectors defining internal coordinate %s ' \ 'are becoming vanishingly small.' % indicies) acosarg = old_div(, bondveccb), (normab * normcb)) acosarg = max(min(acosarg, 1), -1) angle = math.acos(acosarg) angle = math.degrees(angle) return angle def get_angle_weight(interpolatedval): """ Return the weight of the angle term. :type interpolatedval: float :param interpolatedval: interpolated bond angle :rtype: float :return: weight, the weight of this angle term. """ return self.angleweight def get_dihedral_angle(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger=None): """ Return the dihedral angle. :type params: numpy.array :param params: parameters being optimized :type indicies: list of ints :param indicies: dihedral indicies :type cartesians: list :param cartesians: all Cartesian coordinates :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: atom indicies of reactive atoms. :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: float :return: dihedral, the dihedral angle in units of degree. """ # form vectors and find dihedral, note that math.acos # is multivalued, the domain is [-1.0, 1.0] while # by convention the range is [0.0, 180.0] (degrees). # Here the argument to math.acos may suffer from # numerical precision errors and so must be bounded # in [-1.0, 1.0] in order to avoid a domain error. # Dihedral angles are defined in [-180.0, 180.0] and # so we need to determine the proper sign of the # dihedral returned. vecs = get_vectors(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger) veca = vecs[0] vecb = vecs[1] vecc = vecs[2] vecd = vecs[3] bondvecab = veca - vecb bondveccb = vecc - vecb bondvecbc = vecb - vecc bondvecdc = vecd - vecc planevecabc = numpy.cross(bondveccb, bondvecab) planevecbcd = numpy.cross(bondvecdc, bondvecbc) normabc = numpy.linalg.norm(planevecabc) normbcd = numpy.linalg.norm(planevecbcd) if normabc < self.NORMTHRESH or normbcd < self.NORMTHRESH \ and logger: logger.warning('Vectors defining internal coordinate %s ' \ 'are becoming vanishingly small.' % indicies) acosarg = old_div(, planevecbcd), (normabc * normbcd)) acosarg = max(min(acosarg, 1), -1) dihedral = math.acos(acosarg) dihedral = math.degrees(dihedral) sign =, planevecbcd) if sign > 0: dihedral = -1 * dihedral return dihedral def get_dihedral_weight(interpolatedval): """ Return the weight of the dihedral term. :type interpolatedval: float :param interpolatedval: interpolated dihedral angle :rtype: float :return: weight, the weight of this dihedral term. """ return self.dihedralweight def get_cartesian_weight(): """ Return the weight of the Cartesian term. :rtype: float :return: weight, the weight of this Cartesian term. """ return self.cartesianweight def residuals(params, bondinds, bondvals, angleinds, anglevals, dihedralinds, dihedralvals, cartesians, reactiveatoms, initialparams, logger=None): r""" The main argument to scipy.optimize.leastsq. Determine the residuals which are to be minimized by leastsq where the residuals are defined as the argument to the square, i.e. error = \sum_{residuals} (residual)**2. :type params: numpy.array :param params: parameters being optimized :type bondinds: list of lists :param bondinds: all bond indicies :type bondvals: list :param bondvals: interpolated bond distances :type angleinds: list of lists :param angleinds: all angle indicies :type anglevals: list :param anglevals: interpolated bond angles :type dihedralinds: list of lists :param dihedralinds: all dihedral indicies :type dihedralvals: list :param dihedralvals: interpolated dihedral angles :type cartesians: list :param cartesians: all Cartesian coordinates :type reactiveatoms: list :param reactiveatoms: atom indicies for reactive atoms. :type initialparams: list of floats :param initialparams: list of interpolated Cartesian coordinates for the reactive atoms. :type logger: logging.getLogger :param logger: output logger :rtype: numpy.array :return: residual, residuals ordered as bonds, angles, dihedrals, and cartesians. """ residual = [] # for each bonding reaction coordinate form a weighted # residual with the difference between the interpolated # distance and the distance calculated from the Cartesian # coordinates of the two atoms. At least one of the atoms # will be a reactive atom. For bonds include the bond penalty # terms which should guide the optimizer away from bonds # of length zero. for indicies, interpolatedval in zip(bondinds, bondvals): distance = get_bond_distance(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger) weight = get_bond_weight(interpolatedval) diff = interpolatedval - distance bondresidual = weight * diff / interpolatedval if distance <= self.BONDPENALTYTHRESH: bondpenalty = old_div(self.penaltyweight, distance) bondresidual += bondpenalty residual.append(bondresidual) # for each angle reaction coordinate form a weighted # residual with the difference between the interpolated # angle and the angle calculated from the Cartesian # coordinates of the three atoms. At least one of the atoms # will be a reactive atom. for indicies, interpolatedval in zip(angleinds, anglevals): angle = get_bond_angle(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger) weight = get_angle_weight(interpolatedval) diff = interpolatedval - angle try: angleresidual = weight * diff / interpolatedval except ZeroDivisionError: if logger: logger.debug('The interpolated angle %s ' \ 'is zero.' % indicies) logger.debug('') if abs(diff) <= self.DIFFLOWTHRESH: angleresidual = 0.0 else: angleresidual = self.DIFFHIGHVAL residual.append(angleresidual) # for each dihedral reaction coordinate form a weighted # residual with the difference between the interpolated # dihedral and the dihedral calculated from the Cartesian # coordinates of the four atoms. At least one of the atoms # will be a reactive atom. for indicies, interpolatedval in zip(dihedralinds, dihedralvals): dihedral = get_dihedral_angle(params, indicies, cartesians, reactiveatoms, logger) weight = get_dihedral_weight(interpolatedval) diff = interpolatedval - dihedral if (ReactionCoords.REVOLUTION - abs(diff)) < \ ReactionCoords.REVOLUTIONTHRESH: if logger: logger.debug('Change in dihedral %s is close to a full ' 'revolution: %s %s.' % (indicies, interpolatedval, dihedral)) logger.debug('') diff = abs(interpolatedval) - abs(dihedral) try: dihedralresidual = weight * diff / interpolatedval except ZeroDivisionError: if logger: logger.debug('The interpolated dihedral angle %s ' \ 'is zero.' % indicies) logger.debug('') if abs(diff) <= self.DIFFLOWTHRESH: dihedralresidual = 0.0 else: dihedralresidual = self.DIFFHIGHVAL residual.append(dihedralresidual) # for each Cartesian coordinate of each reactive atom # add a term to the residual that is the weighted difference # between the coordinate being optimized and its original # guess value. This is supposed to ensure that the # optimizer does not resort to a solution that is that # different from the guess solution. weight = get_cartesian_weight() for param, initialparam in zip(params, initialparams): cartresidual = weight * (initialparam - param) residual.append(cartresidual) residual = numpy.array(residual) return residual # isolate out indicies and values of internal coordinates so # that we are not passing a large object in the args to # leastsq bonds = ipoint.internals.bonds angles = ipoint.internals.angles dihedrals = ipoint.internals.dihedrals bondinds, bondvals = [], [] for bond in bonds: bondinds.append(bond.indicies) bondvals.append(bond.value[0]) angleinds, anglevals = [], [] for angle in angles: angleinds.append(angle.indicies) anglevals.append(angle.value[0]) dihedralinds, dihedralvals = [], [] for dihedral in dihedrals: dihedralinds.append(dihedral.indicies) dihedralvals.append(dihedral.value[0]) # the initial guess for the Cartesian coordinates of # the reactive atoms will be a mixture of the coordinates # interpolated from the reactant and product for this sample # point and the optimized coordinates from the last reaction # path point. Taking a mixture seems to help avoid discontinuous # reaction paths. We will need two copies (1) initialparams # which will not be updated and (2) guessparams which will # be updated. interpolatedguess = self.getInitialGuess(ipoint.cartesians, reactiveatoms) previousguess = list(guessparams) avgguess = [] for iguess, pguess in zip(interpolatedguess, previousguess): guess = (1 - mixprevious) * iguess + mixprevious * pguess avgguess.append(guess) initialparams = list(avgguess) guessparams = numpy.array(avgguess) # minimize the residuals vector by varying the Cartesian # coordinates of the reactive atoms. It is necessary that # residuals, guessparams, and optcartesians are numpy.array # objects. optcartesians, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq( residuals, guessparams, args=(bondinds, bondvals, angleinds, anglevals, dihedralinds, dihedralvals, ipoint.cartesians, reactiveatoms, initialparams, logger), full_output=True) optcartesians = optcartesians.tolist() # print some leastsq exit info if logger: logger.debug('Optimizer: number of function calls = %s' % infodict['nfev']) logger.debug('Optimizer: exit status = %s' % ier) if ier not in [1, 2, 3, 4]: logger.critical('Optimizer: failure message is %s' % mesg) logger.debug('') return optcartesians
[docs] def getInterpolatedStructure(self, ipoint, optcartesians, reactiveatoms, tosuperpose, fval, connectivity, presumed_ts, rpoint, ppoint): """ Build the schrodinger.structure.Structure object from the optimized Cartesian coordinates for the interpolated structure at this sample point and update the internal and Cartesian coordinates in the Point object. :type ipoint: Point :param ipoint: interpolated point information :type optcartesians: list of floats :param optcartesians: optimized Cartesian coordinates for the reactive atoms :type reactiveatoms: list of ints :param reactiveatoms: atom indicies of reactive atoms. :type tosuperpose: list of ints :param tosuperpose: contains the atom indicies of the atoms used in the superposition. :type fval: float :param fval: The interpolated reaction path point. :type connectivity: str :param connectivity: specifies the type of connectivity :type presumed_ts: str :param presumed_ts: specifies the location of the presumed ts :type rpoint: Point :param rpoint: reactant information :type ppoint: Point :param ppoint: product information :rtype: list of floats, InternalCoords object :return: optcartesianssuperposed, reactiveinternals, the optimized Cartesian coordinates for the reactive atoms after superposition on to the reactant structure and an object containing the interpolated and calculated reactive internal coordinates. """ # update the structure object, i.e. move reactive atoms, # define connectivity, superpose it on to the reactant, # define some properties, etc. if connectivity == ParserWrapper.REACTANT or \ connectivity == ParserWrapper.PRODUCT: for tmpindex, atomindex in enumerate(reactiveatoms): iatom = ipoint.astructure.atom[atomindex] index = 3 * (tmpindex) iatom.x = optcartesians[index] iatom.y = optcartesians[index + 1] iatom.z = optcartesians[index + 2] else: center = ParserWrapper.FVAL_DICT[presumed_ts] numdensepoints = ParserWrapper.NUMDENSEPOINTS stepsize = ParserWrapper.STEPDENSEPOINTS transitionstart = center - stepsize * numdensepoints / 2 transitionend = center + stepsize * numdensepoints / 2 if fval > transitionend: ipoint.astructure = ppoint.astructure.copy() for tmpindex, atomindex in enumerate(reactiveatoms): iatom = ipoint.astructure.atom[atomindex] index = 3 * (tmpindex) iatom.x = optcartesians[index] iatom.y = optcartesians[index + 1] iatom.z = optcartesians[index + 2] if fval >= transitionstart and fval <= transitionend: for rbond in if not ppoint.astructure.areBound(rbond.atom1, rbond.atom2): add_or_update_bond_type(ipoint.astructure, rbond.atom1, rbond.atom2, structure.BondType.Zero) for pbond in if not rpoint.astructure.areBound(pbond.atom1, pbond.atom2): add_or_update_bond_type(ipoint.astructure, pbond.atom1, pbond.atom2, structure.BondType.Zero) ipoint.astructure.retype() if not set(tosuperpose).issubset(set(reactiveatoms)): armsd = rmsd.superimpose(rpoint.astructure, tosuperpose, ipoint.astructure, tosuperpose, use_symmetry=False, move_which=rmsd.CT)[CheckInput.TITLEKEY] =[CheckInput.ENTRYNAMEKEY] =[self.RXNINDEX] = ipoint.index[self.RXNCOORD] = ipoint.fval def get_final_internals(iinternals, istructure, refinternals): """ For every internal coordinate in the reference set define one for the interpolated structure. While doing so grab, for the reactive internals, both the initial interpolated internal as well as the final fitted internal so that we can print them. :type iinternals: list of Coord :param iinternals: Coords for interpolated point :type istructure: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param istructure: structure for interpolated point :type refinternals: list of Coord :param refinternals: Coords for reference point :rtype: list of Coord, list of Coord :return: reactiveinternals, allinternals, contains reactive and all Coords """ # get dictionary mapping internal indicies to values for fitted internals fittedinternals = {} for iinternal in iinternals: fittedinternals[tuple(iinternal.indicies)] = iinternal.value[0] # initialize two lists, one for printing information about the fitted # internals and one for updating the interpolated Point with the final # set of internals, define internal coordinates for the interpolated # point using the set of reference interal coordinates reactiveinternals = [] allinternals = [] for refinternal in refinternals: iatoms = [ istructure.atom[index] for index in refinternal.indicies ] if len(iatoms) == 2: value = measure.measure_distance(*iatoms) if len(iatoms) == 3: value = measure.measure_bond_angle(*iatoms) if len(iatoms) == 4: value = measure.measure_dihedral_angle(*iatoms) icoord = Coord(refinternal.indicies, refinternal.names, [value]) allinternals.append(icoord) # if this internal was fitted then collect both the interpolated and # fitted values for printing, be sure to include cases where the # interpolated coordinate is zero interpolval = fittedinternals.get(tuple(refinternal.indicies)) if interpolval is not None: icoord = Coord(refinternal.indicies, refinternal.names, [interpolval, value]) reactiveinternals.append(icoord) return reactiveinternals, allinternals # update the internal coordinates in the Point object of the interpolated # point, also for those reactive internal coordinates, i.e. the ones that # are changing along the reaction path, collect the original interpolated # values as well as the final values predicted by the non-linear fit this # way we can do a nice print out of what has happened reactiveibonds, allibonds = get_final_internals(ipoint.internals.bonds, ipoint.astructure, rpoint.internals.bonds) reactiveiangles, alliangles = get_final_internals( ipoint.internals.angles, ipoint.astructure, rpoint.internals.angles) reactiveidihedrals, allidihedrals = get_final_internals( ipoint.internals.dihedrals, ipoint.astructure, rpoint.internals.dihedrals) reactiveinternals = InternalCoords() reactiveinternals.bonds = list(reactiveibonds) reactiveinternals.angles = list(reactiveiangles) reactiveinternals.dihedrals = list(reactiveidihedrals) ipoint.internals.bonds = list(allibonds) ipoint.internals.angles = list(alliangles) ipoint.internals.dihedrals = list(allidihedrals) # update the Cartesian coordinates in the Point object of the interpolated # point ipoint.cartesians = ReactionCoords().getCartesianCoords( ipoint.astructure) # return optcartesians of the interpolated structure after the # superposition to help form the solution guess for the next # reaction path point and while we are at it mark the reactive atoms # in the interpolated path point structure object optcartesianssuperposed = [] for atomindex in reactiveatoms: iatom = ipoint.astructure.atom[atomindex] optcartesianssuperposed.append(iatom.x) optcartesianssuperposed.append(iatom.y) optcartesianssuperposed.append(iatom.z) ipoint.astructure.atom[atomindex].property[self.REACTIVEATOM] = True return optcartesianssuperposed, reactiveinternals
[docs] def runIt(self, reactant, product, job_name=ParserWrapper.JOB_NAME, sample=ParserWrapper.SAMPLE_DEFAULT, presumed_ts=ParserWrapper.PRESUMED_TS, densearound=ParserWrapper.DENSEAROUND, bondweight=ParserWrapper.BONDWEIGHT, angleweight=ParserWrapper.ANGLEWEIGHT, dihedralweight=ParserWrapper.DIHEDRALWEIGHT, cartesianweight=ParserWrapper.CARTESIANWEIGHT, penaltyweight=ParserWrapper.PENALTYWEIGHT, interpolation=ParserWrapper.CARTESIAN, mixprevious=ParserWrapper.MIXPREVIOUS, guess=ParserWrapper.BEFORESUPERPOSITION, connectivity=ParserWrapper.TS, norxncomplex=ParserWrapper.NORXNCOMPLEX, vdwscale=ParserWrapper.VDWSCALE, reorder=ParserWrapper.REORDER, reverse_interpolation=ParserWrapper.REVERSE_INTERPOLATION, logger=None): """ Function to orchestrate calculation of the reaction path. :type reactant: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param reactant: reactant :type product: schrodinger.structure.Structure :param product: product :type job_name: str :param job_name: name of job :type sample: list of floats :param sample: contains either the list of sample points or the number of points to sample as a "decimal-less" float. :type presumed_ts: str :param presumed_ts: gives the location of the presumed ts. :type densearound: bool :param densearound: Specifies if additional sampling points should be included in the interpolation. :type bondweight: float :param bondweight: Specifies the weight of the bonding term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares. :type angleweight: float :param angleweight: Specifies the weight of the angle term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares. :type dihedralweight: float :param dihedralweight: Specifies the weight of the dihedral term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares. :type cartesianweight: float :param cartesianweight: Specifies the weight of the Cartesian term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares. :type penaltyweight: float :param penaltyweight: Specifies the weight of the bond penalty term in the objective function which is minimized using non-linear least squares. :type interpolation: str :param interpolation: specifies the coordinate system in which the reaction path points are interpolated. :type mixprevious: float :param mixprevious: specifies to what extent the optimized Cartesian coordinates from the previous reaction path point are mixed with the coordinates determined by interpolation at the current point. :type guess: str :param guess: specifies the type of solution guess generated from the optimized Cartesian coordinates of the previous reaction path point. :type connectivity: str :param connectivity: specifies the type of connectivity to use in defining the structure objects of points along the reaction path. :type norxncomplex: boolean :param norxncomplex: Disables the preprocessing of reactants and products into reaction complexes for certain bimolecular reactions. :type vdwscale: float :param vdwscale: Scales the inter-molecular VDW distance used to separate reactant or product structures when forming reaction complexes for certain bimolecular reactions. :type reorder: boolean :param reorder: Specifies to run the protocol to normalize the atom ordering in the reactants and products. :type reverse_interpolation: boolean :param reverse_interpolation: interpolate the reaction in reverse :type logger: a logging.getLogger object :param logger: The output logger for this script. """ if logger:'Working on the %s --> %s reaction:' % ([CheckInput.TITLEKEY],[CheckInput.TITLEKEY]))'') if reverse_interpolation: interpolation_msg = ( 'The reaction path for the above reaction ' 'will be determined by interpolating in reverse, i.e. from ' 'the products to the reactants rather than from the reactants ' 'to the products.')'') # check job name job_name = CheckInput().checkJobName(job_name, logger) # check reorder reorder = CheckInput().checkReorder(reorder, logger) # check structures and pairs of structures reactant, product = CheckInput().checkStructures( logger, reactant, product) reactant, product = CheckInput().checkStructurePairs( reorder, logger, reactant, product) # check sample, no check needed for densearound sample = CheckInput().checkSample(sample, logger) # check presumed_ts presumed_ts = CheckInput().checkPresumedTs(presumed_ts, logger) # check interpolation interpolation = CheckInput().checkInterpolation(interpolation, logger) # check mixprevious mixprevious = CheckInput().checkMixPrevious(mixprevious, logger) # check guess guess = CheckInput().checkGuess(guess, logger) # check connectivity connectivity = CheckInput().checkConnectivity(connectivity, logger) # check norxncomplex and vdwscale norxncomplex, vdwscale = CheckInput().checkNoRxnComplex( norxncomplex, vdwscale, logger) # check all weights, i.e. bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, # cartesianweight, penaltyweight bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, penaltyweight = \ CheckInput().checkWeights(bondweight, angleweight, dihedralweight, cartesianweight, penaltyweight, logger) # check reverse reverse_interpolation = \ CheckInput().checkReverseInterpolation(reverse_interpolation, logger) # get sample points samplepoints = self.getSamplePoints(sample, densearound, presumed_ts) samplepointsmsg = """ This calculation will sample the following %s points: %s""" samplepointsrounded = [] for spoint in samplepoints: samplepointsrounded.append(round(spoint, 2)) if logger: % (len(samplepointsrounded), samplepointsrounded))'') # get reaction coordinates rxncoordsobj = ReactionCoords() rxncoordsobj.prepare(reactant, product, interpolation, norxncomplex, \ vdwscale, samplepoints, logger) rcpypoint = rxncoordsobj.rcpypoint rpoint = rxncoordsobj.rpoint pcpypoint = rxncoordsobj.pcpypoint ppoint = rxncoordsobj.ppoint reactioninternals = rxncoordsobj.reactioninternals tosuperpose = rxncoordsobj.tosuperpose armsd = rxncoordsobj.armsd self.reactioninternals = reactioninternals self.tosuperpose = tosuperpose self.armsd = armsd # determine the reactive atoms reactiveatoms = self.getReactiveAtoms(reactant, product) if logger:'These are the reactive atoms: %s' % reactiveatoms)'') # mark reactive atoms in reactant and product structures for atomindex in reactiveatoms: rpoint.astructure.atom[atomindex].property[self.REACTIVEATOM] = True ppoint.astructure.atom[atomindex].property[self.REACTIVEATOM] = True if rcpypoint: rcpypoint.astructure.atom[atomindex].property[ self.REACTIVEATOM] = True pcpypoint.astructure.atom[atomindex].property[ self.REACTIVEATOM] = True # initialize points list with reactant and product point objects rindex = rpoint.index pindex = ppoint.index if rcpypoint: pindex = pcpypoint.index self.points.extend([''] * pindex) self.points[rindex - 1] = rpoint self.points[pindex - 1] = ppoint if rcpypoint: self.points[rindex - 2] = rcpypoint self.points[rindex - 1] = rpoint self.points[pindex - 2] = ppoint self.points[pindex - 1] = pcpypoint # return if there is no reaction but first update the points array rxnyesno = reactioninternals.bonds or reactioninternals.angles or \ reactioninternals.dihedrals if not rxnyesno: if logger: rtitle = ptitle = logger.warning( 'The reactants and products you have provided ' 'in %s and %s are not for a reactive system and so no ' 'reaction path will be computed.' % (rtitle, ptitle)) while '' in self.points: self.points.remove('') pindex = rindex + 1 self.points[pindex - 1][self.RXNINDEX] = pindex if rcpypoint: self.points[pindex][ self.RXNINDEX] = pindex + 1 return # set weights self.bondweight = bondweight self.angleweight = angleweight self.dihedralweight = dihedralweight self.cartesianweight = cartesianweight self.penaltyweight = penaltyweight # get the length of the largest atom index maxindexwidth = len(str(reactant.atom_total)) # get level name of logger if logger: loglevel = logging.getLevelName(logger.getEffectiveLevel()) # get parameters for forward or reverse interpolation fval_iter = list(enumerate(samplepoints)) first_interp_point = 0 if reverse_interpolation: fval_iter = fval_iter[::-1] first_interp_point = len(fval_iter) - 1 # interpolate reaction path points for pointindex, fval in fval_iter: # get Point object for the interpolated point ipoint = self.interpolateReactionCoords(pointindex + rindex + 1, fval, connectivity, rpoint, ppoint, reactiveatoms, logger) self.points[pointindex + rindex] = ipoint if logger: msg = 'Optimizing coordinates for reaction path point %s:' % msglen = len(msg) banner = '=' * msglen'') # handle initial guess for Cartesian coordinates of # reactive atoms and run the optimizer if interpolation == ParserWrapper.CARTESIAN: optcartesians = self.getInitialGuess(ipoint.cartesians, reactiveatoms) else: if pointindex == first_interp_point: guessparams = self.getInitialGuess(ipoint.cartesians, reactiveatoms) optcartesians = self.doNonLinearFit(ipoint, guessparams, reactiveatoms, mixprevious, logger) if guess == ParserWrapper.BEFORESUPERPOSITION: guessparams = list(optcartesians) # update Point object for the interpolated point optcartesianssuperposed, comprxninternals = \ self.getInterpolatedStructure(ipoint, optcartesians, reactiveatoms, tosuperpose, fval, connectivity, presumed_ts, rpoint, ppoint) if guess == ParserWrapper.AFTERSUPERPOSITION: guessparams = list(optcartesianssuperposed) if logger: comprxninternals.printInternals('Interpolated and optimized internal ' \ 'coordinates for sample point %s:' %, maxindexwidth, logger)