Source code for schrodinger.application.mopac.mopac_startup

Startup driver for running semiempirical calculations (i.e. MOPAC)

# Contributors: Mark A. Watson

import os
import re

from schrodinger.application.mopac import mopac_backend
from schrodinger.application.mopac import mopac_parser
from schrodinger.application.mopac import utils
from schrodinger.application.mopac.exceptions import MopacIOError
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.job import jobcontrol
from schrodinger.job import launchapi
from schrodinger.job import launchparams

_external_re = re.compile(r"EXTERNAL\s*=\s*(\S+)", re.I)

def _get_EXTERNAL_files(infiles, keywords):
    Look for EXTERNAL specification in MOPAC input files and cmdline flags to
    indicate files which need to be registered as additional input files.

    :type  infiles: list
    :param infiles: known input file paths

    :type  keywords: str
    :param keywords: string of additional MOPAC keywords from cmdline

    :return: set of input file names

    def add_file(f, efiles):
        if not os.path.isfile(f):
            raise RuntimeError(f"EXTERNAL file '{f}' not found.")

    efiles = set()

    # Handle EXTERNAL specification in .mop files
    for infile in infiles:
        if utils.is_mopac_file(infile):
            with open(infile, 'r') as fh:
                last_line_continued = True
                for ix, line in enumerate(fh):
                    match =
                    if match:
                        add_file(, efiles)
                    if ix > 0 and not last_line_continued:
                    last_line_continued ="[&+]", line)

    # Handle EXTERNAL=filename from cmdline flags
    if keywords:
        match =
        if match:
            add_file(, efiles)

    return efiles

def _get_input_files(parsed_args):
    Return set of input files that need to be registered with jobcontrol
    and/or copied to the work directory.

    :type  parsed_args: ParsedArgs object
    :param parsed_args: parsed cmdline arguments

    :return: set of input file names

    infiles = set(parsed_args.infiles)
    for infile in infiles:
        if not os.path.isfile(infile):
            msg = f'Cannot find input file {infile} in {os.getcwd()}'
            raise MopacIOError(msg)

    # Include infiles obtained from the EXTERNAL specification
    infiles.update(_get_EXTERNAL_files(infiles, parsed_args.keywords))

    return infiles

def _get_output_files(parsed_args):
    Return set of output files expected from this workflow.

    Currently all output files are registered on-the-fly in the
    backend scripts.  Hopefully this can be improved in the future
    to make the API more clearly defined.

    :type  parsed_args: ParsedArgs object
    :param parsed_args: parsed cmdline arguments

    :return: set of output file names

    outfiles = set()
    return outfiles

def _register_input_files(jsb, infiles):
    Register input files with job specification.

    :type  jsb: `schrodinger.job.launchapi.JobSpecificationArgsBuilder`
    :param jsb: jobcontrol job specification builder instance

    :type  infiles: set of strings
    :param infiles: input file names

    for infile in infiles:
        if os.path.exists(infile):
            msg = f'Failed to find expected file {infile}'
            raise MopacIOError(msg)

def _register_output_files(jsb, outfiles):
    Register output files with job specification.

    :type  jsb: `schrodinger.job.launchapi.JobSpecificationArgsBuilder`
    :param jsb: jobcontrol job specification builder instance

    :type  outfiles: list of strings
    :param outfiles: output file names

    for outfile in outfiles:
        jsb.setOutputFile(outfile, stream=True)

def _get_job_params():
    Return the jobcontrol launch parameters

    :type  parsed_args: ParsedArgs object
    :param parsed_args: parsed cmdline arguments

    params = launchparams.LaunchParameters()

    # Set jobcontrol parallel resources
    params.setNumberOfProcessorsManyNodes(1)  # no MPI
    params.setNumberOfProcessorsOneNode(1)  # launch 1-CPU driver

    return params

def _get_job_spec(cmdline, infiles, outfiles, jobname):
    Return the jobcontrol job specification

    :type  cmdline: str
    :param cmdline: cmdline to launch under jobcontrol

    :type  infiles: list
    :param infiles: list of input files to register

    :type  outfiles: list
    :param outfiles: list of (known) output files to register

    :type  jobname: str
    :param jobname: name of job

    :return `schrodinger.job.launchapi.JobSpecification`

    # Create job_spec_builder instance
    jsb = launchapi.JobSpecificationArgsBuilder(cmdline,

    # Set jobname and .log filename

    # Set Program name so Maestro knows how to incorporate

    # Register input and output files
    _register_input_files(jsb, infiles)
    _register_output_files(jsb, outfiles)

    return jsb.getJobSpec()

def _run_backend(args):
    Launch backend process under jobcontrol

    :type  args: list
    :param args: cmdline arguments

    status = 0
    parsed_args = mopac_parser.parse_args(args)

    print("Launching MOPAC under jobcontrol.")
    # Get jobcontrol jobspec and launch parameters
    cmdline = [''] + args
    infiles = _get_input_files(parsed_args)
    outfiles = _get_output_files(parsed_args)
    job_spec = _get_job_spec(cmdline, infiles, outfiles, parsed_args.jobname)
    # Get jobcontrol launch parameters
    job_params = _get_job_params()
    # Launch jobcontrol job
    job = jobcontrol.launch_from_job_spec(job_spec, job_params)
    print("Release:", mm.mmfile_get_release_name())
    print("Exec:", os.getenv('MMSHARE_EXEC'))
    print(f"JobId: {job.JobId}")

    if parsed_args.wait:
        # Barrier until jobcontrol job is finished

    return status

[docs]def main(args): """ Startup driver for running MOPAC :type args: list :param args: cmdline arguments """ parsed_args = mopac_parser.parse_args(args) if parsed_args.nojobid: # Run script directly status = mopac_backend.main(args) else: # Run script under jobcontrol status = _run_backend(args) return status