Source code for schrodinger.application.qsite.output

A class for parsing of QSite output files.

This module provides a class `QSiteOutput` that holds the information from
a QSite run.

# Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

from import _FLOAT_PRECISION
from import CaseInsensitiveString
# Import various classes needed for
from import JaguarOutput
from import JaguarResults
from import _Attribute
from import TextParser
from import callback as jcallback

[docs]class QSiteResults(JaguarResults): # Note: we may or may not want to use the same energy_precision # value as JaguarResults. energy_precision = 1.e-6 _attributes = JaguarResults._attributes + [ _Attribute("total_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("total_potential_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("total_kinetic_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("bond_stretch_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("angle_bend_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("torsion_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("lj14_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("electrostatic14_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("lj_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("electrostatic_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("hbond_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("qmmm_electrostatic_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("qmmm_stretch_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("qmmm_bend_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("qmmm_torsion_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision"), _Attribute("bondchg_repulsion_energy", comparison=_FLOAT_PRECISION, precision="energy_precision") ]
[docs]class QSiteTextParser(TextParser): """ A subclass of the Jaguar output text parser that adds QSite specific parsing. """ callback = dict(TextParser.callback)
[docs]class QSiteOutput(JaguarOutput): """ A class to hold output information from a QSite run. """ _results_class = QSiteResults _text_parser_class = QSiteTextParser _attributes = JaguarOutput._attributes + [ _Attribute("ffld", "force field", "string"), _Attribute("nb_cutoff", "neighbor list cutoff distance", "float"), _Attribute("nb_update", "neighbor list update frequency", "int"), _Attribute("total_atoms", "total number of atoms", "int"), _Attribute("jaguar_atoms", "number of Jaguar atoms", "int"), _Attribute("qm_atoms", "number of QM atoms", "int"), _Attribute("nddo_atoms", "number of NDDO atoms", "int"), _Attribute("nhcaps", "number of hydrogen caps", "int"), _Attribute("nddo_hcaps", "number of NDDO hydrogen caps", "int"), _Attribute("ncuts", "number of frozen-orbital cuts", "int"), _Attribute("nconmm", "number of constrained MM atoms", "int"), _Attribute("nfrzmm", "number of frozen MM atoms", "int") ]
# # Below this point, add callbacks for QSite output processing. # # All function callbacks must have the call signature # # def foo(tp, qo, m, it): # # where the arguments are as follows: # tp (QSiteTextParser) : the QSiteTextParser instance # qo (QSiteOutput) : the QSiteOutput object being updated # m (re match object) : the re match that caused the function to be called # it (file iterator) : the file iterator for the file being parsed #
[docs]def callback(prog, regexp=None, debug=False): """ A decorator based on the Jaguar output callback decorator, but that adds the callbacks to the QSiteTextParser instead. """ return jcallback(prog, regexp, debug, parser_class=QSiteTextParser)
[docs]@callback("impact", r" calling (\S+)\s+atomtyping") def ffld(tp, qo, m, it): qo.ffld = CaseInsensitiveString(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Cutoff radius:\s+(\S+)") def nb_cutoff(tp, qo, m, it): qo.nb_cutoff = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Update frequency: every\s+(\d+) ") def nb_update(tp, qo, m, it): qo.nb_update = int(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Total Energy of the system\.+\s+(\S+) ") def total_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.total_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Total Potential Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def total_potential_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.total_potential_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Total Kinetic Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def total_kinetic_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.total_kinetic_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Bond Stretch Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def bond_stretch_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.bond_stretch_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Angle Bending Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def angle_bend_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.angle_bend_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Torsion Angle Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def torsion_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.torsion_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ 1,4 Lennard Jones Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def lj14_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.lj14_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ 1,4 Electrostatic Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def electrostatic14_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.electrostatic14_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Lennard Jones Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def lj_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.lj_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ Electrostatic Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def electrostatic_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.electrostatic_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ H-bond Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def hbond_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.hbond_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ QM/MM Electrostatic Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def qmmm_electrostatic_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.qmmm_electrostatic_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ QM/MM Stretch Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def qmmm_stretch_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.qmmm_stretch_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ QM/MM Bend Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def qmmm_bend_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.qmmm_bend_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("impact", r"^ QM/MM Torsion Energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def qmmm_torsion_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.qmmm_torsion_energy = float(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Total number of atoms:\s+(\d+)") def total_atoms(tp, qo, m, it): qo.total_atoms = int(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Number of atoms passed to Jaguar:\s+(\d+)") def jaguar_atoms(tp, qo, m, it): qo.jaguar_atoms = int(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Number of atoms treated by QM:\s+(\d+)") def qm_atoms(tp, qo, m, it): qo.qm_atoms = int(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Number of atoms treated by NDDO:\s+(\d+)") def nddo_atoms(tp, qo, m, it): qo.nddo_atoms = int(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Number of hydrogen caps:\s+(\d+)") def nhcaps(tp, qo, m, it): qo.nhcaps = int(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Number of NDDO hydrogen caps:\s+(\d+)") def nddo_hcaps(tp, qo, m, it): qo.nddo_hcaps = int(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Number of frozen orbital cuts:\s+(\d+)") def ncuts(tp, qo, m, it): qo.ncuts = int(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Number of constrained MM atoms:\s+(\d+)") def nconmm(tp, qo, m, it): qo.nconmm = int(
[docs]@callback("pre", r"^Number of frozen MM atoms:\s+(\d+)") def nfrzmm(tp, qo, m, it): qo.nfrzmm = int(
[docs]@callback("onee", r"^ bond-charge repulsion energy\.+\s+(\S+) ") def bondchg_repulsion_energy(tp, qo, m, it): qo._results.bondchg_repulsion_energy = float(