Source code for schrodinger.application.steps.converters

from rdkit import Chem

from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.models import parameters
from schrodinger import stepper
from schrodinger.utils import fileutils

from . import utils
from .dataclasses import MaeInMixin
from .dataclasses import MaeOutMixin
from .dataclasses import MolInMixin
from .dataclasses import MolOutMixin

[docs]class SmilesToMolConverter(MolOutMixin, stepper.MapStep): """ Creates a molecule from the first word in the input string, interpreted as SMILES. """ Input = str
[docs] def mapFunction(self, string): smiles = string.split()[0] mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles) # we need to handle errors in the conversion PYAPP-7691 if mol is not None: yield mol
[docs]class MolToSmilesConverter(MolInMixin, stepper.MapStep): """ Creates the canonical smiles string for the molecule. """ Output = str
[docs] def mapFunction(self, mol): yield Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
[docs]class MolToStructureConverter(MolInMixin, MaeOutMixin, stepper.MapStep): """ Step for converting Chem.Mol to structure.Structure objects. """
[docs] class Settings(parameters.CompoundParam): generate_coordinates: bool = False
[docs] def mapFunction(self, mol): yield utils.mol_to_structure(mol, self, self.settings.generate_coordinates)
[docs]class StructureToMolConverter(MaeInMixin, MolOutMixin, stepper.MapStep): """ Step for converting structure.Structure to Chem.Mol objects. """
[docs] def mapFunction(self, st): yield utils.structure_to_mol(st, self)
[docs]class MaeFiler(MaeInMixin, stepper.ReduceStep): """ A class to write the input `Structure` objects to a Maestro file. """ Output = stepper.StepperFile
[docs] class Settings(parameters.CompoundParam): filename: str
[docs] def validateSettings(self): filename = self.settings.filename if not filename: return [stepper.SettingsError(self, 'filename is not defined')] if not fileutils.is_maestro_file(filename): return [ stepper.SettingsError( self, f'"{filename}" is not a proper Maestro file name') ] return []
[docs] def reduceFunction(self, strucs): with structure.StructureWriter(self.settings.filename) as writer: for struc in strucs: writer.append(struc) yield stepper.StepperFile(self.settings.filename)