Source code for schrodinger.application.steps.transformers

from rdkit import Chem

from schrodinger.infra import mmerr
from schrodinger.models.parameters import CompoundParam
from import desalt_structure
from import neutralize_structure
from schrodinger.stepper import ReduceStep
from schrodinger.utils import license

from . import utils
from .basesteps import MolMapStep
from .dataclasses import ScoredSmiles
from .dataclasses import ScoredSmilesIOMixin


[docs]class Standardizer(MolMapStep): """ Creates a coordinate-less molecule that is neutralized and desalted. This involves a conversion to a `schrodinger.structure.Structure`. """
[docs] def getLicenseRequirements(self): return {license.LIGPREP_MAIN: 1}
[docs] def mapFunction(self, mol): st = utils.mol_to_structure(mol, self, generate_coordinates=False) if st is not None: with mmerr.Level(STANDARDIZER_MMERR_LEVEL): st = desalt_structure(neutralize_structure(st)) mol = utils.structure_to_mol(st, self, mol) if mol is not None: yield mol
[docs]class ScoredSmilesStandardizer(ScoredSmilesIOMixin, ReduceStep): """ Standardizes the SMILES. If more than one input has the same standardized SMILES `keep_lowest` in the settings determines whether the lowest value is retained or the highest. """
[docs] class Settings(CompoundParam): keep_lowest: bool = True
[docs] def getLicenseRequirements(self): return {license.LIGPREP_MAIN: 1}
[docs] def reduceFunction(self, inputs): standardizer = Standardizer() scored_smiles = dict() for input in inputs: if mol := Chem.MolFromSmiles(input.smiles): try: mol = next(standardizer.mapFunction(mol)) except StopIteration: continue smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol) score = scored_smiles.get(smiles) if score is None: score = input.score elif self.settings.keep_lowest: score = min(input.score, score) else: score = max(input.score, score) scored_smiles[smiles] = score for smiles, score in scored_smiles.items(): yield ScoredSmiles(smiles=smiles, score=score)
[docs]class StereoChemistryRemover(MolMapStep): """ Removes the stereo chemistry from a molecule. """
[docs] def mapFunction(self, mol): Chem.RemoveStereochemistry(mol) yield mol