Source code for schrodinger.application.vsw.vswinput

Class for writing VSW (not general Pipeline) input files.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.


# Contributors: Matvey Adzhigirey, Jon-Eric Eufemio

import os
import sys

import schrodinger.job.util as jobutil  # To check for Epik installation
import schrodinger.pipeline.input as vswinput
from schrodinger.structutils import structalign
# Check whether SCHRODINGER_PYTHON_DEBUG is set for debugging:
from schrodinger.utils import cmdline
from schrodinger.utils import log
from schrodinger.utils.ligfilter import FILTERFILE_EXT

DEBUG = (log.get_environ_log_level() <= log.DEBUG)
logger = log.get_output_logger("vswinput")

VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD = 's_vsw_compound_code'
GPHDB_COMPOUNDFIELD = 's_m_title'  # Ev:105243
VARIANTFIELD = 's_vsw_variant'
STRUCTURES = "Structures"
GRID = "Grid"

[docs]def parse_command_line(): """ Returns the path to input file, as determined from command line option parser. """ usage = """ To specify a parameters file that will be read to set the job parameters in the VSW job input file: $SCHRODINGER/run -p <job parameter file>""" description = """Description: This script generates a VSW input file. The parameters used for the VSW input file can be specified in a parameters file.""" parser = cmdline.SingleDashOptionParser(usage=usage, description=description) parser.add_option("-p", "-parameters", type="string", dest="job_params", default="", metavar="FILE", help="Job parameters file") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() return options.job_params
[docs]class VSWWriter(): """ Use writeInputFile() method """
[docs] def __init__(self, jp=None): """ Initialize from parameters dictionary. """ # Initialize to defaults: # minimization method self.prepare = False # Controls for the MergeDuplicates stage: self.merge_duplicates = False self.desalt = False self.neutralize = False self.merge_props = False self.dockligs_files = None self.dockligs_db = None self.dockligs_dbsubset = None # Triggers phasedb_manage -unique smiles option. self.remove_duplicates = False # If True, the <db>_unique file will be deleted before adding ligands. self.delete_unique_file = False self.regularize = False = 7.0 self.pht = 2.0 self.useepik = True self.metal_binding = False self.mixligs = True self.nringconfs = 1 self.stereo_source = 'geometry' self.uniquefield = "NONE" # NONE means to retitle by position self.recombine = True self.hiprot = False self.sample_rings = False self.maxstereo = 4 self.lipinski = False self.reactive = False self.runqikprop = False self.precustomfilter = None # Will only run IF preparing self.postcustomfilter = None # Will run before docking self.titlefilterfile = None self.receptors = [] self.align_receptors = False self.lvdw = 0.8 self.lig_ccut = 0.15 self.maxatoms = 300 self.maxrotbonds = 50 self.res_inter_radius = None # <None> means disable by default self.runhtvs = False # whether to keep number of structures as opposed to percentage self.htvs_donum = False self.htvsper = 10.0 self.htvsnum = 1 self.htvsposes = 1 self.htvskeep = 'All states' self.htvsconfs = 'confgen' self.htvsusecons = False self.htvsamide = 'penal' self.htvs_postdock = True self.htvs_postdockstrain = False self.htvs_forcefield = None self.htvs_epik_penalties = False self.htvs_enhanced_planarity = False # Ev:120767 self.runsp = False self.sp_donum = False self.spper = 10.0 self.spnum = 1 self.spposes = 1 self.spkeep = 'All states' self.spconfs = 'confgen' self.spusecons = False self.spamide = 'penal' self.spwritedesc = False self.sp_nsampling = 1 self.sp_postdock = True self.sp_postdockstrain = False self.sp_forcefield = None self.sp_epik_penalties = False self.sp_enhanced_planarity = False # Ev:120767 self.runxp = False self.xpgenconfs = False self.xpwritedesc = False self.xpcompmax = False self.xpcompmax_cons = True self.mmgbsa = False self.xp_donum = False self.xpper = 100.0 self.xpnum = 1 self.xpposes = 1 self.xpkeep = 'All states' self.xpconfs = 'confgen' self.xpusecons = False self.xpamide = 'penal' self.xp_postdock = True self.xp_postdockstrain = False self.xp_forcefield = None self.xp_epik_penalties = False self.xp_enhanced_planarity = False # Ev:120767 self.phasedb_path = None self.phasedb_new = True self.phasedb_confs_mode = "auto" self.phasedb_maxconfs = 100 self.phasedb_maxperbond = 10 self.phasedb_amide = "vary" self.phasedb_energy_window = 10.0 self.phasedb_sample_method = "rapid" self.jobname = 'vsw' # Where to write the input file: self.input_file_path = None # None: <jobname>.inp # Adjust to specified parameters dict: if jp: self.__dict__.update(jp)
[docs] def writeDockingStage(self, mode, receptor, input, output, outtype, gencodes_out_set=None, frags=False, recombine=True, unique_field=None, multiple_confs=False): """ Writes stage that describes how the docking will be executed. """ if receptor.identifier == '': receptor_suffix = '' else: receptor_suffix = '_' + receptor.identifier if frags: sname = "DOCK_%s%s_FRAGS" % (mode, receptor_suffix) else: sname = "DOCK_%s%s" % (mode, receptor_suffix) sclass = "glide.DockingStage" ingrid = "GRID%s" % receptor_suffix #outputs = [output] lmode = mode.lower() precision = mode.upper() docking_uniquefield = None if recombine: # Determine good min/max num of ligand per subjobs: if frags: method = "confgen" else: method = getattr(self, '%sconfs' % lmode) # Determine the approximate size of a 1 hour job: min_job_size = None if precision == "HTVS": if method == "inplace" or method == "refineinput": msg = "ERROR: %s unavailable for %s" % (method, precision) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif method == "rigid": min_job_size = 8000 elif method == "confgen": min_job_size = 4000 elif precision == "SP": if method == "inplace": min_job_size = 10000 # 25,000 ~ 1 hour; 10,000 ~ 25min elif method == "refineinput": min_job_size = 5000 # 8,000 ~ 1 hour; 5,000 ~ 40min elif method == "rigid": min_job_size = 2000 elif method == "confgen": min_job_size = 300 elif precision == "XP": if method == "inplace": min_job_size = 4000 elif method == "refineinput": min_job_size = 100 elif method == "rigid": min_job_size = 200 elif method == "confgen": min_job_size = 20 else: # Should never happen msg = 'ERROR: Invalid precision mode: "%s"' % precision raise RuntimeError(msg) if min_job_size is None: # Should no longer ever happen msg = 'ERROR: docking method "%s" is unavailable for precision "%s"' % ( method, precision) raise RuntimeError(msg) max_job_size = min_job_size * 10 # about 10 hours kw = { # Use -NJOBS to determine number of subjobs 'NUMOUT': 'njobs', 'OUTFORMAT': 'maegz', 'MIN_SUBJOB_STS': min_job_size, 'MAX_SUBJOB_STS': max_job_size, } recom_output = sname + '_INPUT' if gencodes_out_set: # If generating variant codes: kw.update({ 'GENCODES': True, 'OUTCOMPOUNDFIELD': VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD, 'OUTVARIANTFIELD': VARIANTFIELD, # This is the first PRE_DOCK stage, generate codes from the # user-specified uniquefield: 'UNIQUEFIELD': unique_field, }) docking_uniquefield = VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD # Only 1 stage should have RECOMBINE_OUT as output recom_output = gencodes_out_set elif frags: # Docking fragments (they don't have variant codes kw.update({ 'GENCODES': True, 'OUTCOMPOUNDFIELD': VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD, 'OUTVARIANTFIELD': VARIANTFIELD, 'UNIQUEFIELD': "s_m_title", }) docking_uniquefield = "s_m_title" else: # Not generating variant codes: kw['GENCODES'] = False # Ev:124913 if frags: # Docking fragments, they don't have the user-specified # unique property: kw['UNIQUEFIELD'] = 's_m_title' docking_uniquefield = "s_m_title" else: kw['UNIQUEFIELD'] = unique_field docking_uniquefield = unique_field recomsname = 'PRE_' + sname recomsclass = 'gencodes.RecombineStage' self.writer.addStage(recomsname, recomsclass, [input], [recom_output], kw) input = recom_output else: docking_uniquefield = unique_field # Should never happen: if docking_uniquefield is None: raise RuntimeError("unique-field logic error") # Beginning of the docking stage keywords kw = { # We are now always including RecombineStage if recombining is # necessary 'RECOMBINE': False, 'PRECISION': mode, 'UNIQUEFIELD': docking_uniquefield, } # If docking fragments for XPVis (Ev:63790) keep all of them: if frags: kw['PERCENT_TO_KEEP'] = 100 kw['DOCKING_METHOD'] = 'confgen' else: if getattr(self, '%s_donum' % lmode): kw['NUM_TO_KEEP'] = getattr(self, '%snum' % lmode) else: kw['PERCENT_TO_KEEP'] = getattr(self, '%sper' % lmode) kw['DOCKING_METHOD'] = getattr(self, '%sconfs' % lmode) if frags: # For fragments, keep 9 poses per ligand (Ev:68950) poses_per_lig = 9 else: poses_per_lig = getattr(self, '%sposes' % lmode) kw['POSES_PER_LIG'] = poses_per_lig if mode == 'SP': kw['WRITE_XP_DESC'] = self.spwritedesc kw['NENHANCED_SAMPLING'] = self.sp_nsampling elif mode == 'XP': kw['WRITE_XP_DESC'] = self.xpwritedesc keepmatch = { 'Only best scoring state': 'YES', 'Only best scoring pose': 'YES', 'All good scoring states': 'NO', 'All good scoring poses': 'NO', 'All states': 'NO', 'best': 'YES', # NEW 'good': 'NO', # NEW 'all': 'NO', # NEW } keep_best = keepmatch[getattr(self, '%skeep' % lmode)] kw.update({ 'BEST_BY_TITLE': keep_best, 'LIG_VSCALE': self.lvdw, 'LIG_CCUT': self.lig_ccut, 'MAXATOMS': self.maxatoms, 'MAXROTBONDS': self.maxrotbonds, }) # Whether to report per-residue interactions VSW-824: res_inter_radius = self.res_inter_radius if res_inter_radius: kw['WRITE_RES_INTERACTION'] = True kw['RADIUS_RES_INTERACTION'] = res_inter_radius # Match pull down output with the short name to pass to MMIM: amide_mode = getattr(self, '%samide' % lmode) # If any conf other than confgen (flexible) is selected, is it # necessary to set the keyword to default value????? # NO for SP and YES for XP forcefield = getattr(self, '%s_forcefield' % lmode) postdock = getattr(self, '%s_postdock' % lmode) postdockstrain = getattr(self, '%s_postdockstrain' % lmode) kw['AMIDE_MODE'] = amide_mode kw['POSE_OUTTYPE'] = outtype if forcefield is not None: kw['FORCEFIELD'] = forcefield kw.update({ 'POSTDOCK': postdock, 'POSTDOCKSTRAIN': postdockstrain, # Ev:70957 'COMPRESS_POSES': True, # Ev:87161 }) # Ev:80478 & Ev:90171 epik_penalties = getattr(self, '%s_epik_penalties' % lmode) kw['EPIK_PENALTIES'] = epik_penalties enhanced_planarity = getattr(self, '%s_enhanced_planarity' % lmode) kw['FORCEPLANAR'] = enhanced_planarity if multiple_confs: # If input ligands have multiple conformers, we need to make # sure we do not canonicalize them into a single conformer: kw['CANONICALIZE'] = False self.htvs_enhanced_planarity = False # Ev:120767 if not frags or (frags and self.xpcompmax_cons): # Ev:72134 Setup constraints for fragments only if requested # Setup HBOND and METAL constraints: if getattr(self, '%susecons' % lmode): # Use constraints: # At least one specified for this receptor if receptor.usecons: if receptor.features: # If at least one positional constraint is present # (requires features): feature_dict = {} for feature_num, feature in receptor.features.items(): feature_config = {} for pattern_num, pattern in enumerate( feature.patterns, start=1): pattern_name = "PATTERN%i" % pattern_num atoms_str = ",".join(map(str, pattern.atoms)) if pattern.exclude: inc_exc_str = "exclude" else: inc_exc_str = "include" feature_config[pattern_name] = "%s %s %s" % ( pattern.smarts, atoms_str, inc_exc_str) kw["FEATURE:%i" % feature_num] = feature_config # Write a single constraint group to the VSW input file: kw['CONSTRAINT_GROUP:1'] = { "USE_CONS": receptor.usecons, "NREQUIRED_CONS": receptor.nrequired, } # Setup CORE constraint: if receptor.usecore: # Core defined for this receptor core_file = '%s-receptor%s-core.mae' % \ (self.jobname, receptor_suffix) receptor.core_structure.write(core_file) kw.update({ 'CORE_RESTRAIN': True, 'USE_REF_LIGAND': True, 'REF_LIGAND_FILE': core_file, 'CORE_POS_MAX_RMSD': receptor.core_tolerance, 'CORE_DEFINITION': receptor.core_atoms, 'CORE_FILTER': receptor.core_skipnonmatching, }) if receptor.core_atoms == 'smarts': # Which atoms of the ligand define the core: kw['CORE_SMARTS'] = receptor.core_smarts kw['CORE_ATOMS'] = receptor.core_atom_list self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [input, ingrid], [output], kw)
[docs] def writeGenConfsStage(self, receptor_suffix, input, output): """ Writes stages that generate MMFFs and OPLS conformers from the input, combine them with the input, and put into output. """ sname = "MMFFS" + receptor_suffix sclass = "macromodel.ConfSearchStage" out1 = "MMFFS_OUT" + receptor_suffix kw = { 'FORCE_FIELD': "MMFFs", 'MINI_METHOD': "TNCG", 'SOLVENT': "Water", 'CUTOFF': "Extended", } self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [input], [out1], kw) sname = "OPLS" + receptor_suffix sclass = "macromodel.ConfSearchStage" out2 = "OPLS_OUT" + receptor_suffix kw = { 'FORCE_FIELD': "OPLS_2005", 'MINI_METHOD': "TNCG", 'SOLVENT': "Water", 'CUTOFF': "Extended", } self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [input], [out2], kw) sname = "COMBINE" + receptor_suffix sclass = "combine.CombineStage" kw = { 'LABELFIELD': "s_vsw_conformer_field", 'LABELS': ["Original", "MMFFS", "OPLS"], } self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [input, out1, out2], [output], kw)
[docs] def writePreFilterStage(self, input, output, custom_filter_text): """ Writes the stage that filters by specified LigFilter criteria """ custom_filter_file = '%s-custom-filter.%s' % \ (self.jobname, FILTERFILE_EXT) fh = open(custom_filter_file, 'w') fh.write(custom_filter_text) fh.close() sname = "CUSTOMFILTER" sclass = "filtering.LigFilterStage" kw = {'FILTER_FILE': custom_filter_file} self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [input], [output], kw)
[docs] def writePrepareStages(self, lastoutput, recombine): if self.precustomfilter: output = 'CUSTOMFILTER_OUT' self.writePreFilterStage(lastoutput, output, self.precustomfilter) lastoutput = output sname = 'LIGPREP' sclass = "ligprep.LigPrepStage" input = lastoutput lastoutput = 'LIGPREP_OUT' # This stage is going to be the first in the workflow, so set the compound code, # unless the user chose to not recombine: if recombine: compoundfield = VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD kw = { 'RECOMBINE': True, 'RETITLE': True, 'MIXLIGS': self.mixligs, 'SKIP_BAD_LIGANDS': True, 'UNIQUEFIELD': self.uniquefield, 'OUTCOMPOUNDFIELD': compoundfield, } # For the docking stages: self.uniquefield = VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD else: kw = { 'RECOMBINE': False, 'RETITLE': False, 'UNIQUEFIELD': self.uniquefield, } kw.update({ 'USE_EPIK': self.useepik, 'METAL_BINDING': self.metal_binding, 'PH':, 'PHT': self.pht, 'NRINGCONFS': self.nringconfs, 'COMBINEOUTS': False, 'STEREO_SOURCE': self.stereo_source, 'NUM_STEREOISOMERS': 32, # For -s option 'MAX_STEREOISOMERS': self.maxstereo, # For -m option }) if self.merge_duplicates: # If MergeDuplicatesStage is run, the structures are already # regularized: self.regularize = False kw['REGULARIZE'] = self.regularize self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [input], [lastoutput], kw) if self.sample_rings: output = 'SAMPLERINGS_OUT' keywords = {'OUTCONFS_PER_SEARCH': 10} # Ev:91804 self.writer.addStage('SAMPLERINGS', 'macromodel.SampleRingsStage', [lastoutput], [output], keywords) lastoutput = output # PostLigPrep stage: if recombine: uniquefield = VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD else: if self.uniquefield == "NONE": uniquefield = "s_m_title" # Generated by LigPrep else: uniquefield = self.uniquefield keywords = { 'UNIQUEFIELD': uniquefield, 'OUTVARIANTFIELD': VARIANTFIELD, # creates same number of QikProp jobs as LigPrep 'PRESERVE_NJOBS': True, } keywords['REMOVE_PENALIZED_STATES'] = 'YES' if self.hiprot else 'NO' output = 'POSTLIGPREP_OUT' self.writer.addStage('POSTLIGPREP', 'ligprep.PostLigPrepStage', [lastoutput], [output], keywords) lastoutput = output return lastoutput
[docs] def writeInputFile(self): """ Writes the VSW input file Raises a RuntimeError on error. """ if self.recombine: compoundfield = VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD else: compoundfield = self.uniquefield pullmatch = { 'Only best scoring state': VARIANTFIELD, 'Only best scoring pose': VARIANTFIELD, 'All good scoring states': VARIANTFIELD, 'All good scoring poses': VARIANTFIELD, 'All states': compoundfield, 'best': VARIANTFIELD, # NEW 'good': VARIANTFIELD, # NEW 'all': compoundfield, # NEW } # Used by the PULL stage: htvspull_prop = pullmatch[self.htvskeep] sppull_prop = pullmatch[self.spkeep] if self.input_file_path: vsw_input_file = self.input_file_path else: vsw_input_file = self.jobname + '.inp' # Ev:125529 txt = "########## Virtual Screening Workflow Input File ###############\n\n" txt += "# Run as: $SCHRODINGER/vsw <inputfile> \n" if False: # JON_TEST txt += "\n" txt += "\n" txt += "# Print sorted self.__dict__ key/value pairs): \n" txt += "# \n" jp_keys = list(self.__dict__) sorted_jp_keys = sorted(jp_keys) jp_index = 1 for key in sorted_jp_keys: txt += "# " + str(jp_index).rjust(2) + " " + str(key).rjust(20) + " " + \ str(type(self.__dict__[key])).ljust( 25) + " " + str(self.__dict__[key]) + "\n" jp_index += 1 txt += "\n" txt += "\n" txt += "# BEGIN Print jp as assignments: \n" jp_index = 1 for key in sorted_jp_keys: jp_keyname = "self." + str(key) variable_quoting = '' if type(self.__dict__[key]).__name__ == 'str': variable_quoting = '"' jp_value = variable_quoting + \ str(self.__dict__[key]) + variable_quoting txt += "# " + jp_keyname.ljust(20) + " = " + jp_value.ljust(50) + \ " # " + \ str(type(self.__dict__[key])) + \ "\n" txt += "# END Print jp as assignments: \n" txt += "\n" self.writer = vswinput.Writer(vsw_input_file, comment=txt) logger.debug("ADDING VARIABLES...") if self.dockligs_files is not None: # Set input ligands: self.writer.addVar('ORIGINAL_LIGANDS', STRUCTURES, self.dockligs_files) lastoutput = "ORIGINAL_LIGANDS" elif self.dockligs_db is not None: # Set input database: dbvar = 'INPUT_DATABASE' self.writer.addVar(dbvar, PHASEDB, self.dockligs_db) lastoutput = 'EXPORTED_LIGANDS' keywords = {'OUTFORMAT': 'maegz', 'MAX_CONFS': 1} # Save the full path to the file (Ev:127191) subsetfile = self.dockligs_dbsubset if subsetfile: keywords['SUBSET_FILE'] = subsetfile self.writer.addStage('EXPORT', 'phase.DBExportStage', [dbvar], [lastoutput], keywords) else: raise ValueError("Input ligands are not specified") # Make sure that no docking takes place if unchecked: if not len(self.receptors) > 0: self.runhtvs = False self.runsp = False self.runxp = False if self.align_receptors: # Ev:81292 Align all receptors (except pre-generated grids) to the # first receptor: reference_st = None mobile_sts = [] for rec in self.receptors: if rec.generate_grid: if not reference_st: reference_st = rec.model else: mobile_sts.append(rec.model) if not reference_st: raise RuntimeError( "Can't align receptors because no receptors are specified that are not pre-generated grids." ) if not mobile_sts: raise RuntimeError( "Can't align receptors because only one receptor is specified (excluding pre-generated grids)." ) # Will align the actual CTs stored in the Receptor objects: ska = structalign.StructAlign() ska.align(reference_st, mobile_sts) # Set input grids: for rec in self.receptors: if rec.identifier == '': receptor_suffix = '' else: receptor_suffix = '_' + rec.identifier if not rec.generate_grid: gridvarname = 'GRID' + receptor_suffix self.writer.addVar(gridvarname, GRID, rec.path) else: # Write the receptor (used to be in Workspace) to a file: model_file = '%s-receptor%s.mae' % \ (self.jobname, receptor_suffix) rec.model.write(model_file) modelvarname = 'MODEL' + receptor_suffix self.writer.addVar(modelvarname, STRUCTURES, [model_file]) # Set fragments library (if calculating maximum values Ev:63790): fragsvar = None if self.runxp and self.xpcompmax: glide_exec = jobutil.hunt('glide') if not glide_exec: msg = "ERROR: Glide is not installed. You can still submit the job to a remote host that has Glide installed; but only if you disable the option to compute maximum values by docking fragments." raise RuntimeError(msg) glide_dir = os.path.split(os.path.split( jobutil.hunt('glide'))[0])[0] fragments_file = os.path.join(glide_dir, 'data', 'glide', 'opt-xp-50frags_epik.mae.gz') if not os.path.isfile(fragments_file): msg = "Could not locate the fragments file: %s" % fragments_file raise RuntimeError(msg) fragsvar = 'FRAGMENTS' self.writer.addVar(fragsvar, STRUCTURES, [fragments_file]) # Never convert to SMILES if not preparing ligands: if not self.prepare and self.regularize: print( 'WARNING: vswinput: prepare is %s and regularize is %s. Will not regularize' % (self.prepare, self.regularize)) self.regularize = False if self.merge_duplicates: output = 'NODUPLICATES' kw = { 'NEUTRALIZE': self.neutralize, 'DESALT': self.desalt, 'MERGE_PROPS': self.merge_props, 'OUTFORMAT': 'sdf', 'SMILES_FIELD': 'VendorSMILES', 'CODE_FIELD': None, 'CODE_PREFIX': None, 'REQUIRE_PROPS': False, } self.writer.addStage('MERGE_DUPLICATES', 'filtering.MergeDuplicatesStage', [lastoutput], [output], kw) lastoutput = output if self.titlefilterfile: # Write stage for filtering based on title (or other prop): # (Supports SMILES files as well) output = 'TITLEFILTER_OUT' kw = { 'PROPERTY': self.uniquefield, 'VALUE_FILE': self.titlefilterfile, } self.writer.addStage('TITLEFILTER', 'filtering.SubSetStage', [lastoutput], [output], kw) lastoutput = output if self.prepare: logger.debug("ADDING PREPARE STAGES") lastoutput = self.writePrepareStages(lastoutput, self.recombine) else: # not self.prepare pass logger.debug("ADDING PRE-DOCKING STAGES") # Gets here whether or not Prepare ligands is checked if self.runqikprop: recombine_ligands = (not self.prepare and self.recombine) kw = {'RECOMBINE': recombine_ligands} output = "QIKPROP_OUT" self.writer.addStage('QIKPROP', 'qikprop.QikPropStage', [lastoutput], [output], kw) lastoutput = output if self.lipinski: sname = 'LIPINSKI_FILTER' sclass = 'filtering.LigFilterStage' input = lastoutput lastoutput = 'LIPFILTER_OUT' conditions = [ 'r_qp_mol_MW <= 500', 'r_qp_QPlogPo/w <= 5', 'r_qp_donorHB <= 5', 'r_qp_accptHB <= 10' ] kw = {'CONDITIONS': conditions} self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [input], [lastoutput], kw) if self.reactive: sname = 'REACTIVE_FILTER' sclass = 'filtering.LigFilterStage' input = lastoutput lastoutput = 'REACTIVEFILTER_OUT' conditions = ['Reactive_groups == 0'] kw = {'CONDITIONS': conditions} self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [input], [lastoutput], kw) if self.postcustomfilter: output = 'CUSTOMFILTER_OUT' self.writePreFilterStage(lastoutput, output, self.postcustomfilter) lastoutput = output if self.xpgenconfs and self.runxp and not self.runhtvs and not self.runsp: # Ev:53413 Generate conformers once for all grids if only XP # docking is used: output = "MIN_COMBINED" self.writeGenConfsStage("", lastoutput, output) lastoutput = output self.prepared_ligand_set = lastoutput if self.prepare or not self.receptors: # Ev:131515 Return the last ligand set to the user if # preparation took place OR no docking took place self.writer.userOutput(self.prepared_ligand_set) if not self.receptors: # We are not performing docking self.writer.setStructureOutput(self.prepared_ligand_set) # Do not use VARIANTFIELD for pulling if codes were not generated. # This would happen if recombine is False and not Preparing. if (not self.prepare) and (not self.recombine): # FIXME: Would be better to check if the input files have # the variant property in them... if self.uniquefield == 'NONE': htvspull_prop = 's_m_title' sppull_prop = 's_m_title' else: htvspull_prop = self.uniquefield sppull_prop = self.uniquefield docking_outputs = [] docking_offsets = [] docking_identifiers = [] # Add docking stages for all receptors: logger.debug("ADDING DOCKING STAGES") for rec in self.receptors: if rec.identifier == '': receptor_suffix = '' else: receptor_suffix = '_' + rec.identifier # If recombining (and ligands were not prepared), use a special # pull set for this receptor: if not self.prepare and self.recombine: pull_from_set = 'RECOMBINE_OUT' + receptor_suffix # First docking stage will produce this: gencodes_out_set = pull_from_set else: # Use prepared ligands (or original ligands): # (or not preparing and not recombining) pull_from_set = self.prepared_ligand_set gencodes_out_set = None gridvarname = 'GRID' + receptor_suffix if rec.generate_grid: # Generate the grids: modelvarname = 'MODEL' + receptor_suffix sname = "GRIDGEN" + receptor_suffix sclass = "glide.GridgenStage" inner_box_length = 10 # center of ligand box kw = { 'GRID_CENTER': rec.box_center, # Ev:100860 # box length (advanced options; int) 'INNERBOX': inner_box_length, # box length + ligsize 'OUTERBOX': float(inner_box_length) + rec.lig_size, 'RECEP_VSCALE': rec.rvdw, 'WRITEZIP': True, } # Add constraints to be generated: hc = ['%s' % c for c in rec.hbond_constraints] if hc: # hc is a list of "label atomnum" strings kw['HBOND_CONSTRAINTS'] = hc mc = ['%s' % c for c in rec.metal_constraints] if mc: # mc is a list of "label atomnum" strings kw['METAL_CONSTRAINTS'] = mc pc = ['%s' % c for c in rec.posit_constraints] if pc: # pc is a list of "label x y z radius" strings kw['POSIT_CONSTRAINTS'] = pc nc = ['%s' % c for c in rec.noe_constraints] if nc: # pc is a list of "label x y z rmin rmax" strings kw['NOE_CONSTRAINTS'] = nc self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [modelvarname], [gridvarname], kw) lastoutput = self.prepared_ligand_set # HTVS output after being pulled from the input set (optimization): htvs_out_orig = None if self.runhtvs: first_docking = True last_docking = (not self.runsp and not self.runxp) # Will NOT recombine ONLY when this is the first stage AND # self.recombine is False: recombine = self.prepare or self.recombine or ( not first_docking) if not last_docking: outtype = 'LIB' else: outtype = 'PV' # This is the first docking stage. Honor the users's # uniquefield: stage_unique_field = self.uniquefield output = "HTVS_OUT" + receptor_suffix self.writeDockingStage('HTVS', rec, lastoutput, output, outtype, gencodes_out_set, recombine=recombine, unique_field=stage_unique_field) gencodes_out_set = None lastoutput = output pull = False if self.runsp: # Next stage is SP if self.spconfs not in ['inplace', 'refineinput']: pull = True elif self.runxp: # Next stage is XP if self.xpconfs not in ['inplace', 'refineinput']: pull = True if pull: sname = "PULL_HTVS" + receptor_suffix sclass = "pull.PullStage" in1 = lastoutput in2 = pull_from_set lastoutput = "HTVS_OUT_ORIG" + receptor_suffix kw = {'UNIQUEFIELD': htvspull_prop} self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [in1, in2], [lastoutput], kw) htvs_out_orig = lastoutput if self.runsp: first_docking = (not self.runhtvs) last_docking = (not self.runxp) # Will NOT recombine ONLY when this is the first stage AND # self.recombine is False: recombine = self.prepare or self.recombine or ( not first_docking) if not last_docking: outtype = 'LIB' else: outtype = 'PV' # If this is the first docking stage, honor the user's uniquefield. # If the user chose to not recombine, also honor the user's # uniquefield. if first_docking or not self.recombine: stage_unique_field = self.uniquefield else: stage_unique_field = VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD output = "SP_OUT" + receptor_suffix self.writeDockingStage('SP', rec, lastoutput, output, outtype, gencodes_out_set, recombine=recombine, unique_field=stage_unique_field) gencodes_out_set = None lastoutput = output if self.runxp and self.xpconfs not in [ 'inplace', 'refineinput' ]: sname = "PULL_SP" + receptor_suffix sclass = "pull.PullStage" in1 = "SP_OUT" + receptor_suffix if htvs_out_orig is not None: # HTVS output pulled from the original set # (optimization): in2 = htvs_out_orig else: in2 = pull_from_set lastoutput = "SP_OUT_ORIG" + receptor_suffix kw = {'UNIQUEFIELD': sppull_prop} self.writer.addStage(sname, sclass, [in1, in2], [lastoutput], kw) if self.runxp: first_docking = (not self.runhtvs and not self.runsp) last_docking = True # Will NOT recombine ONLY when this is the first stage AND # self.recombine is False: recombine = self.prepare or self.recombine or ( not first_docking) if self.xpgenconfs and (self.runhtvs or self.runsp): # Ev:53413 Generate conformers before the XP stage if there # are docking stages before this one: output = "MIN_COMBINED" + receptor_suffix self.writeGenConfsStage(receptor_suffix, lastoutput, output) lastoutput = output # If this is the first docking stage, honor the user's uniquefield. # If the user chose to not recombine, also honor the user's # uniquefield. if first_docking or not self.recombine: stage_unique_field = self.uniquefield else: stage_unique_field = VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD output = "XP_OUT%s" % receptor_suffix self.writeDockingStage('XP', rec, lastoutput, output, 'PV', gencodes_out_set, recombine=recombine, unique_field=stage_unique_field, multiple_confs=self.xpgenconfs) gencodes_out_set = None self.writer.userOutput(output) # Ev:72832 lastoutput = output if self.xpcompmax: output = 'XP_OUT%s_xpfrags' % receptor_suffix # fragsvar was set earlier stage_unique_field = "s_m_title" self.writeDockingStage('XP', rec, fragsvar, output, 'PV', frags=True, recombine=recombine, unique_field=stage_unique_field) self.writer.userOutput(output) if self.mmgbsa: output = 'MMGBSA' + receptor_suffix self.writer.addStage('MMGBSA' + receptor_suffix, 'prime.MMGBSAStage', [lastoutput], [output]) lastoutput = output # Output from LAST docking stage docking_outputs.append(lastoutput) self.writer.userOutput(lastoutput) docking_offsets.append(str(rec.offset)) # Offset for this receptor # Marker for this receptor docking_identifiers.append(rec.identifier) logger.debug("ADDING POST-DOCKING STAGES") if len(docking_outputs) > 1: # Ensemble docking was done # Merge the docking results using the Merge stage: # Also keeps 1 (or max_per_lig) conformers per compound # so needs to run if XP has multiple input structures per root. final_dock_out = "FINAL_DOCK_OUT" # If not recombining, the output of the first docking stage won't # have the VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD property: if not self.recombine: # "Use input files directly" radio selected stage_unique_field = self.uniquefield else: stage_unique_field = VSW_COMPOUNDFIELD kw = { 'MAXPERLIG': 1, 'NREPORT': 10000, 'UNIQUEFIELD': stage_unique_field, 'OFFSETS': docking_offsets, 'MARKERS': docking_identifiers, } self.writer.addStage("DOCKMERGE", "glide.MergeStage", docking_outputs, [final_dock_out], kw) # Add merged output to useroutput: self.writer.userOutput(final_dock_out) self.writer.setStructureOutput(final_dock_out) elif len(docking_outputs) == 1: self.writer.setStructureOutput(docking_outputs[0]) logger.debug('WRITING THE INPUT FILE') self.writer.write() logger.debug('DONE') return vsw_input_file
if __name__ == '__main__': params_file = parse_command_line() if not params_file: sys.exit(1) # check that job parameters file was specified; if it was # check that it exists before trying to use it. if not os.path.isfile(params_file): print('\n Error: Job parameters file "%s" does not exist.' % params_file) sys.exit(1) class vsw_receptor: pass receptor = vsw_receptor() receptor.generate_grid = False jp = {'receptors': [receptor]} for param_file_line in open(params_file): exec(param_file_line) inputfile = VSWWriter(jp).writeInputFile() print('Written input file:', inputfile) # EOF