Source code for schrodinger.pipeline.stages.example

from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.pipeline import pipeio
from schrodinger.pipeline import stage

[docs]class ExampleStage(stage.Stage):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): stage.Stage.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) specs = """ KEEP_STS = integer(default=10) """ stage.Stage.__init__(self, specs=specs, *args, **kwargs) self.addExpectedInput(1, "structures", required=True) self.addExpectedOutput(1, "structures", always=True)
[docs] def operate(self): keep_sts = self['KEEP_STS'] # Read the input pin: input_files = self.getInput(1).getFiles() # Prepare the output writer: out_file = self.getOutputName(1) + ".maegz" writer = structure.StructureWriter(out_file) st_num = 0 for st in structure.MultiFileStructureReader(input_files): writer.append(st) st_num += 1 if st_num == keep_sts: break writer.close() # close the structure writer"Total %i structures kept" % st_num) self.setOutput(1, pipeio.Structures([out_file], st_num))