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Helper module for returning an AWS client object.

    import boto3
    from botocore.exceptions import ProfileNotFound
except ImportError:
    boto3 = None
    ProfileNotFound = Exception

    from ec2_metadata import ec2_metadata
except ImportError:
    ec2_metadata = None

from schrodinger.application.steps import env_keys

AWS default connection setup failed to find credentials or config file. 
Attempting to retrieve environment variables."""

[docs]def get_client(aws_service): """ Retrieve an AWS client for the requested AWS service. AWS credentials are obtained in one of the following manner and order: 1. Shared credential file (~/.aws/credentials) 2. AWS config file (~/.aws/config) 3. Environment variables: `SCHRODINGER_AWS_KEY_ID` and `SCHRODINGER_AWS_KEY` See for more details. :param aws_service: name of AWS service to connect to. :type aws_service: str :return: an active client connected to requested AWS service. :rtype: `boto3.Session.client` """ try: session = get_session() client = session.client(aws_service) except ProfileNotFound: print(CONNECTION_REDIRECT_MSG) client = boto3.client( aws_service, aws_access_key_id=env_keys.SCHRODINGER_AWS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=env_keys.SCHRODINGER_AWS_SECRET_KEY, region_name=env_keys.REGION) return client
[docs]def get_resource(aws_service): """ Retrieve an AWS resource for the requested AWS service. See `aws_client.get_client()` for details on how credentials are obtained. :param aws_service: name of AWS service to connect to. :type aws_service: str :return: an active resource connected to requested AWS service. :rtype: `boto3.Session.resource` """ try: session = get_session() resource = session.resource(aws_service) except ProfileNotFound: print(CONNECTION_REDIRECT_MSG) resource = boto3.resource( aws_service, aws_access_key_id=env_keys.SCHRODINGER_AWS_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=env_keys.SCHRODINGER_AWS_SECRET_KEY, region_name=env_keys.REGION) return resource
[docs]def get_session(): """ Retrieve an AWS active session. AWS credentials are obtained in one of the following manner and order: 1. Shared credential file (~/.aws/credentials) 2. AWS config file (~/.aws/config) :return: an active AWS session. :rtype: `boto3.Session` """ return boto3.Session(profile_name=env_keys.AWS_PROFILE, region_name=get_region())
[docs]def get_credentials(): """ This helper method usage is meant to retrieve aws credentials when they are set under ~/.aws. Note that this is typically encouraged only for development purposes and production services should instead use IAM roles for authentication across aws services. :return: boto3 active credentials object :rtype: `botocore.credential.Credential` """ session = boto3.Session(profile_name=env_keys.AWS_PROFILE) return session.get_credentials()
[docs]def get_region(): """ Retrieves the AWS region such as `us-east-1` in the following manner and order: 1. EC2 instance metadata (most production services will use this feature). 2. Custom schrodinger environment variables If neither are available then `None` is returned. Note that most often credential profiles also encode the region property so a None value should not be a cause for concern. :return: AWS region :rtype: str or None """ if ec2_metadata and ec2_metadata.region: return ec2_metadata.region return env_keys.REGION