Source code for schrodinger.test.performance.client

import json

import requests
from requests.models import Response

import schrodinger.test.performance.exceptions as exceptions
import schrodinger.test.stu.client as stu_client
from schrodinger.test.performance import reporter
from schrodinger.test.stu import common

[docs]class PerformanceTestClient(stu_client._BaseClient):
[docs] def __init__(self, username=None): super().__init__(username=username) self._productapi = self.item_uri('product') self._testapi = self.performance_uri('test')
[docs] def performance_uri(self, item): return f"{self._base}/performance{self._api}{item}/"
[docs] def getSingleEntityFromResponse( self, response: Response, exception_missing_key_message: str = "Response does not contain the 'objects' key", exception_mulitple_objects_msg: str = "Response contains multiple 'objects', expecting only one" ) -> dict: """ Take a response object, extract JSON, validate its contents. Return a single object if exists, return None of zero objects found, raise BedResponse exception otherwise. """ data = response.json() if 'objects' not in data: raise exceptions.BadResponse(exception_missing_key_message) objects = data['objects'] if len(objects) == 1: return objects[0] elif len(objects) > 1: raise exceptions.BadResponse(exception_mulitple_objects_msg) else: return None
[docs] def get_or_create(self, url: str, params: dict) -> str: """Get or create a resource matching the parameters.""" response = self.get(url, params=params) entity = self.getSingleEntityFromResponse(response) if entity: return entity['resource_uri'] response = url, data=json.dumps(params), ) location = response.headers['location'] return location.replace(common.BASE_URL, '')
[docs] def get_or_create_test(self, name: str, description: str, product_name: str, scival=False): """ Get or create a single test from the performance database. Setting `scival` to `True` will add the 'scival' tag when creating a new test. """ params = dict(name=product_name) response = self.get(self._productapi, params=params, required_statuses=(200, 401, 404)) username = stu_client.get_stu_username() no_product_msg = ( f'No product named "{product_name}". See the list of product names ' f'at {common.BASE_URL}/products. File a BLDMGR JIRA ticket if you ' 'need to add a product to STU. Please specify the name of the ' 'the product, the TL associated with the product, and the jira ' 'project which tracks tickets as part of the project.') if response.status_code == 404: raise exceptions.BadResponse(no_product_msg) try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as http_error: if response.status_code == 401: raise exceptions.BadResponse( f"{http_error}, please verify that the appropriate user is making this request: username='{username}'" ) raise entity = self.getSingleEntityFromResponse( response, exception_missing_key_message=no_product_msg) if not entity: raise exceptions.BadResponse(no_product_msg) product = entity['resource_uri'] product_id = reporter.resource_id(product) # Get an existing test: test_dict = dict(name=name, product=product_id) response = self.get(self._testapi, params=test_dict) entity = self.getSingleEntityFromResponse(response) if entity: return entity['resource_uri'] # Create a new test: if not description: raise ValueError( "Description is required when uploading a new test.") test_dict['description'] = description if scival: test_dict['tags'] = ['scival'] response = self._testapi, data=json.dumps(test_dict), ) location = response.headers['location'] return location.replace(common.BASE_URL, '')