Source code for

workups used only in Jaguar.


from schrodinger.test.stu.outcomes import structure_comparisons

# The code where these properties originate from are noted in below comments
IGNORE_PROPERTIES = (  # from restart.f, subroutine maeout
    # From MATSCI-10397; WAM property
    # from JaguarOutput _Attributes,
    # /mmshare/python/.../jaguar/, _tmp_attributes
    # Can show up in mae's output via

[docs]def compare_mae_files(check, reference, *tolerance_list, **tolerances): """ Run compare_mae_files, but ignore a properties used in Jaguar to store filename paths. """ for prop in IGNORE_PROPERTIES: if prop not in tolerance_list and prop not in tolerances: tolerances[prop] = 'IGNORE' return structure_comparisons.compare_mae_files(check, reference, *tolerance_list, **tolerances)