Source code for schrodinger.test.stu.outcomes.desmond_workups

Desmond workup techniques, all based on actual numerical results. Intended for
import and use as a test workup.

Running directly allows execution of any of the workup methods

Methods for comparing the following Desmond-style information:
    - `Metadynamics FES files<desmond_compare_FES>`
    - `FEP energies from FEP 'result' files<desmond_FEP_energies>`
    - Surface area of membrane systems
    - .ene files:
        - `similarity to a reference ene file<desmond_compare_ene>`
    - log files: `Calculation speed (ns/day)<desmond_speed>`
    - `st2 files<desmond_st_stats>`: comparison of median, mean, and standard
        deviation to reference values
    - `deltaE.txt files<desmond_compare_deltaE>`: compare two deltaE.txt files

Classes and helper functions have 'private' names, as only the workup methods
are intended to be imported and used as test workups.

$Revision 0.1 $

@TODO: improve speed test to print avg ns/day.
@TODO: improve speed test to be dependent on cpu^0.8

@copyright: (c) Schrodinger, Inc. All rights reserved.

import gzip
import os
import re
import sys
import tarfile
from collections import Counter
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from past.utils import old_div
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

import numpy
import pytest
from more_itertools import pairwise

from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.application.desmond import cmj
from schrodinger.application.desmond import constants
from schrodinger.application.desmond import stage
from schrodinger.utils import sea

from . import standard_workups

    from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep import graph

_version = "$Revision 0.1 $"

REPLICA = re.compile(r"\[T(\d+), *T(\d+)\] *: *\[(.+), *(.+)\]")

# *****************************************************************************

def _FES(filename):
    """Returns a numpy array based on a FES format file."""
    fes1 = []
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if "#" in line:
            elif line:
                fes1.append([float(x) for x in line.split()])
    return numpy.array(fes1)

[docs]def desmond_compare_FES(file1, file2, tolerance=0.1): """ Compare metadynamics FES files. Tolerance is optional, and defaults to 0.1 """ fes1 = _FES(file1) fes2 = _FES(file2) try: rmsd = fes2 - fes1 rmsd = rmsd * rmsd rmsd = old_div(numpy.sum(rmsd.flat), len(fes1.flat)) rmsd = numpy.sqrt(rmsd) if rmsd > tolerance: msg = "FES were different, RMSD=%.2f" % rmsd raise AssertionError(msg) return True except ValueError: msg = "FES shapes were different!" raise AssertionError(msg)
#THIS CODE WILL GENERATE A FES: #from schrodinger.application.desmond.meta import MetaDynamicsAnalysis #meta_data = MetaDynamicsAnalysis(, inp_fname=opts.input) #FES = meta_data.computeFES(outputname) # #alternately, just add an analysis stage to a metadynamics job! # ***************************************************************************** # FEP
[docs]def desmond_FEP_energies(filename, reference, tolerance=0.5): """ Compares the deltaF in an FEP result file to a standard. """ with open(filename) as result: for line in result: if "deltaF" in line: delta_f = float(line.split()[3]) if abs(delta_f - reference) > tolerance: msg = " Different deltaF: {} vs {} ".format( delta_f, reference) raise AssertionError(msg) else: return True msg = " deltaF not found in file %s" % filename raise AssertionError(msg)
# ***************************************************************************** # Membrane Systems
[docs]def desmond_check_surface_area(filename, reference, tolerance=0.5, side1="r_chorus_box_ax", side2="r_chorus_box_bx"): """ Compares surface area to a standard with optional tolerance and optional choice of box sides. Default sides are a and b. example usage: desmond_check_surface_area('filename', 7.5, tolerance=0.1) """ struct = next(structure.MaestroReader(filename)) side1 =[side1] side2 =[side2] area = side1 * side2 if old_div(abs(area - reference), reference) > tolerance: msg = f" Areas were different: {area} vs {reference}" raise AssertionError(msg) return True
[docs]def desmond_tgz_file_list(tgz_fname, *fnames_to_check): import tarfile with as tf: am = tf.getmembers() mn = [ for m in am] fnames_to_check = list(fnames_to_check) fnames_to_check.sort() mn.sort() if mn == fnames_to_check: return True msg = ' '.join((mn, fnames_to_check)) raise AssertionError(msg)
# ***************************************************************************** # .ene files class _EneFile: """ Class to find and contain the information in a Desmond .ene file. Also does comparisons based on: - compare initial and final energies to reference - compare temperature profiles (useful for SAmd) - number of time points and their separation """ def __init__(self, filename=None, tol=10.0): self.eneData = {} self.eneUnits = {} self.tol = tol if filename: self.load_system(filename) else: self._filename = None def filename(self, filename=None): """ Gets and sets the filename. Prevents having a loaded system which does not match the file name. """ if filename: self.load_system(filename) else: return self._filename def load_system(self, filename): """Loads the information from file filename into the EneFile object.""" self._filename = filename name_rows = [] #list describes the property name in each row with open(self._filename) as ene_file: for line in ene_file: if "#" == line[0]: array = line[1:].split() if '0' == array[0][0]: for elem in array: if ":" in elem: name = elem.split(':')[-1] name_rows.append(name) self.eneData[name] = [] elif "(" == elem[0] and ")" == elem[-1]: #Add the name of the unit based on the most #recent quantity name found self.eneUnits[name_rows[-1]] = elem[1:-1] else: raise Exception( "unknown row type in row keys list") elif name_rows: for i, datum in enumerate(line.split()): self.eneData[name_rows[i]].append(float(datum)) def quantity_average(self, quantity): """ Finds the average of a quantity. """ return numpy.average(self.eneData[quantity]) def compare_units(self, other): """ Compares two EneFile objects based on whether the quantities are measured in the same units in both files. """ for value in set(list(self.eneUnits) + list(other.eneUnits)): if self.eneUnits.get(value, "") != other.eneUnits.get(value, ""): msg = (" Units did not match for %s (%s vs %s)" % (value, self.eneUnits.get( value, ""), other.eneUnits.get(value, ""))) raise AssertionError(msg) return True def compare_quantity(self, other, quantity): """ Compares two EneFile objects based on the initial and final and average value of a named quantity. """ max_diff = 0.1**self.tol if abs(self.eneData[quantity][0] - other.eneData[quantity][0]) > max_diff: msg = " Initial values for {} differ: {} vs {}".format( quantity, self.eneData[quantity][0], other.eneData[quantity][0]) raise AssertionError(msg) if abs(self.eneData[quantity][-1] - other.eneData[quantity][-1]) > max_diff: msg = " Final values for {} differ: {} vs {}".format( quantity, self.eneData[quantity][-1], other.eneData[quantity][-1]) raise AssertionError(msg) if abs( self.quantity_average(quantity) - other.quantity_average(quantity)) > max_diff: msg = " Average values for {} differ: {} vs {}".format( quantity, self.quantity_average(quantity), other.quantity_average(quantity)) raise AssertionError(msg) return True def compare_times(self, other): """ Compares two EneFile objects based on the number of points in each simulation as well as the final time point. """ r_value = (len(self.eneData['time']) == len(other.eneData['time']) and self.eneData['time'][-1] == other.eneData['time'][-1]) if not r_value: raise AssertionError(" Time profiles did not match") return True def compare_temperature_profile(self, other): """ Compares two EneFile objects based on the temperatures at each timepoint. """ temps_self = numpy.array(self.eneData["T"]) temps_other = numpy.array(other.eneData["T"]) diffs = numpy.abs(temps_self - temps_other) if max(diffs) > 40: msg = " The maximum difference in Temperature at any given time"\ " point was large: {}".format(max(diffs)) raise AssertionError(msg) return True
[docs]def desmond_compare_ene(file1, file2, tolerance, *quantities): """ Compares two Desmond ene files. Checks that any quantities requested from the ene file match within some tolerance number of decimal points. usage desmond_compare_ene('file1.ene', 'file2.ene', 2, 'P', 'E_c') """ ene1 = _EneFile(file1, tolerance) ene2 = _EneFile(file2, tolerance) successes = list(map(partial(ene1.compare_quantity, ene2), quantities)) return all(successes)
[docs]def desmond_compare_eneseqs(file1, file2, *, columns=None, min_length=10, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-5, mean_atol=1e-4, mean_rtol=1e-5): """ Compare two columns between two Desmond ene files at matching time points. :param columns: Column names to compare. Use all by default. :type columns: sequence of str :param min_length: Require at least that many matching time points. :type min_length: int :param atol: Absolute tolerance (see `numpy.isclose`). :type atol: float :param rtol: Relative tolerance (see `numpy.isclose`). :type rtol: float :param mean_atol: Absolute tolerance for mean values (see `numpy.isclose`). :type mean_atol: float :param mean_rtol: Relative tolerance for mean values (see `numpy.isclose`). :type mean_rtol: float """ TIME_COLUMN = 'time' ene1 = _EneFile(file1) ene2 = _EneFile(file2) if columns is None: assert ene1.eneData.keys() == ene2.eneData.keys(), \ " Column names do not match" columns = ene1.eneData.keys() - {TIME_COLUMN} else: assert set(columns) <= ene1.eneData.keys(), \ " Some of the columns are missing in file1" assert set(columns) <= ene2.eneData.keys(), \ " Some of the columns are missing in file2" for (label, sequence) in (('file1', ene1.eneData[TIME_COLUMN]), ('file2', ene1.eneData[TIME_COLUMN])): assert all(a < b for a, b in pairwise(sequence)), \ f" Non-monotonic time values in {label}" common_times, idx1, idx2 = numpy.intersect1d(ene1.eneData[TIME_COLUMN], ene2.eneData[TIME_COLUMN], assume_unique=True, return_indices=True) num_common = len(idx1) assert min_length > 0 assert num_common >= min_length, \ f" Too few matching time points: {num_common} < {min_length}" for c in sorted(columns): x1 = numpy.asarray(ene1.eneData[c])[idx1] x2 = numpy.asarray(ene2.eneData[c])[idx2] close = numpy.isclose(x1, x2, atol=atol, rtol=rtol) if not close.all(): not_close = [arr[~close] for arr in (common_times, x1, x2)] print(f"Divergent values of '{c}' at:") for t_, x1_, x2_ in zip(*not_close): print(f"t={t_}: {x1_} vs {x2_}") assert close.all(), \ f" Divergent values of '{c}', see stdout for details" mean1, mean2 = x1.mean(), x2.mean() assert numpy.isclose(mean1, mean2, atol=mean_atol, rtol=mean_rtol), \ f" Divergent values of mean('{c}'): {mean1} vs {mean2}"
# ***************************************************************************** # log files
[docs]def desmond_speed(filename, reference_rate, tolerance=0.05): """ Compares the average rate per step in ns/day against a standard. example usage: desmond_speed('file1.log', 7.5, tolerance=0.1) :param reference_rate: Value to be compared against in ns/day :param tolerance: Tolerance. Default is 5%. """ with open(filename) as logfile: for line in logfile: if "Total rate per step" in line: rate = float(line.split()[-2]) if old_div(abs(rate - reference_rate), reference_rate) > tolerance: msg = (" Rates: new: %.1f, reference: %.1f" % (rate, reference_rate)) raise AssertionError(msg) else: return True msg = " Total rate per step not found." raise AssertionError(msg)
[docs]def desmond_stage_time(log_file, stage_num, max_time): """ :param log_file : Name of log file to be analyzed. :type log_file : str :param stage_num : Stage number :type stage_num : int :param max_time : Maximum acceptable time for the stage in seconds :type max_time : float :return : `True` if the stage completed successfully within `max_time` seconds, or `False` if not. """ search_str = 'Stage %d duration:' % stage_num try: with open(log_file) as file_data: stage_duration = [ line.strip(search_str) for line in file_data if, line) ][-1] except IndexError: return False with open(log_file) as fh: multisim_complete = "\nStage %d completed successfully." % stage_num) != -1 h, m, s = [e[:-1] for e in stage_duration.split()] duration = float(h) * 3600 + float(m) * 60 + float(s) return ((duration < max_time) and multisim_complete)
# ***************************************************************************** # st2 files. #compare averages and ranges.
[docs]def desmond_st_stats(filename, *options): """ Compares the mean, median and/or standard deviation of a desmond st2 file to reference values. usage: desmond_st_stats('file.st2', 'mean=1.2', 'median=2.3', 'stddev=1.2', 'tol=0.2') """ with open(filename) as fh: cfg = sea.Map( meanRef, medianRef, stddevRef = None, None, None tolerance = 0.4 for a in options: key, val = a.split("=") val = float(val) if key.lower() == "mean": meanRef = val elif key.lower() == "median": medianRef = val elif key.lower() == "stddev": stddevRef = val elif key.lower()[:3] == "tol": tolerance = val try: rvalue = True values = [] for st in cfg.Keywords: for key in st: if key == "Angle" or key == "Torsion": values = [x.val for x in st[key]["Result"]] values = _normalize_angular_values(values) else: values = [x.val for x in st[key]["Result"]] errors = [] if meanRef: _compare_stats(values, meanRef, tolerance, numpy.mean, "Mean", errors) if medianRef: _compare_stats(values, medianRef, tolerance, numpy.median, "Median", errors) if stddevRef: _compare_stats(values, stddevRef, tolerance, numpy.std, "Standard deviation", errors) if errors: raise AssertionError('\n'.join(errors)) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError(str(e))
def _compare_stats(values, reference, tolerance, function, name, errors): value = function(values) if abs(reference - value) > tolerance: msg = f" {name} differs: {value} vs. {reference}" errors.append(msg) def _normalize_angular_values(array): """ Centers an array of angles in the unit of degree to minimize its standard deviation. :param array : Array to be (possibly) modified. :type array : list :return : Values, some of which (possibly) offset (by 360 deg) to minimize std dev. :rtype : list """ good_array = array stddev = numpy.std(good_array) for shift in numpy.arange(0, 360, 2.7): tmp = list(((elem + shift) % 360 - shift) for elem in array) if numpy.std(tmp) < stddev: good_array = tmp stddev = numpy.std(good_array) good_array -= (numpy.mean(good_array) // 360) * 360 return good_array.tolist()
[docs]def read_dE_file(fname): """ Read a dE file and return a dict from time to energy_dict; energy_dict is a dict from (lambda_win, lambda_win) to energy value """ dic, energy = {}, {} with open(fname) as fh: for line in fh: line = line.strip() if 'Time' == line[:4]: time = line[6:] dic = energy[time] = {} elif '[' == line[0]: match = REPLICA.match(line) if match: r0, r1, ef, er =, 2, 3, 4) r0 = int(r0) r1 = int(r1) dic[(r0, r1)] = ef dic[(r1, r0)] = er return energy
[docs]def desmond_compare_deltaE(file1, file2): """ Compares two Desmond deltaE.txt files. Checks time and energy. No tolerance (exact sameness). usage: desmond_compare_deltaE('file1', 'file2') """ energy1 = read_dE_file(file1) energy2 = read_dE_file(file2) return energy1 == energy2 """ if len(energy1) != len(energy2): return False for k, d1 in energy1.iteritems(): try: d2 = energy2[k] except KeyError: return False if len(d1) != len(d2): return False for l, e1 in d1.iteritems(): try: e2 = d2[l] except KeyError: return False if e1 != e2: return False return True """
[docs]def desmond_compare_energy_group(file1, file2, tolerance=0): """ Compares two Desmond enegrp.dat files. Checks all values upto tolerance value. usage: desmond_compare_energy_group('file1', 'file2', tolerance=0) """ def compare_value_line(l1, l2): k1 = l1[:l1.index('(')].strip() k2 = l2[:l2.index('(')].strip() v1 = l1[l1.index(')') + 1:].strip() v2 = l2[l2.index(')') + 1:].strip() return k1 == k2 and my_compare(v1, v2) def compare_time_line(l1, l2): d1 = read_time_line(l1) d2 = read_time_line(l2) if len(d1) != len(d2): return False for k, v1 in d1.items(): try: v2 = d2[k] except KeyError: return False if not my_compare(v1, v2): return False return True def read_time_line(line): d = {} for s in line.split(): k, v = s.split('=') d[k] = v return d def my_compare(v1, v2): v1 = float(v1) v2 = float(v2) return abs(v1 - v2) <= tolerance with open(file1) as fh1,\ open(file2) as fh2: for i, (line1, line2) in enumerate(zip(fh1, fh2)): if '(' in line1: if not compare_value_line(line1, line2): msg = f'line {i} {line1} differ from {line2}' raise AssertionError(msg) else: if not compare_time_line(line1, line2): msg = f'line {i} {line1} differ from {line2}' raise AssertionError(msg) return True
[docs]def desmond_test_mean_num_waters(tarname, limits): """ Check that the mean number of waters in the simulation is within the given limits. :param tarname: the input tar file name :type tarname: str :param limits: a 2-tuple containing the min and max values :type limits: tuple """ with as tarball: for name in tarball.getnames(): if name.endswith('.log'): break else: raise ValueError("No logfile found") # Read the average number of waters at the end of each GCMC plugin # iteration from the logfile of the GCMC simulation. nwaters = [] # Format: Total solvent in simulation box: <N> Average: <x> check_phrase = 'Total solvent in simulation box: ' # compatibility with quiet format: # GCMC Moves accepted ... Total solvent molecules: <N> check_phrase_quiet = 'GCMC moves accepted: ' with tarball.extractfile(name) as f: for line in f: # extractfile doesn't give decoded output decoded = line.decode('utf-8') if decoded.startswith(check_phrase): # Extract the average number of particles at the end of # a given GCMC plugin iteration nwaters.append(float(decoded.split()[-1])) elif decoded.startswith(check_phrase_quiet): # Extract the instantaneous number of particles # (not the average) at regular intervals nwaters.append(int(decoded.split()[-1])) # Average over possibly many GCMC plugin iterations mean_num_waters = numpy.mean(nwaters) nmin, nmax = limits return nmin < mean_num_waters < nmax
[docs]def desmond_check_fep_main_msj(main_msj_fname: str, fep_type: constants.FEP_TYPES): """ Basic checks for the main msj. :param main_msj_fname: The input main msj file name. :param fep_type: Type of fep used to run the job. """ from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep.graph import Legtype legs = (Legtype.COMPLEX.value, Legtype.SOLVENT.value) job_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(main_msj_fname))[0] msj_as_sea = cmj.msj2sea(main_msj_fname) found_mapper = False found_launcher = False found_fep_cleanup = False found_protein_generator = False mapper_name = { constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE: stage.FepMapper.NAME, constants.FEP_TYPES.METALLOPROTEIN: stage.FepMapper.NAME, constants.FEP_TYPES.COVALENT_LIGAND: stage.CovalentFepMapper.NAME, constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY: stage.ProteinFepMapper.NAME, constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY: stage.ProteinFepMapper.NAME, constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY: stage.ProteinFepMapper.NAME, } has_fragment_linking = fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE for s in msj_as_sea.stage: msg_base = f"{main_msj_fname}: {s.__NAME__}" if s.__NAME__ == mapper_name[fep_type]: found_mapper = True # Check mapper args if fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE: pass elif fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.COVALENT_LIGAND: assert len(s.graph_file.val), \ f"{msg_base}.graph_file is not set." elif fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.METALLOPROTEIN: assert len(, \ f"{msg_base}.mp is not set." assert sum(['i_fep_' in v for v in]), \ f"{msg_base}.mp is not set correctly, missing 'i_fep_' in name." elif fep_type in constants.PROTEIN_FEP_TYPES: assert s.fep_type.val == fep_type, \ f"{msg_base}.fep_type is not set correctly. Found {s.fep_type.val}, expected {fep_type}." if fep_type in [ constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY, constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY ]: assert s.asl.val, \ f"{msg_base}.asl is empty for selectivity calculation." else: assert False, f"Unknown fep_type: {fep_type}" elif s.__NAME__ == stage.FepLauncher.NAME: found_launcher = True for ileg, leg in enumerate(legs): expected_msj = { constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.CHARGED: f'{job_name}_chg_{leg}.msj', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.FORMALCHARGED: f'{job_name}_chg_{leg}.msj', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.COREHOPPING: f'{job_name}_corehopping_{leg}.msj', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.MACROCYCLE_COREHOPPING: f'{job_name}_corehopping_{leg}.msj', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.DEFAULT: f'{job_name}_{leg}.msj', } if has_fragment_linking: expected_msj[ constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL. FRAGMENT_LINKING] = f'{job_name}_fragment_linking_{leg}.msj' for name, msj_fname in expected_msj.items(): assert name in s.dispatch.val, f"Missing {name} dispatcher." assert msj_fname in s.dispatch[name].val[ ileg], f"Missing {msj_fname} in {name} dispatcher." assert s.dispatch.val.keys() == expected_msj.keys(), \ f"Additional dispatchers found: " \ f"{set(s.dispatch.val.keys()) - set(expected_msj.keys())}, " \ "please update desmond_workups and the stu tests." if has_fragment_linking: for ileg, leg in enumerate(constants.FRAGMENT_LINKING_JOBS.VAL): msj_fname = f'{job_name}_fragment_linking_{leg}.msj' assert msj_fname in s.dispatch[name].val[ ileg], f"Missing {msj_fname} in {name} dispatcher." elif s.__NAME__ == stage.ProteinMutationGenerator.NAME: assert fep_type in constants.PROTEIN_FEP_TYPES, f"{msg_base}: not a protein fep calculation!" assert s.mutation_file.val, f"{msg_base}.mutation_file is empty." found_protein_generator = True found_fep_cleanup = found_fep_cleanup or s.__NAME__ == stage.FepMapperCleanup.NAME assert found_mapper, "Mapper stage not found" assert found_launcher, "Launcher stage not found" assert found_fep_cleanup, "Cleanup stage not found" if fep_type in constants.PROTEIN_FEP_TYPES: assert found_protein_generator, "Protein mutation generator stage not found" return True
_EXPECTED_LAMBDAS = { constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.CHARGED: 'charge:24', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.FORMALCHARGED: 'charge:24', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.COREHOPPING: 'flexible:16', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.MACROCYCLE_COREHOPPING: 'flexible:16', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.DEFAULT: 'default:12', constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.FRAGMENT_LINKING: 'flexible:16', constants.FRAGMENT_LINKING_JOBS.VAL.FRAGMENT_HYDRATION: 'default:24' } def _check_edge_sid(edge: "graph.Edge", exp_num_lambdas_complex: int, exp_num_lambdas_solvent: int): """ Check the edge's sid report to check for the appropriate number of replicas for both the complex and solvent legs Related cases: DESMOND-8836, DESMOND-8811, DESMOND-8805, DESMOND-8674, DESMOND-8243, DESMOND-8224, DESMOND-8208. :param edge: graph.Edge object to check """ from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep.graph import Legtype fep_type = edge.graph.fep_type legs = (Legtype.COMPLEX.value, Legtype.SOLVENT.value) sids = [edge.complex_sid, edge.solvent_sid] expected_num_replicas = [exp_num_lambdas_complex, exp_num_lambdas_solvent] for leg, sid, exp_num in zip(legs, sids, expected_num_replicas): assert sid and len( sid) > 0, f"Edge {edge.short_id} is missing {leg}_sid." sid_obj = sea.Map(sid) checked_fep_simulation = False checked_num_replicas = False for k in sid_obj['Keywords']: if 'FEPSimulation' in k: assert k['FEPSimulation']['PerturbationType'].val == fep_type, \ f'Could not find "{fep_type}" in {leg} sid perturbation_type for {edge.short_id}.' checked_fep_simulation = True if 'Replica' in k: # DESMOND-8811 assert len(k['Replica'].val) == exp_num, \ f"Job ran with wrong number of lambdas. Found {len(k['Replica'].val)}, " \ f"expected {exp_num}." checked_num_replicas = True assert checked_fep_simulation, "Did not find FEPSimulation in {edge.short_id} sid." assert checked_num_replicas, "Did not find Replica in {edge.short_id} sid." def _check_edge_parched(edge: "graph.Edge", min_frames=21): """ Check the parched trajectories and representative structures for a given edge. Related cases: DESMOND-8839, DESMOND-8819, DESMOND-8812, DESMOND-8596, DESMOND-8499, DESMOND-8279, DESMOND-8198. :param edge: graph.Edge object to check :param min_frames: Minimum number of frames in the parched trajectories. Default is 21 for the number of frames in a standard 5 ns FEP job. """ from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages import traj_util from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep.graph import Legtype legs = (Legtype.COMPLEX, Legtype.SOLVENT) assert edge.graph.fmpdb is not None, "graph has no fmpdb file." if edge.graph.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.ABSOLUTE_BINDING: lambdas = [0] else: lambdas = [0, 1]'.') try: fmpdb_fname = edge.graph.fmpdb.filename for leg in legs: trajs = edge.trajectories(leg) assert trajs, f"{fmpdb_fname} is missing the trajectory for {edge.short_id} {leg.value}." for ilambda in lambdas: lambda_msys, lambda_cms, lambda_traj = traj_util.read_cms_and_traj( trajs[ilambda][0]) try: assert len(lambda_traj) >= min_frames, \ f"Trajectory for lambda {ilambda}, edge {edge.short_id}, leg {leg.value} has {len(lambda_traj)} frames, expected at least {min_frames} frames." for (ct, _) in traj_util.extract_atoms( lambda_cms, f'water and not (atom.{constants.ALCHEMICAL_ION} or atom.{constants.CT_TYPE} "{constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.ALCHEMICAL_WATER}")', lambda_traj): assert len(ct.molecule) == 200, \ f"Trajectory for lambda {ilambda}, edge {edge.short_id}, leg {leg.value} "\ f" has wrong number of waters. Found {len(ct.molecule)}, expected 200." except AssertionError: raise finally: if lambda_traj: # Close the reader to close the filehandle, # otherwise fmpdb.close() can fail. # DESMOND-8868 lambda_traj[0].source().close() # Check representative structure (complex leg only). leg = Legtype.COMPLEX repr_fnames = edge.representative_strucs(leg) assert repr_fnames is not None, f"{fmpdb_fname} is missing the representative struc for {edge.short_id} {leg.value}." for ilambda in lambdas: lambda_repr_ct =[ilambda]) assert lambda_repr_ct.atom_total > 0, \ f"Representative structure for lambda {ilambda}, edge {edge.short_id}, leg {leg.value}, has no atoms." except AssertionError: raise finally: edge.graph.fmpdb.close() def _check_graph_environment(g: "graph.Graph", membrane=False): """ Check the graph environment structures. :param g: The graph object to check. :param membrane: Set to True if this is a membrane fep run. Default is False. """ from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep import fepmae if g.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE: environments = ["receptor"] elif g.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.METALLOPROTEIN: environments = ["receptor"] elif g.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.COVALENT_LIGAND: environments = [] elif g.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY: environments = [] elif g.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY: environments = ["receptor"] elif g.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY: environments = ["receptor"] elif g.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.ABSOLUTE_BINDING: environments = ["receptor"] else: raise ValueError(f'unknown fep_type: {g.fep_type}') if membrane: environments.extend(["membrane", "solvent"]) for environment in environments: env_ct = getattr(g, f'{environment}_struc') assert env_ct is not None, f"graph {environment}_struc is missing." results = fepmae.filter_receptors_and_ligands([env_ct]) results_dict = { 'receptor': results[0], 'solvent': results[1], 'membrane': results[2], 'ligands': results[3] } # For ligand selectivity, the ligand is stored in the receptor_struc if environment == "receptor" and g.fep_type == constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY: assert len(results_dict['ligands']) == 1, \ f"{g.fep_type} should have one ligand as the receptor. Found {len(results_dict['ligands'])} ligand(s). {results_dict}" results_dict['receptor'] = results_dict['ligands'][0] results_dict['ligands'] = [] for k, v in results_dict.items(): if k == environment: found_ct = results_dict[environment] found_title = found_ct.title if hasattr(found_ct, 'title') else found_ct env_title = env_ct.title if hasattr(env_ct, 'title') else env_ct assert env_ct is v, \ f"graph {environment}_struc is not correct. Found {found_title}, expected {env_title}." else: assert not v, \ f"graph {environment}_struc is missing or has wrong type." found_env_count = len([ct for ct in g.environment_struc if ct is not None]) exp_env_count = len(environments) assert found_env_count == exp_env_count, \ f'graph environment_struc is not correct. Found {found_env_count}, expected {exp_env_count} ct(s).' def _check_graph_nodes(g: "graph.Graph", node_ids: List[str]): """ Check the node structures for a graph. :param g: The graph object to check. :param node_ids: List of expected node ids. """ assert g.number_of_nodes() > 0, "No nodes found in graph" found_node_ids = [node.short_id for node in g.nodes_iter()] extra_node_ids = set(found_node_ids) - set(node_ids) missing_node_ids = set(node_ids) - set(found_node_ids) assert len(extra_node_ids) == 0, \ f'Extra nodes found in graph: {extra_node_ids}' assert len(missing_node_ids) == 0, \ f'Missing nodes in graph: {missing_node_ids}' if g.fep_type in [ constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE, constants.FEP_TYPES.METALLOPROTEIN, constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY, constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY, constants.FEP_TYPES.ABSOLUTE_BINDING, ]: for node in g.nodes_iter(): assert node.struc is not None, \ f"graph node {node.short_id} has empty struc." assert node.protein_struc is None, \ f"graph node {node.short_id} has non-empty protein_struc." elif g.fep_type in [ constants.FEP_TYPES.COVALENT_LIGAND, constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY ]: for node in g.nodes_iter(): assert node.struc is not None, \ f"graph node {node.short_id} has empty struc." assert node.protein_struc is not None, \ f"graph node {node.short_id} has empty protein_struc." def _check_fep_backend_log(log_contents: str): """ Check the Desmond backend log for expected contents. :param log_contents: Desmond backend log file contents. """ assert 'GPU Desmond' in log_contents, \ 'GPU Desmond is not detected.' assert 'FEP_GPGPU' in log_contents or 'FEP_GPGPU' in log_contents, \ 'Desmond is missing FEP_GPGPU license checkout in backend log file.' def _check_fep_cms(cms_fname: str, cts: List[structure.Structure], leg: str, fep_type: constants.FEP_TYPES, membrane=False): """ Check input and output cms files for missing components. Related cases: DESMOND-7328, DESMOND-8602, DESMOND-8894. :param cms_fname: Filename of the cms. :param cts: List of structures from the cms. :param leg: Name of the leg to check. :param fep_type: Type of fep used to run the job. :param membrane: Set to True if this is a membrane fep run. Default is False. """ from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep.graph import Legtype ffio_types = Counter() for ct in cts: ffio_types[[constants.CT_TYPE]] += 1 if fep_type in [constants.FEP_TYPES.SMALL_MOLECULE]: expected_ffio_types = { constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM: 1, constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE: 3 if leg == Legtype.COMPLEX.value else 2, constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLVENT: 1, } if leg in constants.FRAGMENT_LINKING_HYDRATION_JOBS: expected_ffio_types[constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE] = 1 if membrane and leg == Legtype.COMPLEX.value: expected_ffio_types[constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.MEMBRANE] = 1 elif fep_type in [ constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_SELECTIVITY, constants.FEP_TYPES.LIGAND_SELECTIVITY ]: expected_ffio_types = { constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM: 1, constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE: 3 if leg == Legtype.COMPLEX.value else 2, constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLVENT: 1, } if membrane: expected_ffio_types[constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.MEMBRANE] = 1 elif fep_type in [ constants.FEP_TYPES.METALLOPROTEIN, constants.FEP_TYPES.COVALENT_LIGAND, constants.FEP_TYPES.PROTEIN_STABILITY ]: expected_ffio_types = { constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.FULL_SYSTEM: 1, constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLUTE: 2, constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.SOLVENT: 1, } if membrane and leg == Legtype.COMPLEX.value: expected_ffio_types[constants.CT_TYPE.VAL.MEMBRANE] = 1 else: assert False, f"Unknown fep_type: {fep_type}" for ffio_type, count in expected_ffio_types.items(): assert ffio_types[ffio_type] == count, \ f'cms file {cms_fname} does not have {count} {ffio_type} ct(s), found {ffio_types[ffio_type]} ct(s). ' \ f'{ffio_types}' def _check_fep_in_cfg(cfg_contents: str, edge: "graph.Edge", leg: str, expected_lambdas=_EXPECTED_LAMBDAS): """ Check the in.cfg file given an graph edge. :param cfg_contents: in.cfg file contents :param edge: Corresponding edge from the graph. :param leg: Name of the leg to check. :param expected_lambdas: Expected number of lambdas for each supported FEP type. If not given, use the default for each type. """ cfg = sea.Map(cfg_contents) expected_lambda = expected_lambdas[edge.simulation_protocol] if edge.is_fragment_linking and leg in constants.FRAGMENT_LINKING_HYDRATION_JOBS: expected_lambda = expected_lambdas[ constants.FRAGMENT_LINKING_JOBS.VAL.FRAGMENT_HYDRATION] assert cfg.fep['lambda'].val == expected_lambda, \ f'Wrong lambda schedule in in.cfg. " \ "Found {cfg.fep["lambda"].val}, expected: {expected_lambda}' # Make sure macrocycle core-hopping has correct soft bond alpha if edge.simulation_protocol == constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL.MACROCYCLE_COREHOPPING: assert pytest.approx( cfg.backend['soft_bond_alpha'].val ) == 0.5, "Macrocycle missing soft bond alpha in in.cfg." def _check_deltaE(deltaE_contents: str, threshold=300): """ Check the deltaE file contents to make sure all of the energy Related cases: DESMOND-9425, DESMOND-9429. :param deltaE_contents: Contents of the deltaE.txt file. :param threshold: Maximum absolute value for the energy in kcal/mol. """ vals = [] for line in deltaE_contents.split('\n'): line = line.strip() match = REPLICA.match(line) if match: ef = float( er = float( vals.extend([ef, er]) vals = numpy.array(vals) msg = "deltaE values larger than threshold" assert numpy.abs( vals.min()) < threshold, f"{msg}: |{vals.min()}| > {threshold}" assert numpy.abs( vals.max()) < threshold, f"{msg}: |{vals.max()}| > {threshold}" def _check_fep_launcher(launcher_path: str, g: "graph.Graph", membrane=False, deltaE_threshold=None, expected_lambdas=_EXPECTED_LAMBDAS): """ Check the output files generated by the FepLauncher stage. Related cases: DESMOND-7831, DESMOND-6582. :param launcher_path: Path to the output files of the fep launcher stage. :param g: Graph object to use for checking the output files. :param membrane: Set to True if this is a membrane fep run. Default is False. :param deltaE_threshold: If not None, maximum absolute value for the deltaE energy in kcal/mol. :param expected_lambdas: Expected number of lambdas for each supported FEP type. If not given, use the default for each type. """ from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep.graph import Legtype job_name = '_'.join(os.path.basename(launcher_path).split('_')[:-1]) for e in g.edges_iter(): from_id, to_id = e.short_id fep_type = g.fep_type legs = [Legtype.COMPLEX.value, Legtype.SOLVENT.value] if e.is_fragment_linking: legs += list(constants.FRAGMENT_LINKING_HYDRATION_JOBS) for leg in legs: subjob_name = f'{job_name}_{from_id}_{to_id}_{leg}' # Check that the job completed multisim_log_fname = f'{os.path.join(launcher_path, subjob_name)}_multisim.log' standard_workups.parse_log_file(multisim_log_fname, 'Multisim completed') with open(multisim_log_fname) as f: for line in f: m = re.match(r'.*?stage (\d+) - lambda_hopping.*?', line) if m: lambda_hopping_idx = int( break # Check the lambda hopping out.tgz lambda_hopping_tgz = os.path.join( launcher_path, f'{subjob_name}_{lambda_hopping_idx}-out.tgz') # /some/path/<JOBNAME>_8-out.tgz -> <JOBNAME>_8 lambda_hopping_stage = os.path.basename( lambda_hopping_tgz.replace('-out.tgz', '')) with as tar: tar_path = os.path.join(f'{subjob_name}_fep1', lambda_hopping_stage) if leg in constants.FRAGMENT_LINKING_HYDRATION_JOBS: tar_path = lambda_hopping_stage basename = os.path.join(tar_path, lambda_hopping_stage) log_contents = tar.extractfile(basename + '.log').read().decode('latin-1') _check_fep_backend_log(log_contents) # Check the -in.cfg file # DESMOND-8811 cfg_contents = tar.extractfile( f'{basename}-in.cfg').read().decode('latin-1') _check_fep_in_cfg(cfg_contents, e, leg, expected_lambdas) # Check the deltaE.txt file # DESMOND-9445 if deltaE_threshold is not None: deltaE = tar.extractfile( f'{tar_path}/deltaE.txt').read().decode('latin-1') _check_deltaE(deltaE, deltaE_threshold) # Check cms files def is_cms(fname) -> bool: return fname.endswith('.cms') or fname.endswith( '.cmsgz') or fname.endswith('.cms.gz') assert len([ for m in tar.getmembers() if is_cms(]), \ f'No cms files found in {lambda_hopping_tgz}.' for m in tar.getmembers(): if is_cms( cms_fname = cms_contents_fobj = tar.extractfile(cms_fname) if'gz'): cms_contents_fobj = gzip.GzipFile( mode='r', fileobj=cms_contents_fobj) replica_cts = list( structure.StructureReader.fromString('latin-1'))) _check_fep_cms(cms_fname, replica_cts, leg, fep_type, membrane=membrane) def _check_edge_values(edge: "graph.Edge", values: Dict[str, object]): """ Check values associated with the graph edge. :param edge: Edge to check :param values: Dictionary with the keys 'simulation_protocol', 'ddg', 'ddg_err'. The values in the edge are compared with the corresponding values here. """ # Check the simulation protocol if values.get('simulation_protocol'): assert edge.simulation_protocol == values['simulation_protocol'], \ f"Edge {edge.short_id} has incorrect simulation protocol. " \ f"Found {edge.simulation_protocol}, expected {values['simulation_protocol']}" # Check free energy values. if values.get('ddg'): assert pytest.approx(edge.bennett_ddg.val, abs=0.5) == values['ddg'], \ f'{edge.short_id} bennett_ddg.val different. ' \ f'Found {edge.bennett_ddg.val}, expected {values["ddg"]}.' assert pytest.approx(edge.bennett_ddg.unc, abs=0.5) == values['ddg_err'], \ f'{edge.short_id} bennett_ddg.unc different. ' \ f'Found {edge.bennett_ddg.unc}, expected {values["ddg_err"]}.' assert edge.bennett_ddg is not None, f'{edge.short_id} bennett_ddg is None' assert edge.ccc_ddg is not None, f'{edge.short_id} ccc_ddg is None'
[docs]def desmond_check_fep_results( fmp_fname: str, launcher_path: str, fep_type: constants.FEP_TYPES, expected: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[str, object]], membrane: bool = False, min_frames: int = 21, skip_parched: bool = False, skip_sid: bool = False, edges_to_skip_parched_check: Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None, deltaE_threshold: Optional[float] = None, expected_lambdas=_EXPECTED_LAMBDAS): """ Check the fep results given the fep type and an `expected` a dictionary mapping expected edge short ids to their corresponding attributes. :param fmp_fname: Name of the output fmp to check. :param launcher_path: Path containing the output of the FepLauncher stage. :param fep_type: Type of fep used to run the job. :param expected: Dictionary mapping edge short ids to a dictionary of attributes to check. The attributes are the simulation_protocol, with the values `constants.SIMULATION_PROTOCOL`, 'ddg', 'ddg_err' with the values corresponding to the free energy. If the attributes are not present, the corresponding checks are skipped. :param membrane: Set to True if this is a membrane fep run. Default is False. :param min_frames: Minimum number of frames in the parched trajectories. Default is 21 for the number of frames in a standard 5 ns FEP job. :param skip_parched: If True, skip checking the parched trajectories. Default is False. :param skip_sid: If True, skip checking for sid analysis. Default is False. :param edges_to_skip_parched_check: A list of short edge ids for which to skip checking for parched trajectory when skip_parched is False. If skip_parched is True then all edges will be skipped. :param deltaE_threshold: If not None, maximum absolute value for the deltaE energy in kcal/mol. :param expected_lambdas: Expected number of lambdas for each supported FEP type. If not given, use the default for each type. """ from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep.graph import Graph g = Graph.deserialize(fmp_fname) id2edge = {e.short_id: e for e in g.edges_iter()} edge_ids = set(expected.keys()) node_ids = {a[0] for a in edge_ids}.union({a[1] for a in edge_ids}) missing_in_graph = edge_ids - set(id2edge.keys()) additional_in_graph = set(id2edge.keys()) - edge_ids assert len(missing_in_graph) == 0, \ f"Missing edges in graph: {missing_in_graph}" assert len(additional_in_graph) == 0, \ f"Additional edges in graph: {additional_in_graph}" # Check edges. for edge_id, values in expected.items(): e = id2edge.get(edge_id) # Check that edge is in the graph. assert e is not None, f"{edge_id} not in {fmp_fname}." _check_edge_values(e, values) if not skip_sid: expected_num_replicas = int( expected_lambdas[e.simulation_protocol].split(':')[-1]) _check_edge_sid(e, expected_num_replicas, expected_num_replicas) edges_to_skip_parched_check = edges_to_skip_parched_check or [] if not skip_parched and edge_id not in edges_to_skip_parched_check: _check_edge_parched(e, min_frames) _check_graph_environment(g, membrane) _check_graph_nodes(g, node_ids) _check_fep_launcher(launcher_path, g, membrane, deltaE_threshold, expected_lambdas) return True
[docs]def desmond_check_ab_fep_results( fmp_fname: str, expected_values: Dict[Tuple[str, str], Dict[str, object]], min_frames: int, expected_lambdas_complex: int, expected_lambdas_solvent: int, membrane: bool = False, ): from schrodinger.application.scisol.packages.fep.graph import Graph g = Graph.deserialize(fmp_fname) id2edge = {e.short_id: e for e in g.edges_iter()} edge_ids = set(expected_values.keys()) node_ids = {a[0] for a in edge_ids}.union({a[1] for a in edge_ids}) missing_in_graph = edge_ids - set(id2edge.keys()) additional_in_graph = set(id2edge.keys()) - edge_ids assert len(missing_in_graph) == 0, \ f"Missing edges in graph: {missing_in_graph}" assert len(additional_in_graph) == 0, \ f"Additional edges in graph: {additional_in_graph}" # Check edges. for edge_id, values in expected_values.items(): e = id2edge.get(edge_id) # Check that edge is in the graph. assert e is not None, f"{edge_id} not in {fmp_fname}." _check_edge_values(e, values) _check_edge_sid(e, expected_lambdas_complex, expected_lambdas_solvent) _check_edge_parched(e, min_frames) _check_graph_environment(g, membrane) _check_graph_nodes(g, node_ids) return True
[docs]def desmond_check_memory_usage(logfile: str, cpu_limits: List[float], gpu_limits: Optional[List[float]] = None): """ Get statistics on memory usage printed to desmond logfile and compare to specified inputs. :param logfile: The logfile containing the memory usages :param cpu_limits: The maximum acceptable value for the mean and maximum CPU memory usage in kB :param gpu_limits: The maximum acceptable value for the mean and maximum GPU memory usage in kB [optional] """ types_to_limits = {'CPU': cpu_limits} if gpu_limits: types_to_limits['GPU'] = gpu_limits memory_usages = defaultdict(list) with open(logfile) as f: for line in f.readlines(): match ='using (\d+) kB of (.*?) memory', line) if match is not None: usage = memory_usages[].append(int(usage)) def check_limits(usages, limits, memtype): if not usages: raise ValueError( f"No {memtype} memory usage statements found in log " f"file") usages_arr = numpy.array(usages) mean_usage = usages_arr.mean() max_usage = usages_arr.max() mean_limit, max_limit = limits print(f"{memtype} usage mean: {mean_usage}, max {max_usage}") return mean_usage < mean_limit and max_usage < max_limit return all([ check_limits(memory_usages[memtype], limits, memtype) for memtype, limits in types_to_limits.items() ])
[docs]def custom_charge_ct_count(input_mae_fname: str) -> int: """ Return the count of cts that have a custom charge block. """ count = 0 with open(input_mae_fname, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if 'mmffld_custom_prop' in line: count += 1 return count
if __name__ == "__main__": def extract_summary(string): summary = "" for line in string.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line: summary += " " + line elif summary: return summary.strip() if '-h' in sys.argv and len(sys.argv) > 2: for arg in sys.argv[2:]: if arg in dir(): print(arg + ":") print(eval(arg).__doc__) elif len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[1] in dir(): if eval(sys.argv[1])(sys.argv[2:]): print(" Success!") else: print(" Failure.") else: print("usage: %s <workup> <args>\n" % os.path.split(__file__)[-1]) print(extract_summary(__doc__), "\n") print("available workups:") for method in dir(): if method.startswith("desmond"): method = eval(method) description = method.__doc__ summary = extract_summary(description) print(f" {method.__name__}: {summary}")