Source code for schrodinger.test.stu.outcomes.job_status

Contains workups relating to the exit status of the job.  Most of these will
not be explicitly passed in the workup specification, but will be run

@copyright: Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.

import csv
import os
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import zip_longest

from schrodinger.test.stu import common
from schrodinger.test.stu import constants
from schrodinger.utils.csv_unicode import reader_open

from .failures import LicenseFailure

logger = common.logger

[docs]def is_structure_output_file(filename): """ Validate that the StructureOutputFile is present in the job and that its name matches the filename provided. :param filename: Expected name for the structure output file. Should match exactly with what's in the job. :type filename: str """ # Note: job_dj_job is available in this scope because it is added to # __builtins__ by check_workup. if not hasattr(job_dj_job, 'getJob'): # noqa: F821 msg = 'Job has type {}. No StructureOutputFile is available for this type of job' raise TypeError(msg.format(type(job_dj_job))) # noqa: F821 job_record = job_dj_job.getJob() # noqa: F821 if not job_record: raise AssertionError('No job record found for this test') if filename != job_record.StructureOutputFile: msg = 'Expected filename "{}" does not match StructureOutputFile "{}"' raise AssertionError( msg.format(filename, job_record.StructureOutputFile)) return True
[docs]def license_check(license_check_file=constants.LICENSE_CHECK_FILE, ref_license_check_file=constants.REF_LICENSE_CHECK_FILE): """ Compare the license file against a standard. If either does not exist, return True. If the two match, return True. The reference license file should be called "license_check_reference.txt" and the license file being tested should be called "license_check.txt". """ if not os.path.isfile(ref_license_check_file): return True if not os.path.isfile(license_check_file): return True reference = _LicenseInfo(ref_license_check_file) check = _LicenseInfo(license_check_file) reference.assertSame(check) return True
# This is used to capture important info from a single license action # (a Checkout, Checkin, or Exist). LicenseAction = namedtuple('LicenseAction', 'feature count tag action') class _LicenseInfo: """ Extract an in-memory representation of the license checkouts from a named license checkout file. See LIC-312 for details. """ def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.existence_checks = set() self.mmshare = set() self.product_actions = [] with reader_open(filename) as fh: reader = csv.DictReader(fh) for lineno, row in enumerate(reader, start=1): if row['Action'] not in ('Checkin', 'Checkout', 'Quick Checkout', 'Exist'): msg = ('Unrecognized action {action} on line {lineno} ' 'in {filename}.') raise LicenseFailure( msg.format(action=row['Action'], lineno=lineno, filename=filename)) if row['Action'] == 'Exist': self.existence_checks.add( LicenseAction(feature=row['Feature'], count=int(row['Count']), tag=row['Tag'], action=row['Action'])) elif row['Feature'] == 'MMLIBS': # For MMLIBS, we don't care about the count or tags self.mmshare.add( LicenseAction(feature=row['Feature'], count=None, tag=None, action=row['Action'])) else: self.product_actions.append( (LicenseAction(feature=row['Feature'], count=int(row['Count']), tag=row['Tag'], action=row['Action']), lineno)) def __str__(self): return self.filename def assertSame(self, other): """ Check that two License objects match. This is insensitive to the NUMBER of mmshare checkins/checkouts/exists checks, but it is sensitive to whether each type of mmshare check occurred at all. It is sensitive to the NUMBER and ORDER of all product checks. See LIC-312, SHARED-2861, and SHARED-3136. :raise: LicenseFailure with a description of the differences between them. """ failures = [] # Setwise comparison for MMLIBS and Exist actions failures.extend(self._compare_sets(other, 'existence_checks')) failures.extend(self._compare_sets(other, 'mmshare')) # Compare all other actions line by line for self_action, other_action in zip_longest(self.product_actions, other.product_actions, fillvalue=None): if self_action is None or other_action is None: failures.append( self._mismatched_length(other, self_action, other_action)) continue if self_action[:-1] != other_action[:-1]: msg = '"{self}:{self_action}" does not match '\ '"{other}:{other_action}" on line {lineno}.' failures.append( msg.format(self=self.filename, self_action=self_action[:-1], other=other.filename, other_action=other_action[:-1], lineno=self_action[-1])) if len(failures) > 0: raise LicenseFailure('\n\n'.join(failures)) def _compare_sets(self, other, attribute): """ Compares two sets of license actions. Used to look at Exist actions and MMLIBS Checkin/Checkout actions """ failures = [] self_set = getattr(self, attribute) other_set = getattr(other, attribute) for action in self_set.symmetric_difference(other_set): message = '{feature} {action} is present in {present} but is not '\ 'present in {missing}.' if action in self_set: failures.append( message.format(feature=action.feature, action=action.action, present=self, missing=other)) else: failures.append( message.format(feature=action.feature, action=action.action, present=other, missing=self)) return failures def _mismatched_length(self, other, self_action, other_action): """ Generates an error message when either self_action or other_action is None. """ msg = '{present}: line {lineno} ({action}) has no match in {missing}.' if self_action is None: return msg.format(present=other, lineno=other_action[1], action=other_action[0], missing=self) elif other_action is None: return msg.format(present=self, lineno=self_action[1], action=self_action[0], missing=other) else: raise ValueError( 'This method should only be called if one of the actions is None.' )