Source code for schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.energy_plots

Functions and classes specific to energy trajectory plots.
import os
import numpy as np
from schrodinger import get_maestro
from schrodinger.Qt.QtCore import Qt
from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import traj_plot_models
from schrodinger.ui.qt import basewidgets
from schrodinger.ui.qt import table_helper
from schrodinger.ui.qt import filedialog
from schrodinger.ui.qt import atomselector
from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2 import jobnames
from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets
from schrodinger.utils import sea

from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import job_settings_dialog_ui
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import custom_asl_sets_dialog_ui
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import custom_substructure_sets_dialog_ui
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze

# NOTE: These ASLs are temporary, and will be removed when Structure Hierarchy
# is exposed to Python (MAE-45958):
METAL_ION_ASL = '(metals OR ions)'
OTHER_SOLVENT_ASL = '(solvent AND NOT water)'
OTHER_HETS_ASL = '(NOT (ligand OR protein OR solvent OR metals OR ions OR nucleic_acids))'

# TODO replace with aliases once SHARED-8150 is implemented
DNA_ASL = '(res. " DA " OR res. " DC " OR res. " DG " OR res. " DT ")'
RNA_ASL = '(res. "  C " OR res. "  U " OR res. "  G " OR res. "  A ")'

# ASLs for "Substructure Sets (Grouped)" menu item:
    'Proteins': 'protein',
    'Ligands': 'ligand',
    'Water': 'water',
    'Other solvent': OTHER_SOLVENT_ASL,
    'Metals and ions': METAL_ION_ASL,
    'Other hets': OTHER_HETS_ASL,
    'Membranes': 'membrane',
    'DNA': DNA_ASL,
    'RNA': RNA_ASL,

# TODO: Separate out DNA and RNA into separate sets (currently not easy
# until until SHARED-8150 is implemented).

maestro = get_maestro()

[docs]def iter_children(item): """ Iterate over all children of a QTreeWidgetItem. """ for i in range(item.childCount()): yield item.child(i)
[docs]def iter_tree_items(tree_widget): """ Iterate over all items (both top level and their children) of a QTreeWidget. """ for parent in iter_children(tree_widget.invisibleRootItem()): yield parent for child in iter_children(parent): yield child
[docs]def find_all_grouped_sets(st): """ Return a dict of ASLs, one for each group, for all substructure set groups found in the structure. """ sets = {} for name, asl in GROUP_ASLS.items(): if analyze.evaluate_asl(st, asl): sets[name] = asl return sets
[docs]def find_all_individual_sets(st): """ Return a list of ASLs, one for each substructure set (ungrouped). Each ligand molecule and protein chain will be assigned its own set. Other substructures are still grouped together by type. """ groups = [find_ligands(st), find_proteins(st), find_other(st)] sets = {name: asl for items in groups for name, asl in items} return sets
[docs]def find_sets_for_all_molecules(st): """ Assign each molecule to its own set. Useful only for structure with few molecules (no solvent) """ return { f'Molecule {mol.number}': f'mol.n {mol.number}' for mol in st.molecule }
[docs]def find_ligands(st): """ Return a list of (ligand name, ASL) for all ligands found in the structure. """ ligands_list = [] for i, ligand in enumerate(analyze.find_ligands(st), start=1): atoms = ligand.atom_indexes asl = analyze.generate_asl(st, atoms) residues = {res for res in} name = f'Ligand {i}' if len(residues) == 1: res = residues.pop() chain = res.chain.replace(' ', '_') name = f'{chain}:{res.pdbres}{res.resnum}{res.inscode.strip()} (Ligand {i})' else: # Multi-residue ligand name = f'Ligand {i}' ligands_list.append((name, asl)) return ligands_list
[docs]def find_proteins(st): """ Find protein chains in the given structure. """ non_protein_atoms = set(analyze.evaluate_asl(st, 'NOT protein')) # Remove peptide ligands also: for ligand in analyze.find_ligands(st): non_protein_atoms.update(ligand.atom_indexes) protein_chain_list = [] for chain in st.chain: atoms = set(chain.getAtomIndices()) - non_protein_atoms if atoms: asl = analyze.generate_asl(st, atoms) _name =' ', '_') name = f'Chain {_name} (Protein)' protein_chain_list.append((name, asl)) return protein_chain_list
[docs]def find_solvents(st): """ Find solvents (including water) in the given structure. """ water_present = bool(analyze.evaluate_asl(st, 'water')) other_solvents_present = bool(analyze.evaluate_asl(st, OTHER_SOLVENT_ASL)) solvents = [] if water_present: solvents.append(('Water', 'water')) if other_solvents_present: solvents.append(('Other Solvents', OTHER_SOLVENT_ASL)) # TODO remove grouping if only one of above is present return solvents
[docs]def find_other(st): """ Find metals, ions, membranes, DNA, and RNA in the given structure. """ other_list = [] for name, asl in { 'Metals / Ions': METAL_ION_ASL, 'Other Hets': OTHER_HETS_ASL, 'Membranes': 'membrane', 'DNA': DNA_ASL, 'RNA': RNA_ASL, }.items(): atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(st, asl) if atoms: other_list.append((name, asl)) return other_list
[docs]class CustomAslSetRow: """ Class representing a row in the custom ASL dialog's sets table. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, asl, num_atoms): = name self.asl = asl self.num_atoms = num_atoms
class CustomAslSetsColumns(table_helper.TableColumns): """ Columns of the CustomAslSetsTableModel table. """ SetName = table_helper.Column('Set Name') ASL = table_helper.Column('ASL') NumAtoms = table_helper.Column('# Atoms')
[docs]class CustomAslSetsTableModel(table_helper.RowBasedTableModel): """ Model for the table at the bottom of the "Define Custom ASL Sets" dialog. """ Column = CustomAslSetsColumns ROW_CLASS = CustomAslSetRow @table_helper.data_method(Qt.DisplayRole) def _displayData(self, col_idx, row_obj, role): # See table_helper.data_method for documentation if col_idx == self.Column.SetName: return elif col_idx == self.Column.ASL: return row_obj.asl elif col_idx == self.Column.NumAtoms: return row_obj.num_atoms @table_helper.data_method(Qt.ToolTipRole) def _displayToolTip(self, col_idx, row_obj, role): # See table_helper.data_method for documentation if col_idx == self.Column.ASL: return row_obj.asl
[docs]class CustomAslSetsDialog(basewidgets.BaseDialog): """ Dialog for defining sets via custom ASLs. :cvar setsDefined: A signal emitted when OK button is pressed after defining new sets. """ ui_module = custom_asl_sets_dialog_ui setsDefined = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict)
[docs] def __init__(self, st, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) = st self.setWindowTitle('Define Custom ASL Sets')
[docs] def initSetOptions(self): super().initSetOptions() self.std_btn_specs[self.StdBtn.Ok] = self.okPressed self.std_btn_specs[self.StdBtn.Cancel] = None
[docs] def initSetUp(self): super().initSetUp() self.atom_selector = atomselector.AtomSelector( self, label="ASL:", pick_text="Pick atom in Workspace", show_asl=True, show_all=True, show_select=True, show_previous=False, show_selection=False, append_mode=True, show_markers=False, show_pick=True, default_pick_mode=atomselector.PICK_MOLECULES, show_plus=True, ) self.ui.atom_selector_layout.addWidget(self.atom_selector) self.atom_selector.picksite_wrapper.start() self.model = CustomAslSetsTableModel() self.ui.sets_table_view.setModel(self.model) self.ui.sets_table_view.setWordWrap(False) self.ui.sets_table_view.setColumnWidth(CustomAslSetsColumns.SetName, 100) self.ui.sets_table_view.setColumnWidth(CustomAslSetsColumns.ASL, 200) self.ui.sets_table_view.setColumnWidth(CustomAslSetsColumns.NumAtoms, 60) self.ui.sets_table_view.setSelectionBehavior( QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.ui.sets_table_view.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self.setTableSelectionChanged) self.ui.add_set_btn.clicked.connect(self._addSet) self.ui.delete_set_btn.clicked.connect(self._removeSelectedSet) self.createUniqueSetName() self.resize(400, 500)
[docs] def createUniqueSetName(self): used_names = { for row in self.model.rows} prev_name = self.ui.set_name_le.text() new_name = jobnames.update_jobname(prev_name, "Set", name_list=used_names) self.ui.set_name_le.setText(new_name) self.ui.set_name_le.repaint()
def _addSet(self): """ Add set defined by the atom selector frame to the bottom table. """ set_name = self.ui.set_name_le.text().strip() if not set_name: self.warning("Please enter a set name") return asl = self.atom_selector.getAsl() if not asl.strip(): self.warning('Please define an ASL') return if not analyze.validate_asl(asl): self.warning('Specified ASL is invalid') return atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(, asl) if not atoms: self.warning('Specified ASL did not match any atoms') return if self.model.rowCount(): existing_asl = ' OR '.join( ('%s' % row.asl for row in self.model.rows)) matched_atoms = set(analyze.evaluate_asl(, existing_asl)) if matched_atoms.intersection(atoms): self.warning( "Specified ASL matches some of the atoms that were already assigned to another set." ) return row = CustomAslSetRow(set_name, asl, len(atoms)) self.model.appendRowObject(row) self.atom_selector.setAsl('') self.createUniqueSetName()
[docs] def setTableSelectionChanged(self): enable = bool(self.ui.sets_table_view.selectionModel().selectedRows()) self.ui.delete_set_btn.setEnabled(enable)
def _removeSelectedSet(self): """ Remove selected set from the bottom table. """ self.model.removeRowsByIndices( self.ui.sets_table_view.selectionModel().selectedRows())
[docs] def okPressed(self): count = self.model.rowCount() if count == 0: self.warning('Please define sets to use') return False if count > 10: self.warning('Maximum of 10 sets are supported') return False sets = { row.asl for row in self.model.rows} self.close() self.setsDefined.emit(sets)
[docs]class CustomSubstructureSetsDialog(basewidgets.BaseDialog): """ Dialog for defining which substructure sets to use for generating energy plots. Substructure sets are automatically detected in a manner similar to what is used by Structure Hierarchy. User is able to specify up to 10 of those sets to use for energy interaction calculations. :cvar setsDefined: A signal emitted when OK button is pressed after defining new sets. """ ui_module = custom_substructure_sets_dialog_ui setsDefined = QtCore.pyqtSignal(dict) NAME_COL = 0 ASL_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 1 IN_USE_ROLE = Qt.UserRole + 2
[docs] def addItem(self, parent, name, asl): """ Create a new QTreeWidgetItem name and ASL, and add it to the parent. """ item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(parent) item.setText(self.NAME_COL, name) item.setData(self.NAME_COL, self.ASL_ROLE, asl) item.setData(self.NAME_COL, self.IN_USE_ROLE, False) return item
[docs] def addGroup(self, group_name, sets): """ Add given sets grouped together under a top-level parent. If only one item is present in the set, no parent is created, and that set is added as a top-level item. If no sets are present, nothing is done. """ if not sets: return if len(sets) == 1: name, asl = sets[0] self.addItem(self.ui.tree_widget, name, asl) return # Multiple items present; group them under a parent item: group_asl = ' OR '.join([asl for name, asl in sets]) tl_item = self.addItem(self.ui.tree_widget, group_name, group_asl) for name, asl in sets: self.addItem(tl_item, name, asl)
[docs] def __init__(self, st, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle("Define Custom Substructure Sets") self.ui.tree_widget.setItemsExpandable(False) self.ui.tree_widget.setSelectionMode(self.ui.tree_widget.MultiSelection) self.ui.use_sets_widget.setSelectionMode( self.ui.use_sets_widget.MultiSelection) self.addGroup('All Ligands', find_ligands(st)) self.addGroup('All Protein Chains', find_proteins(st)) self.addGroup('All Solvents', find_solvents(st)) # These have no top-level parent groups: for name, asl in find_other(st): self.addItem(self.ui.tree_widget, name, asl) self.ui.tree_widget.expandAll() self.ui.tree_widget.setHeaderHidden(True) self.ui.tree_widget.setRootIsDecorated(False)
[docs] def initSetOptions(self): super().initSetOptions() self.std_btn_specs[self.StdBtn.Ok] = self.okPressed self.std_btn_specs[self.StdBtn.Cancel] = None
[docs] def initSetUp(self): super().initSetUp() self.ui.tree_widget.itemSelectionChanged.connect( self.treeSelectionChanged) self.ui.add_btn.clicked.connect(self.addSelectedSets) self.ui.use_sets_widget.itemSelectionChanged.connect( self.listSelectionChanged) self.ui.remove_btn.clicked.connect(self.removeSelectedSets)
[docs] def treeSelectionChanged(self): tree = self.ui.tree_widget sel_items = tree.selectedItems() sel_model = tree.selectionModel() # Enable all items: for parent in iter_children(tree.invisibleRootItem()): for child in iter_children(parent): child.setDisabled(False) # De-select children of selected top-level items for item in sel_items: for child in iter_children(item): child.setDisabled(True), sel_model.Deselect) self.ui.add_btn.setEnabled(bool(sel_items))
[docs] def listSelectionChanged(self): sel_items = self.ui.use_sets_widget.selectedItems() self.ui.remove_btn.setEnabled(bool(sel_items))
[docs] def addSelectedSets(self): """ Called when the "Add >" button is clicked. An item will be added to the right table for each item selected in the left tree table. Items in the tree table will be hidden. When a group is added, all of its children are also hidden. """ tree = self.ui.tree_widget sel_items = tree.selectedItems() for item in sel_items: name = item.text(self.NAME_COL) asl =, self.ASL_ROLE) list_item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(name) list_item.setData(self.ASL_ROLE, asl) self.ui.use_sets_widget.addItem(list_item) item.setData(self.NAME_COL, self.IN_USE_ROLE, True) # For any added parent group, un-add any of it's children to avoid # having same atoms be present in multiple sets. This must be done # as a separate loop, after children were updated above. for item in sel_items: for subitem in iter_children(item): name = subitem.text(self.NAME_COL) subitem.setData(self.NAME_COL, self.IN_USE_ROLE, False) items = self.ui.use_sets_widget.findItems(name, Qt.MatchExactly) if items: self.ui.use_sets_widget.takeItem( self.ui.use_sets_widget.row(items[0])) self._showOrHideItems()
def _showOrHideItems(self): """ Show/hide items in tree widget depending on whether they are in use or not. Parent groups are also hidden if all their children are in use. """ tree = self.ui.tree_widget for toplevel in iter_children(tree.invisibleRootItem()): in_use =, self.IN_USE_ROLE) if toplevel.childCount() > 0: all_children_in_use = True for child in iter_children(toplevel): child_in_use =, self.IN_USE_ROLE) if not child_in_use: all_children_in_use = False child.setHidden(child_in_use) in_use = in_use or all_children_in_use toplevel.setHidden(in_use)
[docs] def removeSelectedSets(self): sel_items = self.ui.use_sets_widget.selectedItems() sel_texts = [item.text() for item in sel_items] for item in sel_items: self.ui.use_sets_widget.takeItem(self.ui.use_sets_widget.row(item)) tree = self.ui.tree_widget for item in iter_tree_items(tree): if item.text(self.NAME_COL) in sel_texts: item.setData(self.NAME_COL, self.IN_USE_ROLE, False) self._showOrHideItems() tree.clearSelection()
[docs] def okPressed(self): count = self.ui.use_sets_widget.count() if count == 0: self.warning('Please define sets to use') return False if count > 10: self.warning('Maximum of 10 sets are supported') return False sets = {} for item in iter_tree_items(self.ui.tree_widget): if, self.IN_USE_ROLE): name =, Qt.DisplayRole) asl =, self.ASL_ROLE) sets[name] = asl self.close() self.setsDefined.emit(sets)
[docs]class EnergyJobSettingsDialog(basewidgets.BaseOptionsDialog): """ Dialog for letting the user select the host to run the energy analysis jobs on. Must be a remote host on Mac & Windows machines, as Desmond requires Linux. """ model_class = traj_plot_models.TrajectoryEnergyJobTask.JobConfig ui_module = job_settings_dialog_ui
[docs] def initSetOptions(self): super().initSetOptions() self.setWindowTitle("Energy Job Settings")
[docs] def defineMappings(self): M = self.model_class return [ (self.ui.host_selector, M.host_settings), ]
[docs] def isDoNotShowChecked(self): return self.ui.do_not_show_again_cb.isChecked()
[docs] def showDialog(self, show_cb=False): """ Sets the visibility of the "do not show again" checkbox, then execs the dialog :param show_cb: Whether to show "do not show again" checkbox :type show_cb: bool """ self.ui.do_not_show_again_cb.setVisible(show_cb) self.exec()
[docs]class BrowseCfgFileDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ Dialog box for asking the user to select a CFG file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cfg_file): super().__init__() self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self) info_label = QtWidgets.QLabel( f'The trajectory config file "{os.path.basename(cfg_file)}" could not be found.\nIt is required for the requested energy analysis.' ) browse_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.layout.addWidget(info_label) self.layout.addSpacing(10) browse_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Locate file:') browse_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Browse...') browse_btn.clicked.connect(self.browseCfgFile) self.initial_dir = os.path.dirname(cfg_file) self.new_cfg_file = None browse_layout.addWidget(browse_label) browse_layout.addWidget(browse_btn) browse_layout.addStretch() self.layout.addLayout(browse_layout) self.buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(self) self.buttonBox.setStandardButtons(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) self.okButton = self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.okButton.setEnabled(False) self.layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox)
[docs] def browseCfgFile(self): filename = filedialog.get_open_file_name( parent=self, caption='Open File', dir=self.initial_dir, filter='Configuration Files (*.cfg)') if filename: self.okButton.setEnabled(True) self.new_cfg_file = filename
[docs] def askForNewCfgFile(self): """ Show the dialog, and when it's dismissed, return the path to the new CFG file, or None if dialog was cancelled. """ if self.exec(): return self.new_cfg_file else: return None
[docs]def parse_results_file(results_file): """ Parse the given results file (generated by and and return data needed for generating a plot. :param results_file: Result text file :type results_file: str :return: (Energy data, List of set ASLs, List of trajectory frame times in picoseconds). :rtype: (sea.Map, list, list) """ with open(results_file) as fh: txt = cfg = sea.Map(txt) keywords = cfg.Keywords assert len(keywords) == 1 sem = keywords[0].SelectionEnergyMatrix results = sem.Result set_asls = sem.Asl_Selections.val # Calculate the time of each frame (for x-axis of the plots): frame0_time = cfg.TrajectoryFirstTime.val interval = cfg.TrajectoryInterval_ps.val num_frames = cfg.TrajectoryNumFrames.val frame_times = list(np.arange(frame0_time, interval * num_frames, interval)) return results, set_asls, frame_times
[docs]def sum_results(results, use_sets, use_terms, include_self): """ Return a list of energies, one for each frame, by summing up the terms specified by "use_terms" for interactions between sets specified via "use_sets". :param results: Energy data returned by parse_results_file(). :type results: sea.Map :param use_sets: Which set names to sum energy for. :type use_sets: list(str) :param use_terms: Which terms to sum up. One or more of: elec, vdw, stretch, angle, dihedral. :type use_terms: list(str) :param include_self: Whether to include terms within each set. If False, include energies for interactions between terms are included. :type include_self: bool :return: Energy plot data, as a numpy array. Each item represents a frame, and value is the total energy. :rtype: numpy.array or None """ cross_ene = results.cross_ene self_ene = results.self_ene # Sum of these energies will produce the final values for the graph: energy_arrays = [] for edict in (cross_ene, self_ene): for term in use_terms: val = edict[term] for key in val.keys(): energies = val[key].val if edict is cross_ene: keys = key.split('-') assert len(keys) == 2 if keys[0] not in use_sets or keys[1] not in use_sets: continue else: # Self term if not include_self or not key in use_sets: continue energy_arrays.append(np.asarray(energies)) if not energy_arrays: return None sum_energies = np.asarray(energy_arrays).sum(axis=0) return sum_energies
[docs]def format_results_by_frame(results): """ Assemble energies from the backend result object into a dict, where keys are strings representing the energy term (e.g. sel000_vdw, sel000_es, sel000-sel001_ele), and values are lists of energies for all frames. Used for export to Excel. :param results: Energy data returned by parse_results_file(). :type results: sea.Map :return: Dictionary of energies by term. :rtype: dict(str, list(float)) """ values_dict = {} for edict in (results.self_ene, results.cross_ene): for term in edict: val = edict[term] for key in val.keys(): energies = val[key].val header_name = f'{key}_{term}' values_dict[header_name] = energies return values_dict
if __name__ == "__main__": # For testing the CustomSubstructureSetsDialog or CustomAslSetsDialog # class outside of Maestro import sys from schrodinger import structure app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) def sets_defined(sets): print('selected sets:', sets) st =[1]) dialog = CustomSubstructureSetsDialog(st, None) # dialog = CustomAslSetsDialog(st, None) dialog.setsDefined.connect(sets_defined) sys.exit(dialog.exec())