Source code for schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.export_structures

import os
import textwrap

import schrodinger
from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.Qt import QtGui
from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.export_structure_enums import \
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.export_structure_enums import \
from schrodinger.ui import maestro_ui
from schrodinger.ui.qt import atomselector
from schrodinger.ui.qt import filedialog
from schrodinger.ui.qt import utils
from schrodinger.utils import fileutils

from . import export_structures_ui
from . import stylesheet

maestro = schrodinger.get_maestro()

[docs]class ExportStructures(QtWidgets.QDialog): """ Export structures class for trajectory viewer :cvar exportButtonClicked: A signal emitted when clicked on 'Export' button. :vartype exportButtonClicked: `QtCore.pyqtSignal` """ exportButtonClicked = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
[docs] def __init__(self, parent: QtWidgets.QWidget): """ :param parent: Parent widget. """ super(QtWidgets.QDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = export_structures_ui.Ui_Dialog() self.setStyleSheet(stylesheet.EXPORT_STRUCTURES_DIALOG_STYLESHEET) self.ui.setupUi(self) # Construct Atom Selector and place it in the place holder self.atom_selector = atomselector.AtomSelector(self, show_pick=False, show_selection=False, show_plus=True) self.atom_selector.main_layout.setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2) layout = self.ui.atomselector_widget.layout() layout.insertWidget(0, self.atom_selector) self.atom_selector.atomSelectionDialogDismissed.connect( self.atom_selector.atomSelectionDialogAboutToBeShown.connect(self.hide) self.adjustSize() self.ui.pt_radiobutton.setChecked(True) self.ui.file_lineedit.setEnabled(False) self.ui.browse_pushbutton.setEnabled(False) self.ui.export_buttongroup.buttonToggled.connect( self.updateFileDependentOptions) self.ui.browse_pushbutton.clicked.connect(self.browse) self.ui.one_radiobutton.toggled.connect( self.ui.one_entries_label.setEnabled) self.ui.all_range_radiobutton.toggled.connect( self.ui.all_entries_label.setEnabled) self.ui.current_radiobutton.toggled.connect( self.ui.current_label.setEnabled) self.ui.one_radiobutton.setChecked(True) self.ui.all_entries_label.setEnabled(False) self.ui.current_label.setEnabled(False) self.ui.frames_buttongroup.buttonToggled.connect( self.updateFramesStackedWidget) self.ui.split_by_checkbox.toggled.connect(self.splitByComponentChanged) self.ui.limit_checkbox.toggled.connect(self.limitRangeToggled) self.ui.reset_button.clicked.connect(self.resetRange) self.ui.start_lineedit.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator(self)) self.ui.end_lineedit.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator(self)) self.ui.start_lineedit.editingFinished.connect(self.startChanged) self.ui.start_lineedit.textEdited.connect(self.startChanged) self.ui.end_lineedit.editingFinished.connect(self.endChanged) self.ui.end_lineedit.textEdited.connect(self.endChanged) self.ui.all_radiobutton.setChecked(True) self.ui.atomselector_widget.setEnabled(False) self.ui.specified_radiobutton.toggled.connect( self.ui.atomselector_widget.setEnabled) self.ui.load_sel_pushbutton.clicked.connect( self.atom_selector.loadWorkspaceSelection) self.ui.export_buttongroup.buttonToggled.connect( self.updateMultiStructureOptions) self.ui.export_buttongroup.buttonToggled.connect( self.updateExportButton) self.ui.structures_buttongroup.buttonToggled.connect( self.updateExportButton) self.ui.file_lineedit.textChanged.connect( self.updateMultiStructureOptions) self.ui.file_lineedit.textChanged.connect(self.updateExportButton) self.atom_selector.aslTextModified.connect(self.updateExportButton) self.ui.cancel_pushbutton.clicked.connect(self.cancelClicked) self.ui.export_pushbutton.clicked.connect(self.exportClicked) self.ui.help_button.clicked.connect( self._last_dir = None self.file_formats = [fileutils.MAESTRO_STRICT, fileutils.CMS] self.ui.info_button.setToolTip( textwrap.dedent(""" Use the Maestro format to export multiple frames or separate components of the current frame. Other formats are available for a single entry only. """))
[docs] def updateFileDependentOptions(self): """ Update File radio option dependent options. """ checked = self.ui.file_radiobutton.isChecked() self.ui.file_lineedit.setEnabled(checked) self.ui.browse_pushbutton.setEnabled(checked) self.ui.info_button.setVisible(checked)
[docs] def updateMultiStructureOptions(self): """ Update options in the dialog. If user selects cms file, we should not allow user to export more than one structure, so disable all components related to multiple structures. """ file_path = self.ui.file_lineedit.text() only_single_st = (self.ui.file_radiobutton.isChecked() and fileutils.is_cms_file(file_path)) self.ui.one_radiobutton.setEnabled(not only_single_st and self._step_size > 1) self.ui.all_range_radiobutton.setEnabled(not only_single_st) self.ui.split_by_checkbox.setEnabled(not only_single_st) if only_single_st: self.ui.current_radiobutton.setChecked(True) self.ui.split_by_checkbox.setChecked(False) self.ui.specified_radiobutton.setEnabled(False) else: self.updateSpecifiedASLButton()
[docs] def browse(self): """ Slot triggered when 'Browse...' button is clicked on """ filter_string = filedialog.filter_string_from_formats(self.file_formats) file_name = filedialog.get_save_file_name( self, dir=self._last_dir, caption='Choose File for Export', filter=filter_string) if file_name: self._last_dir = os.path.dirname(file_name) # Ok pressed if file_name: self.ui.file_lineedit.setText(str(file_name))
[docs] def splitByComponentChanged(self, checked): """ Slot triggered when 'Split by component' is toggled """ total_entries = 1 + (self._comp_cts_total if checked else 0) verb = 'entry' if total_entries == 1 else 'entries' label = f'({total_entries} {verb})' self.ui.current_label.setText(label) # If split by component option is turned on, always disable specified # atoms asl radio button and enable all radio button. self.updateSpecifiedASLButton() if checked: self.ui.all_radiobutton.setChecked(True)
[docs] def updateFramesStackedWidget(self, button, checked): """ Update the stacked widget according to the frames option selected. """ if not checked: return stack_wid_index = { self.ui.one_radiobutton: 0, self.ui.all_range_radiobutton: 0, self.ui.current_radiobutton: 1 }[button] self.ui.stacked_widget.setCurrentIndex(stack_wid_index) self.updateSpecifiedASLButton() self.updateExportButton()
[docs] def updateSpecifiedASLButton(self): """ Update specified asl button when current frame only is checked and split by component checked. """ enable = not (self.ui.current_radiobutton.isChecked() and self.ui.split_by_checkbox.isChecked()) self.ui.specified_radiobutton.setEnabled(enable)
[docs] def showDlg(self, start_frame, end_frame, step_size, total_frame, comp_cts_total): """ Show 'Export Structures' dialog with given information :param start_frame: Start frame :type start_frame: int :param end_frame: End frame :type end_frame: int :param step_size: Step size :type step_size: int :param total_frame: Total frames :type total_frame: int :param comp_cts_total: Number of component cts. :type comp_cts_total: int """ ws_hub = maestro_ui.WorkspaceHub.instance() has_ws_atoms = ws_hub.getSelectedAtomCount() > 0 self.initDlg(start_frame, end_frame, step_size, total_frame, comp_cts_total, has_ws_atoms) # Show the dialog
[docs] def initDlg(self, start_frame, end_frame, step_size, total_frame, comp_cts_total, has_ws_atoms): """ Initialze 'Export Structures' dialog with given information :param start_frame: Start frame :type start_frame: int :param end_frame: End frame :type end_frame: int :param step_size: Step size :type step_size: int :param total_frame: Total frames :type total_frame: int :param comp_cts_total: Number of component cts. :type comp_cts_total: int :param has_ws_atoms: True if workspace has atoms. :type has_ws_atoms: bool """ # Enable/disable 'One per step' option based on step size self.ui.one_radiobutton.setEnabled(step_size > 1) # Change the default if 'One per step' is selected and is disabled if step_size == 1 and self.ui.one_radiobutton.isChecked(): self.ui.all_range_radiobutton.setChecked(True) self.start = self._start_frame = start_frame self.end = self._end_frame = end_frame self._total_frame = total_frame self._step_size = step_size self._comp_cts_total = comp_cts_total self.ui.start_lineedit.validator().setRange(1, self._total_frame - 1) self.ui.end_lineedit.validator().setRange(2, self._total_frame) self.splitByComponentChanged(self.ui.split_by_checkbox.isChecked()) # Reset range according to given values self.resetRange() # Enable 'Load Selection' only if workspace has selection self.ui.load_sel_pushbutton.setEnabled(has_ws_atoms) # Save current option values self.saveOptions() # If we are showing dialog second time, we might have file extension as # .cms, so we should update multi structure related options. self.updateMultiStructureOptions() self.updateFileDependentOptions() # Update 'Export' button self.updateExportButton()
[docs] def saveOptions(self): """ Save current option values """ self._export_button = self.ui.export_buttongroup.checkedButton() self._export_file_name = self.ui.file_lineedit.text() self._frames_button = self.ui.frames_buttongroup.checkedButton() self._split_by_component = self.ui.split_by_checkbox.isChecked() self._structures_button = self.ui.structures_buttongroup.checkedButton() self._structures_asl = self.atom_selector.getAsl()
[docs] def isValidASL(self): """ Return True if asl in the text box is valid. """ return analyze.validate_asl(self.export_asl)
[docs] def exportClicked(self): """ Accept and emit exportButtonClicked signal when 'Export' button is clicked """ if not self.isValidASL(): asl = self.export_asl maestro.warning(f"Invalid ASL {asl}") return self.close() self.exportButtonClicked.emit()
[docs] def cancelClicked(self): """ Restore saved option values """ self.close() self._export_button.setChecked(True) self.ui.file_lineedit.setText(self._export_file_name) self._frames_button.setChecked(True) self.ui.split_by_checkbox.setChecked(self._split_by_component) self._structures_button.setChecked(True) self.atom_selector.setAsl(self._structures_asl)
def _getIntFromText(self, value): """ Return integer value of given string value. :param value: Value to be converted :type value: str :rtype: int """ try: val = int(value) except ValueError: val = 0 return val @property def export_frame_option(self): """ :return: Return frame option :rtype: enum(ExportFrameOption) """ if self.ui.one_radiobutton.isChecked(): return ExportFrameOption.ONE_PER_STEP_IN_RANGE elif self.ui.all_range_radiobutton.isChecked(): if self.ui.limit_checkbox.isChecked(): return ExportFrameOption.ALL_IN_LIMITED_RANGE else: return ExportFrameOption.ALL_IN_RANGE elif self.ui.split_by_checkbox.isChecked(): return ExportFrameOption.CURRENT_FRAME_WITH_COMPONENT_CTS else: return ExportFrameOption.ONLY_CURRENT_FRAME @property def export_to_option(self): """ :return: Return export option :rtype: enum(ExportOption) """ if self.ui.pt_radiobutton.isChecked(): return ExportToOption.PROJECT_TABLE else: return ExportToOption.EXTERNAL_FILE @property def export_file_path(self): """ If file path does not contain extension, it also adds default .mae extension. :rtype: str :return: Return file path to be used for export. """ file_path = self.ui.file_lineedit.text() if (fileutils.is_cms_file(file_path) or fileutils.is_maestro_file(file_path)): return file_path else: return file_path + ".mae" @property def export_asl(self): """ :rtype: str :return: Return asl of atoms to be exported. """ if self.ui.specified_radiobutton.isChecked(): return self.atom_selector.getAsl() else: return "all" @property def start(self): """ Return 'Start' value """ return self._getIntFromText(self.ui.start_lineedit.text()) @start.setter def start(self, value): """ Set 'End' value """ self.ui.start_lineedit.setText(str(value)) @property def end(self): """ Return 'End' value """ return self._getIntFromText(self.ui.end_lineedit.text()) @end.setter def end(self, value): """ Set 'End' value """ self.ui.end_lineedit.setText(str(value)) @property def frame_count(self): """ Return frame count """ return self.end - self.start + 1
[docs] def updateEntryCountLabels(self): """ Updates entry count labels according to current values """ s = lambda n: 'entry' if n == 1 else 'entries' count_by_step = len(range(self.start, self.end + 1, self._step_size)) self.ui.one_entries_label.setText('(%d %s)' % (count_by_step, s(count_by_step))) self.ui.all_entries_label.setText( '(%d %s)' % (self.frame_count, s(self.frame_count)))
[docs] def isValidStart(self, start=None, end=None): """ Whether start is valid :param start: If None then current start will be taken. :type value: int :param end: If None then current end will be taken. :type value: int :rtype: bool """ start = start if start else self.start end = end if end else self.end return 0 < start < end
[docs] def isValidEnd(self, start=None, end=None): """ Whether end is valid :param start: If None then current start will be taken. :type value: int :param end: If None then current end will be taken. :type value: int :rtype: bool """ start = start if start else self.start end = end if end else self.end return 0 < end > start
[docs] def limitRangeToggled(self, checked): """ Triggered when 'Limit range' toggled """ # Validate self._last_start and reset if required if not self.isValidStart(self._last_start, self._last_end): self._last_start = self._start_frame # Validate self._last_end and reset if required if not self.isValidEnd(self._last_start, self._last_end): self._last_end = self._end_frame start = self._last_start if checked else 1 end = self._last_end if checked else self._total_frame self.setStartAndEnd(start, end) self.setStartAndEndEnabled(checked)
[docs] def resetRange(self): """ Resets 'Start' & 'End' """ self._last_start = self._start_frame self._last_end = self._end_frame self.setStartAndEnd(self._start_frame, self._end_frame) enable = self.frame_count != self._total_frame self.ui.limit_checkbox.setChecked(enable) self.setStartAndEndEnabled(enable)
[docs] def setStartAndEnd(self, start, end): """ Set 'Start' & 'End' with given values, update entry count labels, reset button, and style. """ self.start = start self.end = end self.ui.reset_button.setVisible((self.start != self._start_frame) or (self.end != self._end_frame)) self.updateRangeStyle() self.updateEntryCountLabels()
[docs] def setStartAndEndEnabled(self, enable): """ Enable/disable 'Start' & 'End' """ wids = {'start_label', 'start_lineedit', 'end_label', 'end_lineedit'} for wid in wids: attr = getattr(self.ui, wid) attr.setEnabled(enable)
[docs] def startChanged(self): """ Triggered when 'Start' changes """ self._last_start = self.start self.handleRangeChange()
[docs] def endChanged(self): """ Triggered when 'End' changes """ self._last_end = self.end self.handleRangeChange()
[docs] def handleRangeChange(self): """ When 'Start' or 'End' modified, then show reset button, update entry count labels and range style """ self.ui.reset_button.setVisible(True) self.updateEntryCountLabels() self.updateExportButton() self.updateRangeStyle()
[docs] def updateRangeStyle(self): """ Updates 'Start' & 'End' line edit style based on the values """ prop_name = "invalid" self.setWidgetStylePropertyValue( self.ui.start_lineedit, prop_name, "false" if self.isValidStart() else "true") self.setWidgetStylePropertyValue( self.ui.end_lineedit, prop_name, "false" if self.isValidEnd() else "true")
[docs] def setWidgetStylePropertyValue(self, wid, prop, value): """ Sets property value to the widget and updates widget's style :param wid: Widget for which the property value to be set :type wid: 'QtWidgets.QWidget' :param prop: Property name for which the value to be set :type prop: str :param value: Value to be set to the given property :type value: str """ wid.setProperty(prop, value) utils.update_widget_style(wid)
[docs] def updateExportButton(self): """ Enable/disable 'Export' button based on option values """ enable_export = True # Disable 'Export' button in below cases # Export to: File & file text is empty # Structures: Specified atom (ASL) & asl is empty # ('Start' or 'End' invalid) and (not current frame radio button # checked) if (((self.ui.file_radiobutton.isChecked() and not self.ui.file_lineedit.text()) or (self.ui.specified_radiobutton.isChecked() and not self.atom_selector.getAsl())) or (((not self.isValidStart()) or (not self.isValidEnd())) and (not self.ui.current_radiobutton.isChecked()))): enable_export = False self.ui.export_pushbutton.setEnabled(enable_export)
[docs] def help(self): """ Shows 'Export Structures' dialog help """ if maestro: maestro.command("helptopic TRAJECTORY_EXPORT_STRUCTURES") maestro.command("showpanel help")