Source code for schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.frame_structure_exporter

import os

from schrodinger import get_maestro
from schrodinger import structure
from schrodinger.infra import mm
from schrodinger.Qt import QtWidgets
from schrodinger.structutils import analyze
from schrodinger.trajectory import utils
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import export_snapshot_structures
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import export_structures
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.display_settings_manager import \
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.export_structure_enums import \
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.export_structure_enums import \
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.export_structure_enums import \
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.playback_settings_data import \
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.secondary_structure_data import \
from schrodinger.ui import maestro_ui
from schrodinger.ui.qt import filedialog
from schrodinger.ui.qt.decorators import wait_cursor
from schrodinger.utils import fileutils

    from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages import topo
    from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages import traj
except ImportError as err:
    topo = None  # Test may not have desmond.

maestro = get_maestro()

[docs]class FrameStructureExporter: """ This class provides ability to export structures in the file. Client can export trajectory structures in three ways 1. Export current frame. 2. Export current frame full system ct and all its components. 3. Export set of frames specified in the range. """ EXPORT_TRJ_FILE_PREF = 'TRJ_PLAYER_EXPORT_TRJ_FILE'
[docs] def __init__(self, player_obj, export_mode: ExportMode, parent: QtWidgets.QWidget): """ :type player_obj: TrajectoryPlayer :param player_obj: Trajectory player toolbar object. :param export_mode: Indicates whether exports need to be done in snapshot mode or player mode. :param parent: Parent widget (used to set export structures dialog parent) """ self.player_obj = player_obj self._export_mode = export_mode self._parent = parent self._dlg = None if self._export_mode == ExportMode.TRAJECTORY_VIEWER: self._dlg = export_structures.ExportStructures(parent) else: self._dlg = export_snapshot_structures.ExportStructures(parent) self._dlg.exportButtonClicked.connect(self._handleExportStrcutres)
[docs] def clearData(self): """ Clean all temporary data members. """ self._working_ct = None self.ss_data = None self._saved_frame_ct = None self._saved_ss_data = None
[docs] def allInRange(self, start_frame, end_frame, step_size, atoms_asl, writer): """ Export all structures specified in the range including start and end frame if step size is 1. Otherwise, export frames in the range based on step size, but last frame is need not to be included. :type start_frame: int :param start_frame: Starting frame in the range. :type end_frame: int :param end_frame: End frame in the range. :type step_size: int :param step_size: Step size to be used when stepping in the range. :type atoms_asl: str :param atoms_asl: Set of atoms to be exported from a given frame. :type writer: structure.StructureWriter :param writer: Write object which writes structures in the file. :rtype: bool :return: Whether frame is exported successfully. """ for frame in range(start_frame, end_frame + 1, step_size): if not self.currentFrameOnly(frame, atoms_asl, writer): return False return True
def _updateVelocity(self, ct, frame): """ Update velocity in the ct for all atoms of frame. """ tpt = self.player_obj fr = tpt.entry_traj.getFrame(frame) velocity = fr.vel() if velocity is not None: allaid_vel = velocity[tpt.entry_traj.cms_model.allaid_gids] allaid_vel_len = len(allaid_vel) # It is possible that working ct has lesser or greater atoms than # cms_model due to varying atoms frame. for at in self._working_ct.atom: atom_index = at.index if atom_index <= allaid_vel_len: v = allaid_vel[atom_index - 1] topo.set_atom_velocity(at, v)
[docs] def currentFrameOnly(self, frame, atoms_asl, writer): """ Export only frame number associated structure. :type frame: int :param frame: Frame number of structure to be exported. :type atoms_asl: str :param atoms_asl: Set of atoms to be exported from a given frame. :type writer: structure.StructureWriter :param writer: Write object which writes structures in the file. :rtype: bool :return: Whether frame is exported successfully. """ tpt = self.player_obj self._working_ct = self.getUpdatedFrameStructure(frame) # Update velocity self._updateVelocity(self._working_ct, frame) # Extract atoms based on asl. if atoms_asl is not None and atoms_asl != 'all': atoms = analyze.evaluate_asl(self._working_ct, atoms_asl) if not atoms: maestro.warning(f'ASL {atoms_asl} does not result any atom.') return False new_ct = self._working_ct.extract(atoms, copy_props=True) else: new_ct = self._working_ct.copy()[CURRENT_FRAME] = frame if mm.M2IO_DATA_TRAJECTORY_FILE in del[mm.M2IO_DATA_TRAJECTORY_FILE] new_ct.title = tpt.entry_traj.cms_model.fsys_ct.title + " - Frame " + str( frame) writer.append(new_ct) return True
[docs] def getUpdatedFrameStructure(self, frame: int): """ :param frame: Frame number of structure to be exported. :return: Update frame structure. :rtype: structure.Structure """ tpt = self.player_obj # Update structure from frame. if self._export_mode == ExportMode.TRAJECTORY_VIEWER: self._working_ct, _, _, _, _ = tpt.getUpdatedCT(tpt.entry_traj, frame, self._working_ct, honor_replica=False) else: self._working_ct = tpt.getUpdatedFrameSnapshot( frame, self._working_ct, True, self._use_trajectory_settings) # If display settings manager is provided, it implies that we need # to apply custom display settings. if self._display_settings_manager: varying_atoms_asl = tpt.isVaryingAtomsFrame() ref_ct = tpt.getOriginalEntryCT(copy=False) if self._display_settings_manager.shouldRestoreVisibility( varying_atoms_asl): self._display_settings_manager.restoreDefaultVisibility( ref_ct, self._working_ct) self._display_settings_manager.applyShowHideAtomsAsl( self._working_ct, varying_atoms_asl) # If cooltowarmcolor_map is provided, it implies that we need to # apply color gradient on exported frames. if self._cooltowarmcolor_map: self._cooltowarmcolor_map.applyColors(self._working_ct.handle, [frame]) return self._working_ct
[docs] def getUpdatedCMSModelCopy(self, frame): """ """ tpt = self.player_obj # Take a copy of cms model. cms_model_copy = tpt.entry_traj.cms_model.copy() frame_obj = tpt.entry_traj.getFrame(frame) topo.update_cms(cms_model_copy, frame_obj) cts = [cms_model_copy.fsys_ct] + cms_model_copy.comp_ct for st in cts: if mm.M2IO_DATA_TRAJECTORY_FILE in del[mm.M2IO_DATA_TRAJECTORY_FILE] return cms_model_copy
[docs] def currentFrameWithComponentStructures(self, frame, writer): """ Export current frame along with its component structures. :type frame: int :param frame: Frame number of structure to be exported. :type writer: structure.StructureWriter :param writer: Write object which writes structures in the file. :rtype: bool :return: Whether frame is exported successfully. """ cms_model = self.getUpdatedCMSModelCopy(frame) # Write component cts. cts = [cms_model.fsys_ct] + cms_model.comp_ct for st in cts: writer.append(st) return True
def _getFilePath(self, dlg): """ Return file path provided by user if export to external file. Return pre-defined structure file path if export to project table. :type dlg: export_structures.ExportStructures :param dlg: The instance of export structure dialog. :rtype: str :return: File full path. """ frame_option = dlg.export_frame_option pt_export = dlg.export_to_option == ExportToOption.PROJECT_TABLE if pt_export: # Export to project table is achieved first export into an external # file and later import manually. file_name = { ExportFrameOption.ONE_PER_STEP_IN_RANGE: "per_step_frames.mae", ExportFrameOption.ALL_IN_RANGE: "All Frames in Range.mae", ExportFrameOption.ONLY_CURRENT_FRAME: "currentframe.mae", ExportFrameOption.CURRENT_FRAME_WITH_COMPONENT_CTS: "Component Structures.mae", ExportFrameOption.SNAPSHOT_FRAMES: "Snapshot Frames.mae", ExportFrameOption.ALL_IN_LIMITED_RANGE: "All Frames (limited range).mae", }[frame_option] file_path = os.path.join(maestro_ui.mm_get_maestro_temp_location(), file_name) else: file_path = dlg.export_file_path return file_path
[docs] def showExportStructuresDlg(self): """ Show export structure dialog and collect necessary input data. """ tpt = self.player_obj self._dlg.showDlg(tpt.getStartFrame(), tpt.getEndFrame(), tpt.step_size, tpt.total_frame, len(tpt.entry_traj.cms_model.comp_ct))
[docs] def showExportSnapshotStructuresDlg( self, all_frames: list, selected_frames: list, use_trajectory_settings: bool, display_settings_manager: DisplaySettingsManager, cooltowarmcolor_map): """ Show export snapshot structure dialog and collect necessary input data. :param all_frames: List of all frames listed in the snapshot panel. :param selected_frames: List of all selected frames in the snapshot panel. :param use_trajectory_settings: True if trajectory settings should be used exporting a frame. :param display_settings_manager: Valid display setting manager to apply the display settings, otherwise None :param cooltowarmcolor_map: Instance of cool to warm color map object. It is used to apply color on exported frames. It will be None if cool to warm color gradient should not be applied. :type cooltowarmcolor_map: maestro_ui.CoolToWarmColorMap """ self._use_trajectory_settings = use_trajectory_settings self._display_settings_manager = display_settings_manager self._cooltowarmcolor_map = cooltowarmcolor_map self._dlg.showDlg(all_frames, selected_frames)
def _handleExportStrcutres(self): """ Handle 'Export Structures' operation when user clicks on 'Export' button in 'Export Structures' dialog """ tpt = self.player_obj # Collect user settings to export structure. file_path = self._getFilePath(self._dlg) if file_path is None: maestro.warning("File path must be specified.") return # Export structures in the file. self._exportStructures(file_path, self._dlg) # Import structures in the project and remove temporary file. pt_export = self._dlg.export_to_option == ExportToOption.PROJECT_TABLE if pt_export and os.path.exists(file_path): tpt.proj.importStructureFile(file_path, wsreplace=False, wsinclude='none') os.remove(file_path) def _playerToolbarSaveState(self): """ Save playertoolbar current state, so that export structure process does not change workspace. """ tpt = self.player_obj self._saved_ss_data = tpt.entry_traj.ss_data self._saved_frame_ct = tpt.entry_traj.frame_ct self.ss_data = SecondaryStructureData() tpt.entry_traj.ss_data = self.ss_data self._working_ct = tpt.getOriginalEntryCT(copy=True) utils.clone_workspace_selection(self._working_ct) tpt.entry_traj.updateSavedFrameStructureForExport(self._working_ct) tpt.setToolbarEnabled(False) def _playerToolbarRestoreState(self): """ Restore playertoolbar current state. """ tpt = self.player_obj tpt.entry_traj.ss_data = self._saved_ss_data tpt.entry_traj.frame_ct = self._saved_frame_ct self.clearData() tpt.setToolbarEnabled(True) @wait_cursor def _exportStructures(self, file_path, dlg): """ Export structures in the given file based on frame option setting. Export to project table if pt_export is True. It is achieved by exporting structures into an external file and later import manually. :type file_path: str :param file_path: File path in which exported structures are added. :type dlg: export_structures.ExportStructures :param dlg: The instance of export structure dialog. """ tpt = self.player_obj self._playerToolbarSaveState() writer = structure.StructureWriter(file_path) asl = dlg.export_asl frame_option = dlg.export_frame_option step_size = tpt.step_size if ( frame_option == ExportFrameOption.ONE_PER_STEP_IN_RANGE) else 1 if frame_option in (ExportFrameOption.ONE_PER_STEP_IN_RANGE, ExportFrameOption.ALL_IN_RANGE, ExportFrameOption.ALL_IN_LIMITED_RANGE): ok_status = self.allInRange(dlg.start, dlg.end, step_size, asl, writer) elif frame_option == ExportFrameOption.ONLY_CURRENT_FRAME: if (fileutils.is_cms_file(file_path)): new_cms_model = self.getUpdatedCMSModelCopy(tpt.current_value) new_cms_model.write(file_path) ok_status = True else: ok_status = self.currentFrameOnly(tpt.current_value, asl, writer) elif frame_option == ExportFrameOption.SNAPSHOT_FRAMES: for frame in dlg.frames_list: ok_status = self.currentFrameOnly(frame, asl, writer) if not ok_status: break else: ok_status = self.currentFrameWithComponentStructures( tpt.current_value, writer) # If export failed for some reason, delete partially exported structure # file. if not ok_status and os.path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) self._playerToolbarRestoreState()
[docs] def exportTrajectory(self): """ Export trajectory to file. """ tpt = self.player_obj filter_string = filedialog.filter_string_from_formats([fileutils.CMS]) abs_cms_fn = filedialog.get_save_file_name( parent=self._parent, caption='Choose File for Export', id=self.EXPORT_TRJ_FILE_PREF, filter=filter_string) if not abs_cms_fn: return path_dir, out_cms_fn = os.path.split(abs_cms_fn) root, ext = fileutils.splitext(out_cms_fn) out_trj_fn = '%s_trj' % root # write_traj doesn't like Windows absolute paths (MATSCI-9050) with fileutils.chdir(path_dir): traj.write_traj(tpt.entry_traj.trajectory, out_trj_fn) cms_model_copy = self.getUpdatedCMSModelCopy( len(tpt.entry_traj.trajectory)) cms_model_copy.fix_filenames(out_cms_fn, out_trj_fn) cms_model_copy.write(out_cms_fn)