Source code for schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir.traj_plot_gui

Plot panel for the Trajectory Player.

Copyright Schrodinger, LLC. All rights reserved.
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum

import openpyxl

from schrodinger import get_maestro
from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore
from schrodinger.Qt import QtGui
from schrodinger.Qt.QtCore import Qt
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import banners
from schrodinger.ui import maestro_ui
from schrodinger.ui.qt import basewidgets
from schrodinger.ui.qt import filedialog
from schrodinger.ui.qt import utils as qt_utils
from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2 import application
from schrodinger.utils import fileutils

from . import icons_rc  # noqa: F401
from . import plots as tplots
from . import interaction_plots as iplots
from . import rmsd_plots as rplots
from . import stylesheet
from . import traj_plot_models
from . import traj_plot_ui
from . import energy_plots
from .traj_plot_models import AnalysisMode

maestro = get_maestro()
    from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages import analysis
    from schrodinger.application.desmond.packages import topo
except ImportError:
    analysis = None
    topo = None

PLOT_EXISTS_ERROR = 'Plot with these parameters already exists'

TPT = tplots.TrajectoryPlotType
    TPT.INTERACTIONS_HYDROGEN_BONDS: AnalysisMode.HydrogenBondFinder,
    TPT.INTERACTIONS_HALOGEN_BONDS: AnalysisMode.HalogenBondFinder,
    TPT.INTERACTIONS_SALT_BRIDGE: AnalysisMode.SaltBridgeFinder,
    TPT.INTERACTIONS_PI_PI: AnalysisMode.PiPiFinder,
    TPT.INTERACTIONS_CAT_PI: AnalysisMode.CatPiFinder,

    TPT.DESCRIPTORS_PSA: AnalysisMode.PolarSurfaceArea,
    TPT.DESCRIPTORS_SASA: AnalysisMode.SolventAccessibleSurfaceArea,
    TPT.DESCRIPTORS_MOLECULAR_SA: AnalysisMode.MolecularSurfaceArea,



[docs]class TrajAnalysisPlotPanel(basewidgets.MaestroDockPanel): """ Overraching panel class for displaying trajectory graphs. This class is typically launched via the Player Toolbar. Graphs are either: 1) Indexed by frame number (ex. Polar Surface Area for each frame). These are displayed in the main panel view. 2) Indexed by atom/residue (ex. Residue RMSF over all residues selected) These can be viewed in the advanced graphs section at the bottom. :ivar displayAsl: Display the asl for the corresponding entry id Signal. args are (asl, entry_id) :type displayAsl: `QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, int)` :ivar displayFrameAndAsl: Change frame and show ASL for given entry id Signal args are (asl, entry_id, frame_number) :type displayFrameAndAsl: `QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, int, int)` """ model_class = traj_plot_models.TrajPlotModel ui_module = traj_plot_ui createPlot = QtCore.pyqtSignal(Enum) trajectoryChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) displayFrameAndAsl = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, int, int) displayAsl = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, int)
[docs] def __init__(self, dockarea=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(object_name="trajectory_toplevel", dockarea=dockarea, **kwargs) # Style dockwidget. It does not inherit parent's stylesheet widget = self.widget() widget.setObjectName("trajectory_plot_dockwidget") widget.setStyleSheet(stylesheet.UPPER_DOCKED_WIDGET_STYLESHEET)
[docs] def initSetOptions(self): super().initSetOptions() self.setWindowTitle("Plot Computed Values Over Time") self.setObjectName('trajectory_plot_panel') self.setStyleSheet(stylesheet.TRAJECTORY_PLOT_GUI_STYLESHEET)
[docs] def initSetUp(self): super().initSetUp() self.entry_traj = None self.interactions_use_visible_atoms = True self.ui.reset_btn.clicked.connect(self._onResetButtonClicked) self.ui.export_results_btn.clicked.connect(self._onExportResultsClicked) self.ui.save_definitions_btn.clicked.connect( self._onSaveDefinitionsClicked) # Hidden, see PANEL-15665 self.ui.save_definitions_btn.hide() self._bannerman = qt_utils.MaestroPythonBannerManager() self.planar_banner = banners.PlanarBanner() self.planar_banner.planarAnglesPicked.connect( self._createPlanarAnglePlot) self.planar_banner.closeBanner.connect(self._bannerman.closeBanner) self._bannerman.modalBannerClosed.connect( self.planar_banner.stopPicking) self.centroid_banner = banners.CentroidBanner() self.centroid_banner.centroidsPicked.connect( self._createCentroidDistancePlot) self.centroid_banner.closeBanner.connect(self._bannerman.closeBanner) self._bannerman.modalBannerClosed.connect( self.centroid_banner.stopPicking) self.rmsdDlg = rplots.RMSDDialog() self.job_settings_dlg = energy_plots.EnergyJobSettingsDialog() self.trajectoryChanged.connect(self.rmsdDlg.trajectoryChanged) self.current_frame_idx = 0 self._initPlotsMap() if maestro: maestro.project_close_callback_add(self._onProjectClosed) # Update label showing number of plots being generated every second: self.periodic_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.periodic_timer.timeout.connect(self._updateStatusLabel) self.periodic_timer.setInterval(1000)
[docs] def initLayout(self): super().initLayout()
[docs] def getSignalsAndSlots(self, model): return [ (self.createPlot, self.createTrajectoryPlot), (self.trajectoryChanged, self.rmsdDlg.trajectoryChanged) ] # yapf: disable
def _initPlotsMap(self): """ Initialize the plots map. """ self.plot_managers = [] self.plot_widgets = []
[docs] def event(self, event): """ Make sure that scrolling doesn't cause Workspace zoom. See Qt documentation for argument documentation. """ if isinstance(event, QtGui.QWheelEvent): event.setAccepted(True) return True return super().event(event)
def _onProjectClosed(self): """ Handle project close events """ try: self._resetPanel() except RuntimeError: # Can happen if Maestro is being closed pass def _resetPanel(self): """ Delete all current plots. """ while self.plot_managers: self.removePlot(self.plot_managers.pop()) self._removeShortcutRows() def _removeShortcutRows(self): """ Removes the shortcut rows in the Advanced Plot portion of the panel. Each ShortcutRow instance contains one or more plot widgets. """ while self.ui.advanced_plots_layout.count(): wdg = self.ui.advanced_plots_layout.takeAt(0).widget() if wdg is not None: wdg.setVisible(False) wdg.deleteLater() def _onResetButtonClicked(self): """ Open the Reset Button dialog """ msg = ("Are you sure you want to reset the panel? This will remove " "all graphs.") response = self.question(msg) if response is True: self._resetPanel() def _onSaveDefinitionsClicked(self): """ Open the Save Definitions dialog """ pass
[docs] def plotAlreadyExists(self, settings_hash): """ Check if a plot already exists. :param settings_hash: Settings string uniquely identifying a plot. :type settings_hash: str :return: True if the specified plot already exists, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ for plot_manager in self.plot_managers: if plot_manager.settings_hash == settings_hash: return True return False
def _getCentroidsForMeasurement(self, measurement, centroids_map): """ Get a list of lists of atom numbers that each define a centroid for the specified measurement. :param measurement: Tuple defining the measurement :type measurement: tuple :param centroids_map: Dictionary of centroid definition mappings. :type centroids_map: dict :return: List of lists of atom IDs that define the centroids :rtype: list(list) """ # Final value of the measurement tuple is the measurement itself xids = measurement[:-1] centroids = [] for xid in xids: if xid.startswith('RCEN'): aids = centroids_map[xid] else: aids = [int(xid.split(':')[-1])] centroids.append(aids) return centroids
[docs] def validateTrajectory(self): """ Return True if there is a trajectory loaded and it is included in the Workspace; False otherwise. """ eids = maestro.get_included_entry_ids() if len(eids) != 1: self.error( "Please ensure a single entry is included in the Workspace") return False if not self.entry_traj: self.warning("No trajectory currently loaded.") return False if str(self.entry_traj.eid) not in eids: self.error( "Please ensure that the loaded trajectory entry is included in the Workspace" ) return False return True
[docs] def createTrajectoryPlot(self, plot_type): """ Starts the creation of a plot to be displayed in the panel. Shows the panel. :param plot_type: Type of plot for the panel to create and display :type: PlotType """ if not self.validateTrajectory(): return TPT = tplots.TrajectoryPlotType if plot_type == TPT.MEASUREMENT_WORKSPACE: self._createWSMeasurementsPlots() elif plot_type == TPT.MEASUREMENT_ADD: # TODO - Implement this functionality pass elif plot_type == TPT.MEASUREMENT_PLANAR_ANGLE: self._bannerman.showBanner(self.planar_banner) self.planar_banner.startPicking() elif plot_type == TPT.MEASUREMENT_CENTROID: # NOTE: Disabled as part of PANEL-20518 self._bannerman.showBanner(self.centroid_banner) self.centroid_banner.startPicking() elif plot_type == TPT.INTERACTIONS_ALL: self._createAllInteractionsPlot() elif plot_type in INTERACTION_MODE_BY_TYPE: mode = INTERACTION_MODE_BY_TYPE[plot_type] self.createPlotManager(iplots.InteractionsPlotManager, mode, self.interactions_use_visible_atoms) elif plot_type in ASL_MODE_BY_TYPE: mode = ASL_MODE_BY_TYPE[plot_type] self._createASLPlot(mode) elif plot_type in RMSD_MODE_BY_TYPE: mode = RMSD_MODE_BY_TYPE[plot_type] self._createRMSPlot(mode) elif plot_type in tplots.ENERGY_PLOT_TYPES: self._createEnergyPlot(plot_type) else: self.warning("Unknown plot type: %s" % plot_type)
[docs] def createPlotManager(self, plot_cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a plot manager of given class, with specified options, and start the plot generation. Shows a warning and does nothing if a plot with same settings already exists. Warning is also shown if plot fails to be created or started. :param plot_cls: Class of the plot to create :type plot_cls: AbstractTrajectoryPlotManager """ try: plot_manager = plot_cls(self, *args, **kwargs) except RuntimeError as err: self.showPlotWarning(str(err)) return plot_manager.settings_hash = plot_manager.getSettingsHash() if self.plotAlreadyExists(plot_manager.settings_hash): self.warning(PLOT_EXISTS_ERROR) return plot_manager.plot_number = self.getNextAvailablePlotNumber(plot_manager) self.setupPlotSignals(plot_manager) plot_manager.start() self.plot_managers.append(plot_manager) self._updateStatusLabel() return plot_manager
[docs] def setupPlotSignals(self, plot_manager): """ Hook up plot manager's signals to panel's slots. """ plot_manager.displayFrameAndAsl.connect( self._onDisplayFrameAndAslRequested) plot_manager.displayAsl.connect(self._onDisplayAslRequested) plot_manager.showWarning.connect(self.showPlotWarning) plot_manager.newDataAvailable.connect( lambda: self.onNewPlotDataAvailable(plot_manager))
[docs] def getNextAvailablePlotNumber(self, pmanager): """ Return the plot number that should be used for next plot of given type. For "All Interactions" plots, the plot number is currently not used. :param pmanager: Plot manager instance :type pgmanager: AbstractTrajectoryPlotManager """ def get_type(pm): # Given a plot manager, returns a string that is shared by all plots # of the same type when determining the next available plot number. if isinstance(pm, iplots.MultiSeriesPlotManager): return 'All Interactions' plot_type = pm.getPlotType() if plot_type == tplots.PlotDataType.RMSF: return 'RMSF' if plot_type == tplots.PlotDataType.ENERGY: return 'Energy' else: return pm.task.input.analysis_mode ptype = get_type(pmanager) used_plot_numbers = [ pm.plot_number for pm in self.plot_managers if get_type(pm) == ptype ] if used_plot_numbers: return max(used_plot_numbers) + 1 else: return 1
def _createWSMeasurementsPlots(self): """ Create plots for all measurements currently in the Workspace. """ maestro_hub = maestro_ui.MaestroHub.instance() distances = maestro_hub.getDistanceMeasurements() angles = maestro_hub.getAngleMeasurements() dihedrals = maestro_hub.getDihedralMeasurements() centroids_map = maestro_hub.getRingCentroids() if not distances and not angles and not dihedrals: return for measurement in distances + angles + dihedrals: centroids = self._getCentroidsForMeasurement( measurement, centroids_map) centroid_asls = [ 'atom.n ' + ' '.join(list(map(str, c))) for c in centroids ] num_centroids = len(centroids) if num_centroids == 2: mode = AnalysisMode.Distance elif num_centroids == 3: mode = AnalysisMode.Angle else: mode = AnalysisMode.Torsion self.createPlotManager(tplots.WorkspaceMeasurementPlotManager, mode, measurement, centroid_asls) def _createPlanarAnglePlot(self, alist): """ Create a planar angle plot. :param alist: List of 6 atoms making up the 2 angles :type alist: list """ if not self.validateTrajectory(): return self.createPlotManager(tplots.PlanarAngleAnalysisPlot, alist) def _createCentroidDistancePlot(self, atom_sets): """ Create a distance plot of centroids. NOTE: Disabled as of PANEL-20518 :param atom_sets: List of tuples of atom IDs constituting the first set. :type atom_sets: list(tuple(int)) """ if not self.validateTrajectory(): return self.createPlotManager(tplots.CentroidDistancePlotManager, atom_sets) def _createASLPlot(self, analysis_mode): """ Create an ASL plot of the given mode, set up with the currently selected Workspace atoms. """ asl = maestro.selected_atoms_get_asl() anums = maestro.selected_atoms_get() self.createPlotManager(tplots.AslPlotManager, analysis_mode, asl, anums)
[docs] def updateFsysCt(self, frame_number): """ Updates the entry trajectory's fsys_ct structure coordinates at the frame provided :param frame_number: frame number of trajectory :type frame_number: int :return: A copy of the frame CT :rtype: cms.Cms """ cms_model = self.entry_traj.cms_model frame = self.entry_traj.trajectory[frame_number] topo.update_fsys_ct_from_frame_GF(cms_model.fsys_ct, cms_model, frame) return cms_model
[docs] def getRmsdReferenceCt(self): """ Return fsys_ct structure at the frame that user selected to use for RMSD reference. :return: A copy of the frame CT :rtype: cms.Cms """ if self.rmsdDlg.ui.frame_rb.isChecked(): ref_frame_idx = self.rmsdDlg.getFrameNumber() - 1 else: ref_frame_idx = self.current_frame_idx return self.updateFsysCt(ref_frame_idx)
def _createRMSPlot(self, mode): """ Create a new RMS plot (RMSD, AtomRMSF, and ResRMSF modes) :param mode: type of RMS analysis to perform :type mode: AnalysisMode """ # Must convert tuple to list in order to serialize param: aids = list(maestro.selected_atoms_get()) # Get the AIDs and reference coordinates for each, based on RMSD dialog # reference selection: try: fit_aids, fit_ref_pos = self.rmsdDlg._calculateFitAttributes( self.entry_traj) except RuntimeError as err: self.warning(str(err)) return # CMS model, with reference frame selected: cms_model = self.getRmsdReferenceCt() if mode == AnalysisMode.AtomRMSF: plot_cls = rplots.AtomRmsfPlotManager elif mode == AnalysisMode.ResRMSF: plot_cls = rplots.ResidueRmsfPlotManager elif mode == AnalysisMode.RMSD: plot_cls = rplots.RmsdByFramePlotManager else: raise ValueError("Non-RMSF analysis mode: %s" % mode) self.createPlotManager(plot_cls, cms_model, aids, fit_aids, fit_ref_pos) def _createEnergyPlot(self, plot_type): """ Create energy plot of given type. """ if not self.job_settings_dlg.isDoNotShowChecked(): self.job_settings_dlg.showDialog(show_cb=True) st = self.entry_traj.cms_model.fsys_ct TPT = tplots.TrajectoryPlotType if plot_type == TPT.ENERGY_ALL_GROUPED: sets = energy_plots.find_all_grouped_sets(st) # There are only 9 types of set types that are detectable, so the # above function should never return more than 10. assert len( sets ) <= 10, "find_all_grouped_sets() returned more than 10 sets" self.createEnergyPlotForSets(sets) elif plot_type == TPT.ENERGY_ALL_INDIVIDUAL: sets = energy_plots.find_all_individual_sets(st) if len(sets) > 10: self.warning( "Maximum of 10 substructure sets are supported with this option (%i found)" % len(sets)) self.createEnergyPlotForSets(sets) elif plot_type == TPT.ENERGY_INDIVIDUAL_MOLECULES: sets = energy_plots.find_sets_for_all_molecules(st) if len(sets) > 10: self.warning( 'Maximum of 10 molecules are supported with this option (%i found)' % len(sets)) return self.createEnergyPlotForSets(sets) elif plot_type == TPT.ENERGY_CUSTOM_SUBSTRUCTURE_SETS: dialog = energy_plots.CustomSubstructureSetsDialog(st, self) dialog.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) dialog.setsDefined.connect(self.createEnergyPlotForSets) elif plot_type == TPT.ENERGY_CUSTOM_ASL_SETS: dialog = energy_plots.CustomAslSetsDialog(st, self) dialog.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) dialog.setsDefined.connect(self.createEnergyPlotForSets) def _createAllInteractionsPlot(self): self.createPlotManager(iplots.MultiSeriesPlotManager, self.interactions_use_visible_atoms)
[docs] def createEnergyPlotForSets(self, sets): """ Submit a TrajectoryEnergyJobTask for given sets. A plot window will be created when the job completes. :param sets: Dict where keys are set names and values are ASLs. :type sets: dict """ if not self.validateTrajectory(): return cms_fpath, _ = self.entry_traj.getCMSPathAndTrajDir() base = fileutils.strip_extension(cms_fpath)[:-len('-out')] cfg_file = base + '-out.cfg' if not os.path.isfile(cfg_file): cfg_file = energy_plots.BrowseCfgFileDialog( cfg_file).askForNewCfgFile() if not cfg_file: # cancel pressed return return self.createPlotManager(tplots.EnergyPlotManager, cfg_file, sets)
[docs] def showRmsdSettingsDialog(self): """ Shows the RMSD Settings Dialog """
[docs] def showEnergySettingsDialog(self): """ Shows energy job settings dialog in modal mode. Called from "Job Settings..." menu item. """ self.job_settings_dlg.showDialog(show_cb=False)
def _onDisplayFrameAndAslRequested(self, fit_asl, eid, frame_idx): """ Load the specified frame into the Workspace and display asl. :param fit_asl: ASL to fit the Workspace view to :type fit_asl: str :param eid: Entry ID of the trajectory associated with the plot :type eid: int :param frame_idx: Frame to be loaded :type frame_idx: int """ self.displayFrameAndAsl.emit(fit_asl, eid, frame_idx) def _onDisplayAslRequested(self, fit_asl, eid): """ Propogates the signal for fitting asl in the Workspace. :param fit_asl: ASL to fit the Workspace view to :type fit_asl: str :param eid: Entry ID of the trajectory associated with the plot :type eid: int """ self.displayAsl.emit(fit_asl, eid)
[docs] def onNewPlotDataAvailable(self, plot_manager): """ Called when the given plot manager has finished creating the plot. For multi-series plots, it gets called for every series that is done. """ # Update the label showing the number of active tasks: self._updateStatusLabel() # If there is no plot widget present (this is the first task that # has completed), create one, and insert it into main panel: for plot_widget in self.plot_widgets: if plot_widget.plot == plot_manager: return plot_widget = self.createPlotWidget(plot_manager) self.plot_widgets.append(plot_widget) self.repaint()
[docs] def createPlotWidget(self, plot_manager): """ Create a new plot widget for displaying the given plot. For simple plots, a CollapsiblePlot is created. For advanced plots, a plot panel with AdvancedPlotShortcut is created. :param plot: Plot object containing the chart. :type plot: AbstractTrajectoryPlotManager :return: Plot widget. :rtype: tplots.CollapsiblePlot or tplots.AdvancedPlotShortcut """ plot_panel = plot_manager.createPanel() if plot_panel: # "advanced" plot. Shortcut widget opens plot panel when clicked. # Currently only "RMSF" and "Energy" plots have panels. plot_widget = plot_manager.createShortcutWidget(plot_panel) self._insertShortcut(plot_widget) else: # Simple plot (no plot panel; plot is inserted into main panel) plot_widget = plot_manager.createCollapsiblePlotWidget() self.ui.plots_layout.insertWidget(-1, plot_widget) plot_manager.deletePlot.connect(lambda: self.removePlot(plot_manager)) return plot_widget
def _insertShortcut(self, wdg): """ Inserts the shortcut widget into the advanced plot layout :param wdg: Shortcut widget :type wdg: AdvancedPlotShortcut """ parent_layout = self.ui.advanced_plots_layout inserted = False for idx in range(parent_layout.count()): row = parent_layout.itemAt(idx).widget() if row.hasSpace(): row.addWidget(wdg) inserted = True if not inserted: row = tplots.ShortcutRow() row.addWidget(wdg) parent_layout.insertWidget(-1, row) def _getShortcutCount(self): layout = self.ui.advanced_plots_layout count = 0 for idx in range(layout.count()): row = layout.itemAt(idx).widget() count += row.widgetCount() return count
[docs] def countPlotsOfType(self, mode): """ Count the number of plots with the given type that are present. """ num_plots = 0 for plot_manager in self.plot_managers: if plot_manager.task.input.analysis_mode == mode: num_plots += 1 return num_plots
[docs] def removePlot(self, plot_manager): """ Remove the given plot manager from the panel. If it has a plot widget associated with it, it will also be removed. :param plot_manager: Reference to the plot manager. :type plot_manager: AbstractTrajectoryPlotManager """ for plot_widget in self.plot_widgets: if plot_widget.plot == plot_manager: plot_widget.layout().removeWidget(plot_widget) self.plot_widgets.remove(plot_widget) plot_widget.close() plot_widget.deleteLater() break if plot_manager in self.plot_managers: self.plot_managers.remove(plot_manager) self.repaint()
[docs] def addWorkspaceMeasurements(self): """ Opens the workspace measurement banner, allowing the user to add measurements """ self._bannerman.closeBanner() maestro_hub = maestro_ui.MaestroHub.instance() maestro_hub.emitCreateMeasurementBanner()
[docs] def getPlotCount(self): """ :return: The current plots count. Used by :rtype: int """ return len(self.plot_managers)
def _onExportResultsClicked(self): """ Export results for all current plots to an Excel spreadsheet. """ # List of 2-tuples containing worksheet title and data sheets = self._generateExportData() if not sheets: self.warning('No data to export') return fname = filedialog.get_save_file_name(parent=self, caption="Save as Excel Workbook", filter="Excel (*.xlsx)") if not fname: return wb = openpyxl.Workbook() wb.remove(wb['Sheet'] ) # excel workbook default Sheet needs to be renamed/removed. for ws_idx, (sheet_title, data) in enumerate(sheets): if len(sheet_title) >= EXCEL_TITLE_MAX_LENGTH: sheet_title = sheet_title[:EXCEL_TITLE_MAX_LENGTH - 1] current_ws = wb.create_sheet(title=sheet_title, index=ws_idx) for row in data: current_ws.append(row) def _generateExportData(self): """ Return data for all trajectory, RMSF, and Energy plots, as a list of (sheet name, list of data). :return: Data for all tables to be exported. :rtype: list((str, list(list)) """ # Assemble export data, grouped by cms and separated by respective plot type. traj_export_data = defaultdict(list) rmsf_export_data = defaultdict(list) energy_export_data = defaultdict(list) for plot_widget in self.plot_widgets: plot = plot_widget.plot # NOTE: For multi-series interactions plots, the plot may not # have completed all series yet - see PANEL-20174 cms_title = plot.entry_traj.cms_model.title plot_type = plot.getPlotType() export_data = plot.getExportData() if plot_type == tplots.PlotDataType.TRAJECTORY: group_dict = traj_export_data # All trajectory plots go on the same sheet plot_title = 'Trajectory' elif plot_type == tplots.PlotDataType.RMSF: group_dict = rmsf_export_data plot_title = plot_widget.getPlotTitle() elif plot_type == tplots.PlotDataType.ENERGY: group_dict = energy_export_data plot_title = plot_widget.getPlotTitle() sheet_title = f'{cms_title} {plot_title}' group_dict[(plot.cms_fpath, sheet_title)].append(export_data) # TODO factor out duplication with above sheets = [] fmt_traj_export_data = self._formatTrajectoryExportData( traj_export_data) # Trajectory plot sheet for (_, sheet_title), current_data in fmt_traj_export_data.items(): sheets.append((sheet_title, current_data)) # One sheet for each advanced_exports = [rmsf_export_data, energy_export_data] for advanced_export_data in advanced_exports: for (_, sheet_title), cms_plot_data in advanced_export_data.items(): for current_data in cms_plot_data: sheets.append((sheet_title, current_data)) return sheets def _formatTrajectoryExportData(self, export_data): """ Format trajectory export data by combining data of same cms filename. """ fmt_traj_export_data = defaultdict(list) for cms_fname, cms_plot_data in export_data.items(): for plot_idx, current_data in enumerate(cms_plot_data): formatted_ws_data = fmt_traj_export_data[cms_fname] for row_idx, current_row in enumerate(current_data): # Strip off redundant timestamp and frame index if plot_idx == 0: formatted_ws_data.append(current_row) else: formatted_ws_data[row_idx].extend(current_row[2:]) return fmt_traj_export_data
[docs] def deletePlotsForEntry(self, eid): """ Remove plots associated with the specified entry id. :param eid: Entry ID to remove the plots of. :type eid: int """ for plot in self.plot_managers: if plot.entry_traj.eid == eid: self.removePlot(plot)
def _updateStatusLabel(self): """ Update the status label based on the currently running tasks. :param starting_task: Optional task that has just been started. :type task: traj_plot_models.TrajectoryAnalysisSubprocTask or traj_plot_models.TrajectoryEnergyJobTask """ num_running = sum([1 for pm in self.plot_managers if pm.isRunning()]) plural = 's' if num_running > 1 else '' msg = '' if num_running == 0 else f"{num_running} plot{plural} being generated..." self.ui.status_label.setText(f'<font color=#e8e8e8>{msg}</font>')
[docs] def onCurrentFrameChanged(self, frame): self.current_frame_idx = frame - 1
[docs] def showPlotWarning(self, msg): """ Show the given text in a warning dialog, with dialog title set to "Cannot Display Plot" instead of the standard "Warning" title. """ self.warning(msg, title="Cannot Display Plot")
panel = TrajAnalysisPlotPanel.panel if __name__ == "__main__": application.start_application(panel)