Source code for schrodinger.trajectory.trajectoryviewer

from schrodinger import get_maestro
from schrodinger.trajectory import utils
from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import snapshot_panel
from schrodinger.ui import maestro_ui

# Global instance of trajectory player toolbar.
# This toolbar is docked in the Maestro main window.
player_toolbar = None

# Global instance of trajectory snapshot panel.
frame_snapshot_panel = None
maestro = get_maestro()

[docs]def has_player_toolbar(): """ :rtype: bool :return: True if player toolbar instance is already created. """ return player_toolbar is not None
[docs]def has_snapshot_panel(): """ :rtype: bool :return: True if snapshot panel instance is already created. """ return frame_snapshot_panel is not None
[docs]def get_player_toolbar(): """ Return trajectory player toolbar or None if desmond is not available. """ if not utils.is_desmond_product_installed(): return None global player_toolbar if player_toolbar is None: from schrodinger.trajectory.trajectory_gui_dir import playertoolbar maestro_hub = maestro_ui.MaestroHub.instance() trj_hub = maestro_hub.getTrajectoryViewerHub() player_toolbar = playertoolbar.TrajectoryPlayer( trj_hub, maestro_hub.isMaterialsScienceProfileMode()) # It is set only via maestro. trj_layout = trj_hub.getTrajectoryPlayerLayout() if trj_layout is not None: # Add this widget in Maestro MainWindow trajectory player layout trj_layout.addWidget(player_toolbar) ws_hub = maestro_ui.WorkspaceHub.instance() ws_hub.inclusionChanged.connect(player_toolbar.inclusionUpdated) ws_hub.atomDisplayChanged.connect(player_toolbar.visibilityChanged) ws_hub.workspaceChanged.connect( player_toolbar.workspaceEntryStructureChanged) player_toolbar.showTrajectorySnapshotPanel.connect( lambda: setup_snapshot_panel(True)) trj_hub.stopTrajectoryAndExitSnapshotMode.connect( stop_player_and_exit_snapshot_mode) return player_toolbar
[docs]def include_only_entry(eid: int, unlock_locked_entries: bool): """ Include only given entry and exclude all other entries depending on unlocked locked entries option value. :param eid: Entry id to be included only. :param unlock_locked_entries: True if locked entries should be unlocked before including specified entry. """ if unlock_locked_entries: maestro.command('entrywsincludeunlock all') maestro.command(f'entrywsincludeonly entry {eid}')
[docs]def include_and_show_trajectory(eid: int, include_only: bool, unlock_locked_entries: bool): """ Include only given trajectory entry and display trajectory player. :param eid: Trajectory entry id. :param include_only: Exclude all other entries and include only given trajectory entry. :param unlock_locked_entries: Unlock locked entries if it is True. Note caller must pass valid trajectory entry id present in the project. """ if include_only: include_only_entry(eid, unlock_locked_entries) setup_player_toolbar(eid, True) # If snapshot panel is visible, we should update it as well. if has_snapshot_panel() and get_snapshot_panel().isVisible(): setup_snapshot_panel(True)
[docs]def include_and_show_trajectory_snapshot(eid: int, include_only: bool): """ Include only given trajectory entry and display trajectory snapshot panel. :param eid: Trajectory entry id. :param include_only: Exclude all other entries and include only given trajectory entry. Note caller must pass valid trajectory entry id present in the project. """ if include_only: include_only_entry(eid, True) snapshot_panel = get_snapshot_panel() # Maybe desmond is not installed. if snapshot_panel is None: return visible = get_player_toolbar().isVisible() setup_player_toolbar(eid, visible) setup_snapshot_panel(visible)
[docs]def setup_snapshot_panel(player_visible: bool): """ Setup snapshot panel and show it. :param player_visible: True if player is visible. """ snapshot_panel = get_snapshot_panel() snapshot_panel.updatePanel() snapshot_panel.setEnabledCurrentFrameOptions(player_visible) snapshot_panel.setVisible(True)
[docs]def setup_player_toolbar(eid, visible: bool): """ Setup player toolbar using given trajectory entry id. :param eid: Trajectory entry id. Note caller must pass valid trajectory entry id present in the project. """ player = get_player_toolbar() if player: player.setupTrajectory([eid], visible)
[docs]def get_snapshot_panel(): """ Construct trajectory snapshot panel instance. :rtype: snapshot_pane.SnapshotPanel :return: Snapshot panel instance or None if Desmond product is not installed. """ global frame_snapshot_panel if frame_snapshot_panel is None: player = get_player_toolbar() if player: frame_snapshot_panel = snapshot_panel.SnapshotPanel(player) player.currentFrameChanged.connect( frame_snapshot_panel.updateCurrentFrameLabel) player.trajectoryLoaded.connect(frame_snapshot_panel.updatePanel) player.trajectoryUnloaded.connect( lambda: frame_snapshot_panel.setEnabled(False)) player.closed.connect(lambda: frame_snapshot_panel. setEnabledCurrentFrameOptions(False)) frame_snapshot_panel.modeChanged.connect(player.snapshotModeChanged) frame_snapshot_panel.closed.connect(player.snapshotPanelClosed) frame_snapshot_panel.visibilityChanged.connect( player.setSnapshotPanelVisibility) frame_snapshot_panel.atomsColorChanged.connect( player.trj_hub.allAtomsChanged.emit) maestro_hub = maestro_ui.MaestroHub.instance() maestro_hub.aboutToQuitMaestro.connect( frame_snapshot_panel.aboutToQuitMaestro) return frame_snapshot_panel
[docs]def stop_player_and_exit_snapshot_mode(): """ If user includes non-trajectory entry, then stop player if it is running, and exit from snapshot mode if it is active. """ player = None if has_player_toolbar(): player = get_player_toolbar() snapshot = None if has_snapshot_panel(): snapshot = get_snapshot_panel() if player and player.isVisible() and player.player_active: player.frame_timer.stop() if snapshot and snapshot.isVisible() and player.is_snapshot_mode_active: player.snapshotModeChanged(False) snapshot.ui.display_snapshots_toolbutton.setChecked(False)