Source code for schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2.debug

from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2 import debug_gui
from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2 import debugcore

# Decorators
Use these decorators to automatically follow function/method calls.

debug_func tracks entry and exit every time the function is called

debug_func_args does the same and also reports argument values passed in and
return value


from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2 import debug

def foo(bar):
    print bar
    return bar + 1



16:19:18.132000   Functions   Enter: foo(4)
16:19:18.132000       Print   4
16:19:18.132000   Functions   Exit: foo. Returned: 5

# Imported functions
Use the log() function to generate debug output. This output only appears
when the debug viewer is started. Use a custom tag to label outputs.


>>> from schrodinger.ui.qt.appframework2 import debug
>>> debug.log('Hello world') # Shows no output
>>> debug.start_stdout_debug()
>>> debug.log('Hello world')
16:23:31.475000         Log   Hello world
>>> debug.log('Hello world', 'Testing') # Custom Tag
16:24:12.656000     Testing   Hello world


# General functions
Start and stop debug viewers. If no debug viewers are running, debug functions
are ignored. Starting a debug viewer also redirects stdout to that viewer
(this includes print statements).

[docs]def start_stdout_debug(): debugcore.start(debugcore.StdoutDebugViewer)
[docs]def start_file_debug(): debugcore.start(debugcore.FileDebugViewer)
[docs]def start_gui_debug(source_obj, globals=None, locals=None): debugcore.start(debug_gui.DebugViewer) debugcore.debug_viewer.setSourceObj(source_obj) debugcore.debug_viewer.setNamespace(globals, locals) debugcore.debug_viewer.raise_()
[docs]def stop_debug(): debugcore.stop()