Source code for schrodinger.application.combiglide.connection_storage

import copy
import random

from schrodinger.Qt import QtCore

ORIG_CONNECTION_COLORS = [[238, 162, 173], [191, 62, 255], [78, 238, 148],
                          [192, 192, 192], [72, 209, 204], [255, 193, 37],
                          [197, 193, 170], [202, 225, 255], [113, 113, 198],
                          [238, 238, 0]]

connection_colors = copy.deepcopy(ORIG_CONNECTION_COLORS)

[docs]def get_connection_color(i): """ Return the appropriate color for the i-th connection :param i: The connection number to get colors for :type i: int :return: The appropriate color, formatted as a list of three integers between 0 and 255 :rtype: list """ extend_connection_colors(i) return copy.copy(connection_colors[i])
# Return a copy so the calling scope can't modify connection_colors
[docs]def get_color_list(i): """ Return a list of colors from 0 to i :param i: The connection number to get colors up to :type i: int :return: A list of appropriate colors, where each color is formatted as a list of three integers between 0 and 255 :rtype: list """ extend_connection_colors(i) return copy.deepcopy(connection_colors[:i])
# Return a copy so the calling scope can't modify connection_colors
[docs]def get_flat_color_list(i): """ Return a flat list of colors from 0 to i :param i: The connection number to get colors up to :type i: int :return: A flat list of appropriate colors of length 3*i :rtype: list """ extend_connection_colors(i) flat_list = [] list(map(flat_list.extend, connection_colors[:i])) return flat_list
# We don't need to return a copy here since nothing in flat_list is linked # to connection_colors
[docs]def extend_connection_colors(idx): """ Make sure that connection_colors is at least as long as the requested length :param i: The desired length of connection_colors :type i: int """ num_to_extend = idx - len(connection_colors) + 1 if num_to_extend <= 0: return new_colors = [gen_random_color() for i in range(num_to_extend)] connection_colors.extend(new_colors)
[docs]def gen_random_color(): """ Generate a new random color :return: A random color, formatted as a list of three integers between 0 and 255 :rtype: list """ return [random.randint(0, 255) for i in range(3)]
[docs]def reset_colors(): """ Reset the connection_colors list back to its original state. Intended for use in unit testing """ global connection_colors connection_colors = copy.deepcopy(ORIG_CONNECTION_COLORS)
[docs]class ConnectionStorage(QtCore.QObject): """ This class is used to store the data of the current connection table. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(ConnectionStorage, self).__init__() self._data = {} self._changed = False self.ignorebp = False
def __iter__(self): tmpList = [] for bp in list(self._data): tmpList.append((self.getRow(bp), bp)) tmpList.sort() for row, bp in tmpList: yield bp
[docs] def reset(self): self._data = {} self._changed = False self.ignorebp = False
[docs] def collectionChanged(self): self._changed = True
[docs] def hasChanged(self): return self._changed
[docs] def changesSaved(self): self._changed = False
[docs] def addPair(self, bp, name="", csize=0, minlink=0, maxlink=0, cfile=0, bondToH=False, selected=False): """ Adds a bond pair to the list of bond pairs, and also creates a more or less empty data line for that data. Data in array: [Attachment name, collection size, min linkers, max linkers, collection file, table row] """ row = len(self._data) self._data[bp] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.setData(bp, name, csize, minlink, maxlink, cfile, row, bondToH, selected) self._changed = True return bp
[docs] def bondPair(self, a1, a2): if (a1, a2) in self: return (a1, a2) if (a2, a1) in self: return (a2, a1) return None
[docs] def switchPair(self, bp, newbp=False): if not newbp: newbp = (bp[1], bp[0]) self._data[newbp] = self._data[bp] if bp != newbp: del self._data[bp] self._changed = True
[docs] def changePair(self, oldbp, newbp): changeddata = self._data[newbp] self._data[newbp] = self._data[oldbp] self._data[oldbp] = changeddata self._changed = True
[docs] def deletePair(self, bp): row = self.getRow(bp) del self._data[bp] for bp2 in self._data: if self.getRow(bp2) > row: self.setRow(bp2, self.getRow(bp2) - 1) self._changed = True
[docs] def setData(self, bp, name, csize, minlink, maxlink, cfile, row, bondToH, selected): self._data[bp] = [ name, csize, minlink, maxlink, cfile, row, bondToH, selected ] self._changed = True
[docs] def setConnectionName(self, bp, cname): self._data[bp][0] = cname self._changed = True
[docs] def setConnectionSize(self, bp, csize): self._data[bp][1] = csize self._changed = True
[docs] def setConnectionFile(self, bp, cfile): self._data[bp][4] = cfile self._changed = True
[docs] def setRow(self, bp, row): self._data[bp][5] = row self._changed = True
[docs] def setSelected(self, bp, selected): self._data[bp][7] = selected
[docs] def getConnectionName(self, bp): return self._data[bp][0]
[docs] def getConnectionSize(self, bp): return self._data[bp][1]
[docs] def getConnectionFile(self, bp): return self._data[bp][4]
[docs] def getRow(self, bp): return self._data[bp][5]
[docs] def bondToH(self, bp): return self._data[bp][6]
[docs] def getSelected(self, bp): return self._data[bp][7]
[docs] def clearSelected(self): for bp in self._data: self.setSelected(bp, False)
[docs] def size(self): return len(self._data)
[docs] def getPairFromRow(self, num): for bp in self._data: if self.getRow(bp) == num: return bp return False
[docs] def getBondColorList(self): colorList = [] multiple_cores = self.containsMultipleCores() for bp in self: if self.bondToH(bp) or bp == self.ignorebp: continue i = self.getRow(bp) if multiple_cores: i -= 1 colorList += self.getConnectionColor(i) return colorList
[docs] def containsMultipleCores(self): bp = self.getPairFromRow(0) name = self.getConnectionName(bp) return (name == "Core")
[docs] def getConnectionColor(self, i): """ Return the appropriate connection color for the i-th connection :param i: The connection number to get the color for :type i: int :return: The appropriate color, formatted as a list of three integers between 0 and 255 :rtype: list """ return get_connection_color(i)
[docs] def setIgnorePair(self, bp): self.ignorebp = bp
[docs] def removeIgnorePair(self): self.ignorebp = False
[docs] def getBondList(self): retList = [] for bp in self: if self.bondToH(bp) or bp == self.ignorebp: continue retList.append(bp[1]) retList.append(bp[0]) retList.append(int(self.getSelected(bp))) return retList
[docs] def getBondListWithIgnored(self): retList = [] for bp in self: retList.append(bp[1]) retList.append(bp[0]) retList.append(int(self.getSelected(bp))) return retList
[docs] def getAtomList(self): atomList = [] for bp in self: if self.bondToH(bp) and bp != self.ignorebp: atomList.append(bp[0]) return atomList
[docs] def getCompleteBondList(self): atomList = [] for bp in self: atomList.append(bp[0]) atomList.append(bp[1]) return atomList
[docs] def getAtomColorList(self): colorList = [] for bp in self: if not self.bondToH(bp) or bp == self.ignorebp: continue i = self.getRow(bp) colorList += self.getConnectionColor(i) return colorList