Schrödinger Online Certification Courses

Scholarship Program

Schrödinger proudly supports the next generation of scientists and is committed to providing opportunities to students with limited resources. Partial and full scholarships for our Schrödinger Online Certification Courses are available for eligible students and postdocs.

Scholarship Program
background pattern

Application Requirements:

Confirm status as a full-time student or postdoc
Confirm status as a full-time student or postdoc
Demonstrate financial need
Demonstrate financial need
Include a signed letter of support as well as a brief personal statement
Include a signed letter of support as well as a brief personal statement
Confirm course choice and date range for the application
Confirm course choice and date range for the application

When to apply

Scholarship applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis and need to be submitted before the deadlines listed below to receive full consideration. Please expect to be notified on your application decision 1-2 weeks after the selected deadline.

  • September 13th: October, November and December sessions
  • December 13th: January, February and March sessions
  • March 14th: April, May and June sessions
  • June 13th: July, August, and September sessions

Student Experience

“I am deeply honored to have been awarded scholarships by Schrodinger, enabling me to partake in a series of courses centered around the intricate realm of small molecule drug discovery. In my experience, Schrodinger transcends the boundaries of a mere commercial software company”
Said Moshawih
Said MoshawihPhD student and Research Assistant, Universiti Brunei Darussalam Course Completed: Free Energy Calculations for Drug Design with FEP+
“The depth of knowledge, practical insights, and hands-on experience [this course] provided was truly remarkable. It has opened up new doors of opportunity and expanded my horizons. Thank you for this incredible learning experience!”
Zunaira AmjadPhD student, Silesian University of Technology Course Completed: Organic Electronics
“The online course afforded me the opportunity to learn the dynamics of computational drug discovery and the wealth of possibilities computational drug discovery possesses. So far, my successful completion helped me see how computational techniques can help in the discovery of [Hypertension drugs] and my personal academic project in nutraceutical development. Additionally, it has accentuated my ambition to venture into computational related research.”
Tatenda Mutengwa
Tatenda MutengwaStudent, University of Zimbabwe Course Completed: Introduction to Molecular Modeling in Drug Discovery
“I am grateful to Schrödinger’s Education team for allowing me to participate in this course via the scholarship program. Throughout the modules, I gained knowledge of new tools that have helped me to enhance and broaden my ongoing studies. The clarity and diversity of the interactive material have made this course an enjoyable and enriching experience.”
Paula BarberoStudent, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, Course Completed: Introduction to Molecular Modeling in Drug Discovery
“As a Chemical and Biological Engineer, I find this course to be very useful for Medicinal Chemists, Biological Engineers, Bio-Chemists, and anyone interested in pursuing a career in drug discovery/drug development.”
Muhammed Aadhil
Muhammed Aadhil Muhammed Fazlul HaqDoctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M University

Frequently asked questions

Need some more information? Check out these answers. Didn’t find what you are looking for? Please contact the Schrödinger Education team at

When should I apply for a scholarship? When do scholarship applications close?

Please note that scholarship applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis for upcoming sessions. We highly encourage you to apply early for the course period you are interested in, and to use the application deadline table above for guidance. Please note that if the course or month you are applying for is not available, applications may be closed for that review period.

Which courses have Schrödinger Scholarships available?

To see the full collection of Schrödinger Online Certification Courses, please visit our webpage. If applying for a scholarship for one of our advanced courses (for which previous Maestro use is a requirement), please be sure to have your academic advisor describe how you have previously used the software in their letter of support. You are welcome to apply for a scholarship for any course listed on the online application form. Please note that if the course or month you are applying for is not available, applications may be closed for that review period.

Does the scholarship cover full tuition?

Scholarships range in award value. Full scholarships cover the entire cost of the course, while partial scholarships bring the overall cost down significantly. Once enrolled, Schrödinger Online Courses include temporary access to Schrödinger software and support for hands-on exercises and case studies for the duration of the session.

Can I apply my scholarship towards multiple courses?

No, scholarship awards are course-specific and you may only apply for one scholarship per application. If you have completed a course and wish to apply for another scholarship a new application will be required. To ensure our scholarship opportunities have a wide reach and benefit as many applicants as possible we are typically unable to provide repeat scholarships for an individual within a 12 month period. We recommend that you spend time reviewing the course overviews to decide which course best fits your learning goals and describing this in your application; concurrent applications for multiple or overlapping course sessions will not be considered.

If I don’t meet the scholarship requirements what can I do?

We recommend applying for research funding at your institution, or looking for independent small grants to fund your registration.

Can I apply for more than one scholarship at a time?

While you are welcome to submit multiple scholarship applications, only one scholarship award can be provided at a time, with preference given to applicants that have not previously received financial assistance. To ensure our scholarship opportunities have a wide reach and benefit as many applicants as possible we are typically unable to provide repeat scholarships for an individual within a 12 month period.

When do I find out if I have been awarded a scholarship?

Scholarship recipients will be notified via email approximately two weeks after the quarterly deadline with award information and details on how to complete course registration. Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received a Schrödinger scholarship.

Why am I being asked what month(s) I would like to take the course?

We have some flexibility for providing scholarships to applicants. By choosing the months you are able to take the course, we are able to best work with you to find a start date that works with your schedule.

What should I include in my personal statement, and what constitutes a signed letter of support?

We recommend that you spend time reviewing the course overviews to decide which course best fits your learning goals, and then describe how you feel your chosen course will benefit you in your application. Please also describe why the course contents will be useful to you, be sure to tell us why you have financial need for a scholarship, including any evidence of how you have sought out and exhausted other funding options. An up-to-date, signed, letter of support from your academic advisor is required to ensure that you meet the student or postdoctoral researcher criteria for a Schrödinger scholarship. This letter should be written by your advisor, and should include their name, institution, signature, and the date signed. The letter of support should detail why your advisor feels this course would be valuable for you, and may reiterate why you have financial need for a scholarship. If applying for a scholarship for one of our advanced courses (for which previous Maestro use is a requirement), be sure to additionally have your academic advisor describe how you have previously used the software in their letter of support.