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Schrödinger Inc. Statement on human trafficking / modern slavery

Schrödinger is the scientific leader in developing state-of-the-art chemical simulation software for use in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and materials research. We develop and test advanced computational software, and we employ a diverse workforce of scientists, developers, managers, directors, and legal experts. We are not aware of any areas of our operations and supply chain likely to lead to breaches of modern slavery and human trafficking legislation in any of our international locations.

Employee code of conduct and policies 
We provide employees with an anonymous whistleblower hotline to raise concerns anonymously, and maintain an active system for employees to report violations of our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics to our Ethics Representative. The company, in consultation with its Audit Committee where appropriate, works to make sure all complaints and alleged violations are fully investigated and resolved.

Employment practices 
Schrödinger is dedicated to creating a vibrant and inclusive workplace, where every employee is treated with respect and dignity, manifested in all areas of the company from recruiting to sales to scientific development. We place the highest value on creating a safe environment where our employees can grow and contribute, supported by the company’s policies on equal employment opportunity and anti-discrimination and our initiatives in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. Our employment practices are compliant with applicable employment and health and safety legislation in the countries where we operate. Additionally, we require all employees to deal honestly, ethically and fairly with our suppliers, customers and competitors. We remain confident that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking taking place within our direct global presence as we employ a highly professional and educated workforce of scientists, developers and managers, and we engage in virtual/digital transactions significantly more than other firms such as those in the manufacturing and retail industries.

We are not aware of any modern slavery or human trafficking taking place in our business or supply chain, and we shall continue to apply appropriate and risk-based due diligence processes to ensure compliance with all national and international legislation on modern slavery and human trafficking.

For and on behalf of Schrödinger, Inc. 
Ramy Farid
Chief Executive Officer
19th May 2021