A modern advance in molecular visualization and animation
A modern advance in molecular visualization and animation
Hundreds of thousands of scientists worldwide choose PyMOL to view, share, and analyze their molecular data.
In addition to being lightweight and fast, PyMOL creates images of peerless visualization quality, while offering the flexibility of Python-based development and scalability.
The new top toolbar provides easy access to some common actions such as changing the selection mode, reorienting the camera, and launching various panels.
The new scenes panel allows the user to quickly store a snapshot of the workspace. These scenes can be easily recalled and now feature convenient thumbnails that can be recognized at a glance.
The redesigned contents panel displays all objects and selections that are currently loaded into PyMOL. The ASHLC buttons allow the user to perform various actions including showing/hiding representations, applying specific colors, finding interactions, and much more.
The new timeline line is used to interpolate between values, show changes over time, and create insightful movies that breathe life into otherwise static systems. Simple movies can be created by adding scenes to the main camera track.
Learn how to unlock the power of movie making in PyMOL with our Visualizing Science with PyMOL 3 Online Certification Course.
Community-run support site that provides detailed pages on various features and commands. Additional resources and examples can be found in the “Quick Links” section.