
Content Library


  • Publication
  • Sep 8, 2015
Reversible Dioxygen Binding to Hemerythrin
Wirstam, et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2003, 125, 3980-3987
  • Publication
  • Sep 8, 2015
Macrocycle Conformational Sampling with MacroModel
Watts, et al. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2014, 54(10), 2680-2696
  • Publication
  • Sep 8, 2015
Mixed ab initio QM/MM Modeling Using Frozen Orbitals and Tests with Alanine Dipeptide and Tetrapeptide
Philipp, et al. J. Comp. Chem., 1999, 20, 1468-1494
  • Publication
  • Sep 8, 2015
Optimization of CAMD techniques 3. Virtual screening enrichment studies: a help or hindrance to tool selection?
Good, et al. J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des., 2008, 22, 169-178
  • Publication
  • Sep 8, 2015
Exploring Conformational Search Protocols for Ligand-based Virtual Screening and 3-D QSAR Modeling
Cappel, et al. J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des., 2015, 29(2), 165-182
  • Publication
  • Sep 8, 2015
Computational Validation of the Importance of Absolute Stereochemistry in Virtual Screening
Brooks, et al. J. Chem. Inf. Model, 2008, 48, 639-645

Case Studies


Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 2024 Event Materials Science
  • Jul 28th – Aug 1st, 2024
Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 2024

Schrödinger is excited to be participating in the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 2024 taking place on July 28th – August 1st in Lexington, Kentucky.

Schrödinger Pharmaceutical Formulation Day Japan 2024 Event Life Science
  • Aug 1, 2024
Schrödinger Pharmaceutical Formulation Day Japan 2024


8th International Conference on Vibrational Optical Activity Event Materials Science
  • Aug 4th-8th, 2024
8th International Conference on Vibrational Optical Activity

Schrödinger is excited to be participating in the 8th International Conference on Vibrational Optical Activity taking place on August 4th – 8th in Bochum, Germany.


  • Publication
  • Jun 19, 2024
Structures of synaptic vesicle protein 2A and 2B bound to anticonvulsants
Mittal A, et al. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 2024
  • Publication
  • Apr 23, 2024
FEP augmentation as a means to solve data paucity problems for machine learning in chemical biology
Burger PB, et al. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2024, 64(9), 3812–3825


Empowering scientists with integrated AI/ML modeling for rapid molecular property predictions Webinar Life Science
  • Aug 13, 2024
Empowering scientists with integrated AI/ML modeling for rapid molecular property predictions

In this webinar, we will present LiveDesign Learning, a new module in Schrödinger’s LiveDesign collaborative enterprise informatics platform, for training and deploying state-of-the-art AI/ML models with minimal manual intervention.

From Potential Energy to Free Energy 从势能到自由能–薛定谔的FEP+及物理驱动平台如何革新制药行业的计算药物发现 Webinar Life Science
Modern Virtual Screening Technologies 利用薛定谔数字化平台进行现代虚拟筛选 Webinar Life Science

White Papers

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Latest insights from Extrapolations blog

With FEP+, “The Experiment is the Limit.”
With FEP+, “The Experiment is the Limit.”

Over the past century, small molecule drugs have represented the dominant modality in drug research, enabling medical breakthroughs that have saved countless lives.

Tackling Drug Solubility: AbbVie and Schrödinger Collaborate to Advance Accurate Prediction Methods (FEP)
Tackling Drug Solubility: AbbVie and Schrödinger Collaborate to Advance Accurate Prediction Methods

The complexity and size of drug candidates has grown in recent years as scientists pursue novel targets once considered undruggable.

Can AlphaFold Models be Used for Structure-Based Drug Design? A Perspective Two Years In Blog
Can AlphaFold Models be Used for Structure-Based Drug Design? A Perspective Two Years In

We recently sat down with Edward Miller, Senior Director of Protein Structure Modeling at Schrödinger, to discuss his experience using AlphaFold models for SBDD.

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