

Please find within this page details around utilizing Schrödinger’s software and services within the Petrochemical industry.

Petrochemical Presentation

Download our Petrochemical presentation to learn more about Schrödinger and our software capabilities.

Webinars and White Papers

Purposeful simulation: Maximising impact in surface chemistry modelling Webinar Materials Science
Purposeful simulation: Maximising impact in surface chemistry modelling

In this webinar, learn about a variety of atomistic models of surfaces and gain perspective on the underlying rationale, benefits and limitations of each.

Driving-innovation-in-polymer-r&d-with-molecular-simulation-&-machine-learning_hero White Paper Materials Science
Accelerating the Design of Asymmetric Catalysts with Schrödinger’s Digital Chemistry Platform Webinar Materials Science
Accelerating the Design of Asymmetric Catalysts with Schrödinger’s Digital Chemistry Platform

In this webinar, we demonstrate how Schrödinger’s advanced digital chemistry platform can be used to accelerate the direct design and discovery of asymmetric catalysts.

Accelerating catalysis and reactivity r&d with atomic-scale simulation, machine learning, and enterprise informatics_hero White Paper Materials Science