A state-of-the-art protein-protein docking program


Understand and predict protein-protein interactions at the atomic level

PIPER is a well-validated protein-protein docking program based on a multi-staged approach and advanced numerical methods that generates reliable structures of protein-protein complexes. Based on docking code from the Vajda lab at Boston University, PIPER has a proven track record as an outstanding predictor of protein-protein complexes as judged by previous CAPRI (Critical Assessment of Prediction of Interactions) blind experiments.

Key Capabilities

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Easily set up  and run protein-protein docking computations using the intuitive biologics interface, BioLuminate
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Rapidly sample and score billions of relative orientations of interacting proteins using PIPER’s efficient Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) approach, along with accurate pairwise potentials
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Increase the number of near-native conformations in the initial selection of poses relative to other FFT-based docking programs, while reducing the number of false positives 
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Improve results using specialized potentials optimized for specific classes of protein–protein complexes such as antibody-antigen and enzyme-inhibitor pairs
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Use experimental data to bias selection of the correct pose by applying a broad range of constraints, including attractive or repulsive biasing constraints or declare specific residues to be buried

Documentation & Tutorials

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Life Science
Antibody Visualization and Modeling in BioLuminate

Visualize, build, and evaluate antibody models, analyze an antibody for various characteristics, dock an antigen to an antibody.

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Browse the list of peer-reviewed publications using Schrödinger technology in related application areas.

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Performance and Its Limits in Rigid Body Protein-Protein Docking
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Investigating Protein-Peptide Interactions Using the Schr’dinger Computational Suite
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Selection of Nanobodies that Block the Enzymatic and Cytotoxic Activities of the Binary Clostridium Difficile Toxin CDT
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Consensus Induced Fit Docking (cIFD): Methodology, validation, and application to the discovery of novel Crm1 inhibitors
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The 4th meeting on the Critical Assessment of Predicted Interaction (CAPRI) held at the Mare Nostrum, Barcelona
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DARS (Decoys As the Reference State) Potentials for Protein-Protein Docking
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PIPER: An FFT-based protein docking program with pairwise potentials

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