AUG 6, 2024

Computational Catalysis at Schrödinger

The CSIR in South Africa hosts a national academic license to many of Schrödinger’s modeling software.  Use of these molecular modeling tools are free to registered academics in South Africa.  This webinar will highlight the digital simulation tools specifically for Catalysis & Reactivity.  The topics covered will include:

  • Homogeneous Catalysis

  • Heterogeneous Catalysis

The presentation will also explain how to gain access to these tools, what are the free training options, and details on certified intensive training options.

Our Speaker

Pavel Dub

Senior Principal Scientist, Schrödinger

Pavel A. Dub serves as a Senior Principal Scientist and Product Manager for Reactivity & Catalysis at Schrödinger, Inc. He holds a PhD in Chemistry from the A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, as well as a second PhD from the Université de Toulouse. Following two postdoctoral fellowships at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and the Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he later held a position as Staff Scientist, Pavel A. Dub joined Schrödinger, Inc. in 2022. His research endeavors encompass computational chemistry across classical and quantum architectures.