Collaborative research opportunity

Collaborative research opportunity

Call for collaborative research proposals

Schrödinger’s therapeutics group is inviting proposals from the academic community for innovative approaches to target and treat human diseases with small molecule drugs. Our industry-leading computational platform, coupled with our scientific expertise in drug discovery, can facilitate the rapid acceleration of your discoveries and hypotheses to the clinical development candidate stage. 

The goal of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to support translational research from breakthrough academic research, which has identified novel and differentiated drug targets for the treatment of diseases with clear unmet needs. This funding mechanism enables the advancement of novel and validated drug targets discovered in academia and for which academic researchers lack adequate resources or expertise for drug discovery and development.

Learn more about the collaborative research opportunity

How to Apply

Letter of Intent (LOI)

Please provide a maximum two-page executive summary of your project proposal. Please outline the goal of the project, including the target and indication, a summary of target validation, and an overview of the key resources, capabilities and expertise of the submitting scientist(s) and organization(s). You are invited to include rationale for why you want to collaborate with Schrödinger on this project.

A non-confidential slide deck that could provide further key information for consideration is optional.

Deadline for submission: February 18th, 2024.

Submit LOI

Full Application

We will review the submitted LOI for scientific rationale, suitability of the target to our platform, and alignment to our therapeutic mission. Successful proposals will be invited to submit a full application for review.

Please only provide non-confidential information in your proposal. If confidential information would strengthen your proposal, please indicate that this information is available to share under a Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA). After initial review of the non-confidential application, we will put in place a CDA for confidential discussions where a project requires further consideration.