
Easy-to-use pharmacophore modeling solution for ligand- and structure-based drug design

Create and validate pharmacophore hypotheses

Identify novel hits with pharmacophore screening

Phase is an intuitive pharmacophore modeling tool that allows assessment of compounds based on the steric and electronic features of molecules known to have biological activity. Phase employs a unique common pharmacophore perception algorithm designed for use in both lead optimization and virtual screening, and helps create understanding of an unknown binding site in the absence of a protein structure.

Key Capabilities

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Easily setup, execute, and analyze pharmacophore screening with an intuitive user interface
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Screen and determine the spatial arrangement of chemical features that interact with a receptor and use the binding information to better identify novel compounds and chemotypes that are likely to bind to the target receptor
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Create hypotheses from protein-ligand complexes, apo proteins, or from ligands and selectively merge hypotheses features to create hybrid models 
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Exercise precise control over pharmacophore creation, generation and screening
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Rapidly and thoroughly sample conformational, ionization, and tautomeric states, with optional minimization using the best-in-class OPLS4 force field to create a phase database 
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Benefit from fully prepared databases of purchasable compounds from Enamine, MilliporeSigma, MolPort and Mcule for out-of-the-box screening

Save compute time and effort using prepared commercial libraries for Phase

Schrödinger has partnered with leading providers to help you access commercial databases of fragments, lead-like, near drug-like, and drug-like compounds ranging from millions to billions of compounds encompassing a vast chemical space.

Case StudyCase-study_Nimbus-ACC

Discovery of a novel, potent ACC inhibitor driven by computationally-guided design and assessment of water energetics in the binding site

See how Nimbus identified potent, selective inhibitors using a virtual screening workflow guided by hydration energetics.

read the case study

Documentation & Tutorials

Get answers to common questions and learn best practices for using Schrödinger’s software.

Life Science Tutorial

Ligand-based Screening for Ultra-Large Libraries with Quick Shape and the Hit Analyzer

Perform a Quick Shape screening on a library of 20000 compounds and analyze the results.

Life Science Tutorial

Ligand-Based Virtual Screening Using Phase

Create and analyze pharmacophore hypotheses from congeneric and diverse ligand sets

Life Science Tutorial

Structure-Based Virtual Screening Using Phase

Create and analyze pharmacophore models generated from a protein-ligand complex

Life Science Tutorial

Rapid Screening of Chemical Libraries with GPU Shape

Perform rapid shape-based screening of a 20,000 compound chemical library with GPU Shape.

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Browse the list of peer-reviewed publications using Schrödinger technology in related application areas.

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ePharmaLib: A Versatile Library of e-Pharmacophores to Address Small-Molecule (Poly-)Pharmacology

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A Comprehensive Ligand Based Mapping of the ‘2 Receptor Binding Pocket

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Discovery of Thienoquinolone Derivatives as Selective and ATP Non-Competitive CDK5/p25 Inhibitors by Structure-Based Virtual Screening

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Optimization, Pharmacophore Modeling and 3D-QSAR Studies of Sipholanes as Breast Cancer Migration and Proliferation Inhibitors

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Multiple e-pharmacophore modeling combined with high-throughput virtual screening and docking to identify potential inhibitors of ‘-Secretase(BACE1)

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IDSite: An Accurate Approach to Predict P450-Mediated Drug Metabolism

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PHASE: A New Engine for Pharmacophore Perception, 3D QSAR Model Development, and 3D Database Screening. 1. Methodology and Preliminary Results

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PHASE: A Novel Approach to Pharmacophore Modeling and 3D Database Searching

Training & Resources

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Level up your skill set with hands-on, online molecular modeling courses. These self-paced courses cover a range of scientific topics and include access to Schrödinger software and support.


Learn how to deploy the technology and best practices of Schrödinger software for your project success. Find training resources, tutorials, quick start guides, videos, and more.