Automated, scalable solution for the training and application of predictive machine learning models
Automated, scalable solution for the training and application of predictive machine learning models
DeepAutoQSAR is a machine learning (ML) solution that allows users to predict molecular properties based on chemical structure. The automated, supervised learning pipeline enables both novice and experienced users to train and inference best-in-class quantitative structure activity/property relationship (QSAR/QSPR) models.
Automatically compute descriptors and fingerprints, create models with multiple machine learning architectures, and evaluate model performance.
Provide your own descriptors in CSV format to be used in addition to or instead of those generated by DeepAutoQSAR for a wide range of applications beyond small molecules, such as polymers, organic electronics, catalysis, and more.
Employ QSAR/QSPR best practices to minimize the likelihood of overfitting or misrepresenting a model’s performance while ensuring maximum predictive model performance.
DeepAutoQSAR provides uncertainty estimates alongside model predictions to help determine how much confidence should be placed on predictions generated for candidate molecules which may lie beyond the model’s training set.
Visualize color-coded atomic contributions towards target property facilitating ideation of novel chemistry. Visualize and analyze DeepAutoQSAR metrics reports and plots in Maestro to enable further experiments — quickly learn what model architectures are most effective and how models generalize on holdout sets.
Use classical ML methods like boosted trees on smaller datasets while also supporting the largest scale QSAR/QSPR models using graph neural networks and other modern deep learning approaches.
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Secure, scalable environment for running simulations on the cloud
Fully-integrated, cloud-based design system for ultra-large scale chemical space exploration and refinement
Quantum mechanics solution for rapid and accurate prediction of molecular structures and properties
Automated machine learning tools for materials science applications
Integrated graphical user interface for nanoscale quantum mechanical simulations
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