MS Transport

Efficient molecular dynamics (MD) simulation tool for predicting liquid viscosity and diffusions of atoms and molecules

Materials Science


MS Transport provides access to molecular dynamics (MD) simulation workflows for calculating shear viscosity and the isotropic and anisotropic diffusion coefficients for a particular type of atom or molecule. From the diffusion of Li+ ions in battery polymers to the viscosity of solvents, the equilibrium MD based workflows in MS Transport provide valuable insight into the performance of materials.

Key Capabilities

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Leverage high-speed MD with Desmond to calculate diffusion and viscosity in industrially-relevant clock times
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Calculate diffusion of gasses through matrices, ions through battery polymers, and additives in plastics with user-friendly workflows and analysis viewers
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Predict viscosity with the latest equilibrium molecular dynamics approaches
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Calculate transport properties at desired temperatures and explore the temperature dependance of diffusion and viscosity
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Visualize mean squared displacement  and pressure correlation plots
FeaturedMolecular dynamics simulations accelerate the development and optimization of recyclable tire materials

Molecular dynamics simulations accelerate the development and optimization of recyclable tire materials

Scientists from Evonik and Schrödinger gain a deeper understanding of the impact of additives and macrocyclic structures on trans-polyoctenamer rubber (TOR).

read the case study

Broad applications across materials science research areas

Get more from your ideas by harnessing the power of large-scale chemical exploration and accurate in silico molecular prediction.

Polymeric Materials
Energy Capture & Storage
Pharmaceutical Formulations & Delivery
Consumer Packaged Goods

Documentation & Tutorials

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Materials Science Tutorial

Liquid Electrolyte Properties: Part 1

Learn to perform a variety of calculations on a liquid electrolyte system using Materials Science (MS) Maestro. These properties include: density, radial distribution function, viscosity, and dielectric properties such as polarizability, refractive index, and dielectric constant.

Materials Science Tutorial

Liquid Electrolyte Properties: Part 2

Learn to perform a variety of calculations on a liquid electrolyte system using Materials Science (MS) Maestro. These properties include: determining the radial distribution function, performing cluster analysis, and calculating the diffusion coefficient.

Materials Science Tutorial


Learn to use the Diffusion Coefficient Calculations and Results panels to study diffusion for a Li, TFSI and PEG system.

Materials Science Tutorial


Calculate shear viscosities of a series of alkanes.

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High-performance molecular dynamics (MD) engine providing high scalability, throughput, and scientific accuracy

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Complete modeling environment for your materials discovery

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A modern, comprehensive force field for accurate molecular simulations


Efficient coarse-grained (CG) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for large systems over long time scales

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Force Field Builder

Efficient tool for optimizing custom torsion parameters in OPLS4


Browse the list of peer-reviewed publications using Schrödinger technology in related application areas.

Materials Science

Conformers influence on UV-absorbance of avobenzone

Materials Science

Synthesis, computational studies and evaluation of benzisoxazole tethered 1,2,4-triazoles as anticancer and antimicrobial agents

Materials Science

Unveiling a Novel Solvatomorphism of Anti-inflammatory Flufenamic Acid: X-ray Structure, Quantum Chemical, and In Silico Studies

Materials Science

Modified t-butyl in tetradentate platinum (II) complexes enables exceptional lifetime for blue-phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes

Materials Science

Insights into the binding mechanism of 2,5-substituted 4-pyrone derivatives as therapeutic agents for fused dimeric interactions: A computational study using QTAIM, dynamics and docking simulations of protein–ligand complexes

Materials Science

Probing the photostability of avobenzone with N-acetylcysteine using UV spectroscopy, computational studies and integration into aloe vera gel

Materials Science

Self-Assembled Tamoxifen-Selective Fluorescent Nanomaterials Driven by Molecular Structural Similarity

Materials Science

Understanding the Effect of the Oil-to-Surfactant Ratio on Eugenol Oil-in-Water Nanoemulsions Using Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Investigations

Materials Science

Molecular Simulations of Low-Shrinkage Dental Resins Containing Methacryl-Based Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS)

Materials Science

Exploring the effects of wetting and free fatty acid deposition on an atomistic hair fiber surface model incorporating Keratin Associated Protein 5-1

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