WScore Beta

Advanced docking and scoring solution powered by water network analysis

WScore Beta

Improve the accuracy of protein-ligand poses by leveraging explicit water energetics

WScore is a sophisticated solution for protein–ligand docking and scoring that leverages explicit water energetics in the binding site to more accurately score ligand poses. When used as part of a modern large-scale virtual screening workflow that includes Active Learning Glide docking and highly accurate Absolute Binding FEP+ calculations (ABFEP+), WScore can efficiently rescore and prioritize ligands to improve hit enrichment rates.

Perform enhanced pose prediction

Purple Check
Generate more reliable predictions of ligand binding poses by incorporating a flexible description of explicit water molecules
Purple Check
Improve the identification and optimization of potential binding modes needed for the development of potent and selective compounds

Accurately score leads to improve rank ordering

Purple Check
Incorporate WScore into a virtual screening funnel to accurately rescore ligands in order to more effectively prioritize compounds for experimental testing or more advanced ABFEP+ scoring

Reduce false positives in virtual screens

Purple Check
Reduce false positives by filtering out compounds that are incompatible with the target binding site
Purple Check
Synthesize and test dramatically fewer compounds as a result of a more efficient virtual screening process

Case studies & webinars

Discover how Schrödinger technology is being used to solve real-world research challenges.

Dramatically improving hit rates with a modern virtual screening workflow

Expect success: Modern virtual screening technologies that actually deliver high-quality, developable hits

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Browse the list of peer-reviewed publications using Schrödinger technology in related application areas.

Life Science
WScore: A flexible and accurate treatment of explicit water molecules in ligand−receptor docking

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