MS Reactivity

Automatic workflows for accurate prediction of reactivity and catalysis

Materials Science: Reactivity


MS Reactivity offers two highly automated modules for modeling in molecular chemistry and catalysis. The first module, Automated Reaction Workflow (AutoRXNWF), is intended for chemical reaction and reactivity optimization with quantum mechanics based on a user-defined library and a reference reaction. One example of the application of AutoRXNWF is molecular catalyst design. The second module, Nanoreactor, is intended to identify reaction products for any reaction and sort them based on thermodynamics principles. This is achieved via automated potential energy surface (PES) sampling with semiempirical metadynamics, PES refinement, and sorting based on free energies. One of the applications of Nanoreactor is the study of small molecule degradation products without any prior knowledge.


The high-throughput AutoRXNWF represents the first-ever computational workflow that can predict both a catalyst’s selectivity (regio-, chemo- and/or enantioselectivity) and turnover frequency (TOF) from quantum mechanics. The workflow offers optional conformational search and geometry pre-optimization with classical force fields and/or extended tight-binding (xTB) and runs (pseudospectral) density functional theory (DFT) at the last stage. Among various output properties, machine learning (ML) descriptors are also available on demand.

Automated reaction workflow.

Key Capabilities

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Run automated quantum-mechanics-based screening of reaction paths generated from a reference reaction and user defined r-group libraries
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Automatically compute selectivity, TOF, and identify energetic span and determining states
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Perform conformational sampling and Boltzmann averaging


Chemical degradation is the process by which chemical substances undergo structural changes, leading to the breakdown of their molecular integrity into simpler chemical compounds. This process is at the heart of chemical failure and material lifetime, natural degradation and aging, and recycling. It unfolds through diverse mechanisms, among which thermal decomposition, photolysis, oxidation, and hydrolysis are the most prevalent. With Schrödinger’s Nanoreactor, you can effortlessly discern all potential degradation products for small molecules and categorize them based on thermodynamic principles. Simply furnish the input structure and click the run button to unlock a comprehensive analysis.

Input (XYZ, SMILES) Potential Energy Surface sampling. Sorting.

Key Capabilities

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Automatically explore potential energy surface through semiempirical metadynamics, landscape refinement, and density functional theory-based sorting
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Predict reaction products without any prior knowledge
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Run simulations with minimal computational resources (e.g. on a laptop)

Case studies & webinars

Discover how Schrödinger technology is being used to solve real-world research challenges.

An automated workflow for rapid large-scale computational screening to meet the demands of modern catalyst development

Accelerating the Design of Asymmetric Catalysts with a Digital Chemistry Platform

Documentation & Tutorials

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Materials Science

Learn to leverage the nanoreactor tool to explore chemical compound and reaction space without any prior knowledge of the reaction products.

Materials Science
Microkinetic Modeling

Learn to generate a microkinetic model to study the activity of a heterogeneous catalyst for COO (carbon monoxide oxidation).

Materials Science
Activation Energies for Reactivity in Solids and on Surfaces

Learn to model the transition state of a reaction of a small molecule on a surface via the nudged elastic band method.

Materials Science
Reaction Workflow for Polyethylene Insertion

Calculate polyethylene insertion reaction barriers for a novel catalyst based on a template catalyst.

Materials Science
Design of Asymmetric Catalysts with Automated Reaction Workflow

Use automated reaction workflow (AutoRXNWF) and related tools to design asymmetric molecular catalysts based on enantioselectivity

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